Poem: “I Had a Dream Last Night”

John Clay Bangs

John Clay Bangs

I Had a Dream Last Night

I had a dream last night.
It was a simple dream.
Really all I remember is the call from God, or an angel:

“If you want to be great in God’s Kingdom, learn to be the servant of all.”

Simple words. A child’s words.
But they weren’t simple in the dream;
They came with all the majesty and force of heaven.

The atmosphere was dark with a golden glow;
And hints of fire and smoke filled the bordered field of vision my brief glimpse afforded.
It was like the heavenly Solomon’s temple of Isaiah’s dream;
With the fiery glow of seraphim and burning embers lighting the scene.
Something misty in the atmosphere gave light its dimension: length, height, width, depth;
Smoky, but not smelling of smoke;
Steamy, but not hot and wet;
Misty, but not cold and damp.

And God Godself was powerfully there.

I was like iron in a forge.
My soul shook and my body rocked at the grandeur of divine presence, ­my spirit reshaped like metal;
Poured into a new mold, but a moving one, not a static cold.
The majestic grandeur of the moment left no other response than to shape my body down;
Down before the radiant gravity of the Ground of All Being.
I saw myself low, knees and toes and tibia, elbows and forearms, and the heels of the palms of my hands;
All touching the dirt floor­, or was it made of marble, cold and hard against my fingers?
My robes were painted by the radiant warmth. Robes!
Earth-stained and reflecting the gold light.
And the burnished color touched my beard. Beard!
A longish scraggle mixed of gray and curly black.
My loose turban, too, autumn-hued by the shining forth of that fire.
A torn cloth circled and dangled with my uncombed, unwashed,
dark hair.

I was no longer the blue-eyed, fair-skinned Euro-American mutt of a me I have always been: mild;
I was a Holy Prophet bowed in the visceral presence of the real God;
The God of Isaiah and Jeremiah and Ezekiel, of Amos and Zachariah and Haggai;
The recipient, ­the victim ­of a vision, an oracle of great and grand import;
Of world-changing, life-transforming consequence;
Like the wheel within a wheel, the throne chariot of God:

The call from God, or an angel;
Simple words. A child’s words:

“If you want to be great in God’s Kingdom, learn to be the servant of all.”

John Clay Bangs

Having completed the Doctor of Ministry degree from George Fox Seminary, John serves as a professor teaching various courses in Ministry and Christian Spirituality at Northwest University and at Fuller Theological Seminary. He and his wife Treesa, along with their eight children, make their home in Redmond, Washington. John is a recording and performing musician, loves to ski and sail, and is an ordained Christian minister.