A project of Sophia Institute Press is the new Benedictus Publication, a Traditional Catholic Companion. Perfect for individuals and families who attend the Latin Mass, the publication offers Mass reading in Latin and English, hymns, daily prayer, meditations, and additional sections for enrichment. Daily prayer resources following the missal and breviary of 1962, a simple and understandable format for new learners, and sections to enhance learning more deeply about the faith are included in each month’s publication.
Classic essays on feasts and saints, beautiful prayers, devotions, and ideas to foster Catholic culture within the home setting are all part of the companion each month. This publication is a must for those who love the Latin Mass as it can be used both during Mass and during prayer time. Benedictus is also a perfect gift for a family member, friend, or for a priest or religious. Subscribe today by going to https://PrayBenedictus.com [1]. It is a project of Sophia Institute Press.