Still a Bottomless Pit IV
by E. L. Core
Why isn’t this figure newsworthy?
Why isn’t this figure newsworthy?
Why isn’t this figure newsworthy?
More money, fewer jobs.
Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders thinks he can wave a magic government wand, impose lots of new taxes and government programs and make the world grand. Reality has another notion. Take the minimum wage. Bernie says he’ll raise it to $15 an hour, more than doubling it. If I worked at a fast-food restaurant for […]
Oil prices are important in high-income and developing countries.
The National Catholic Educational Association paints a bleak picture for Catholic education in America. There are currently only 6,568 Catholic schools remaining in the USA. During 2014 an additional 88 schools closed or consolidated, while only 27 new schools opened. About 2 million students attend Catholic schools, of which 328,000 plus are non-Catholic. This is […]
Isn’t this number newsworthy?
Twenty-four states say Yes, he has.
America will be a more dangerous and poorer place.
Shouldn’t this figure be newsworthy?
Earth Hour: dumbest idea ever?
Obama’s and Reagan’s policies for economic recovery were completely different.
Our standard of living depends on the production of wealth.
We are asked to ignore the simplest hypothesis that the earth’s climate is ever changing.
The rich get richer when they use government to marginalize the poor.