Category: The Catholic Family

Book Review: <i>Imitating Mary</i>

Book Review: Imitating Mary


What can mothers today learn from a poor Jewish woman who lived two thousand years ago? If the woman in question is Our Blessed Mother, the answer is everything. Marge Fenelon explores ten of these lessons in the new book, Imitating Mary: Ten Marian Virtues for the Modern Mom (Ave Maria Press, 2013). Fenelon writes […]

Understanding Sunday Mass - A Kid's View

Understanding Sunday Mass – A Kid’s View


How many times have you — as a parent — sat in Mass and not heard a word the priest said because you were playing referee, peacekeeper, or bad cop in the pew? Since I can answer that question in the triple digits, I was thrilled to learn about the new DVD “Understanding Sunday Mass: A […]

This is Our Time

This is Our Time


Graduation from college is a transition from working towards a goal to accomplishing it. Some are ready to save the world while others simply want to make their mark in it, but either way, it is the threshold of new possibilities. Inevitably however, within any group of graduates, time brings surprises both good and bad.  […]

Finally Finding Focus: Our ADHD Story

Finally Finding Focus: Our ADHD Story


I didn’t use to believe in medication for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).  Truth be told, I didn’t used to believe in ADHD at all. Nobody was ever diagnosed with it when I was a kid back in the 1970s. Now, it seems to be everywhere. “Perhaps as many as two million American kids” now […]

Book Review: <i>Dear God, I Don't Get It</i>

Book Review: Dear God, I Don’t Get It


Dear God, I Don’t Get It by Patti Maguire Armstrong Liguori Publications, 2013 Why does God answer some prayers and not others? This is a question that plagues even adults. Sometimes, we pray so hard and think we know what God should do in our lives. And then, God does something else or He does […]

Is It Really About Catholic Identity?

Is It Really About Catholic Identity?


Imagine a Bishop exercising his rightful authority to assure authentic Catholic teaching and practice in Catholic Schools. If this proposition sounds reasonable, then you will find Bishop Vasa of the Diocese of Santa Rosa, CA to be a reasonable man. He had requested/required that all Catholic School teachers to publicly affirm Catholic Church teaching and […]

Parental Responsibility Trumps Child's Privacy

Parental Responsibility Trumps Child’s Privacy


To: Marybeth From: Message-reading Mom My daughter’s smartphone buzzed when she was out of the room. I picked it up to see who was texting her and was puzzled by the message that previewed on the screen, so I read the entire exchange. What I discovered concerned me. When I talked to her about it, […]

Catholic Mom’s Café: 5-Minute Retreats for Every Day of the Year

Catholic Mom’s Café: 5-Minute Retreats for Every Day of the Year


Do you think you would benefit spiritually by spending thirty hours in prayer and meditation?  Yeah, right, you are likely thinking.  Where would I find time for that? I’m a very busy mother. Motherhood has its ironies.  When we are pregnant and feel the need to “rest up,” sleep is often hard to come by.  […]

On Women Marrying Young

On Women Marrying Young


Did any of you catch the recent “Princeton mom” flap?  Princeton alumna Susan Patton, in an open letter to women attending Princeton, advised that they should find a husband in college–otherwise they’d wind up divorced from a not-very-smart man they’d meet later in life.  (Ouch!)  Then Kathleen Gerson fired back, countering that it’s objectively better for young women to marry later in life. And then Ross Douthat turned […]

Divine Detours

Divine Detours


One of my simple pleasures in life is reading Victoria magazine. The May/June 2013 issue features an article called “Destiny’s Detour.” The editors had asked readers to share stories of how their lives had turned out compared to what they thought life would hold for them when they graduated from high school or college. Victoria […]

Better Communication = Better Sex

Better Communication = Better Sex


Dustin, before we get started talking about the conjugal act of marital intercourse, why don’t you introduce yourself for a moment. Are you married? How many kids do you have? How do you bring home the bacon? What is Engaged Marriage? DR: Thanks for having me! I’m 33-year-old Midwestern who’s been married to my high […]

