Poem: “In the beginning God created time with a moon clock”

In the beginning God created time with a moon clock

and space
with the compass of the sun.

After that cosmic moment,
everything changed!

Oceans ebbed and flowed.
Plants grew edible.
People pulsated
as though made of music,
made of stardust.

Days passed in beauty,
resting at week’s end,
and sometimes we remembered
praise as more than duty, more
than time taken away from
something else, more than
space awakened with worship.

We remembered praise as
one small gift
actually ours to give.

Mary Harwell Sayler, © 2015

Mary Harwell Sayler is a lifelong lover of Christ, the Bible, the Church, prayer, and poetry. Her published works include hundreds of poems and 27 books in all genres. She discusses poetry forms and techniques on the Poetry Editor & Poetry blog.