As Catholics, part of our mission is in loving others as God love us. As parents, our vocation to love is close by the lives of our children, spouses, and our families both near and far.
Pope Francis has had much to say about love and care for the marginalized over the years in his homilies and writings, and as St. Teresa of Calcutta spoke often about the first people God has placed within our care is our own families.
When there are difficulties, challenges, and tragedy in the family, the Lord gives us a mission to love the marginalized sometimes within our own homes. Over 2020, many families experienced job loss, hardships, health issues and sickness, and other hard times. This was a good opportunity during a crisis to show the love of God and exercise God’s love to those closest.
“Openness to God makes us open towards the marginalized of this world and gives us the courage to leave the confines of our own security and comfort to become bruised, hurting and dirty as we joyfully approach the suffering other in a spirit of solidarity” (Pope Francis quote, Sellers Publishing).

The suffering of the world may be closer than we think if we open our eyes to the Holy Spirit as people of faith and as disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ.
As we go into Lent this month, let us take the time to notice those who need our help, our prayers, and who may need a listening ear, and our care. Let us show love, concern, and empathy for the marginalized on this day and always.