Outdoing Your Spouse

Outdoing Your Spouse


Do you ever feel competitive with your spouse? If you enjoy a friendly challenge involving word games, board games, or sports games, why not try a spiritual challenge based on advice from St. Paul? Although St. Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians contains his most well-known wisdom on love, his Letter to the Romans also teaches […]

Date Night for Parents

Date Night for Parents


To: Marybeth From: Dad is Desperate for a Date My husband says we should have “date nights” without our three kids, but free evenings are almost impossible to find. Our children’s schedules are full of school, sports and social activities that keep us coming and going, and when we finally choose date night, I’m either […]

How to Help an Aging Parent Who Refuses Help

How to Help an Aging Parent Who Refuses Help


During my speaking tours around the country, I get a chance to hear what is on the minds and hearts of adult children, the challenges that are the toughest for them to deal with.  One question I hear over and over goes something like this, “We see our parents struggling with their living situation, and […]

A Garden of Visible Prayer

A Garden of Visible Prayer


The approach of spring is an excellent time to think of gardening. One of the projects on my bucket list is to create a beautiful flower garden in my “sacred space” near the statue of Our Lady in the forest adjoining our home. As my children were growing, then as I began writing fiction, this […]

Are You Just a Mother?

Are You Just a Mother?


We’ve all heard the new modern meme: You’re just a mom? or You are just a mom! or Are you just a mom? or Oh, you are just a mom. I put a question mark at the end of that first iteration for a reason. Today, more than ever, women — mothers in particular — […]

A Covenant Against Porn

A Covenant Against Porn


Pornography is becoming more prevalent and more accepted not only in the wider culture but also within family life. With primetime TV getting more explicit, hundreds of cables stations to surf, and the internet and digital devices flooded with indecent sites and tweets, parents can feel overwhelmed and helpless. Parents, don’t despair! You are still […]

Weekly Wits

Weekly Wits: 4/13/13


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Marriage Is What It Is

Marriage Is What It Is


“It depends upon what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is,” said the smooth-talking, skirt-chasing, totally busted philanderer. “Well, no, Bill,” replied Congress. “Actually, things just ‘is’ what they is.” Here’s what marriage is: The God-ordained, lifelong, covenantal union between man and wife, designed to provide men, women and children optimal stability and overall well-being. […]

Love Conquers, Not Man

Love Conquers, Not Man


A male reader of my post “This Modern Love” wrote an aside of how “man conquers woman” in the courtship process. He gave a personal example and said that though he did all the right things (e.g. gave her flowers, wrote her letters), he did not win her heart. He also wrote that, at one […]

The Terrible Teenage Years?

The Terrible Teenage Years?


To: Marybeth From: Preteen Parent How do I survive a moody 12-year-old daughter without damaging our relationship (or killing her)? I find it very hard to allow her the power to ruin a family event, even a meal, with her gloom. Some days she is a pure delight (engaged, happy, articulate, intelligent) and the next […]

A Reflection on Life and Death

A Reflection on Life and Death


Today I have been reflecting on life and death. This past Saturday my oldest daughter married her best friend in front of God surrounded by family and friends. There was a joyous celebration after the nuptial Mass.  My mother was under the weather but attended that Mass and came to the reception for a short […]

Why Your Annual Appointment Matters to Your Domestic Church

Why Your Annual Appointment Matters to Your Domestic Church


I spent this morning at my OB/GYN’s office having that joyful annual experience — my gynecological exam. Oversharing? Perhaps. But I’m willing to risk personal embarrassment and immodesty if this post will help one of my fellow moms get off the dime and make the doctor’s appointment you’ve been procrastinating over for the past several months (or […]

Sorrowful Mysteries and Relationships

Sorrowful Mysteries and Relationships


Each of the sorrowful mysteries relates to what it is like to be in a relationship, what relationships call us to, and how to unite ourselves more deeply to Christ. For the purposes of this particular post “relationship” is limited to the context of dating and courting. Agony in the Garden My “agony in the […]