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Thousands of Lives to Give: The Philippines
By now you probably have heard that a massive typhoon hit the Philippines last Friday. Named Haiyan (or Yolanda), the typhoon is reportedly the strongest ever recorded in history, with winds of 195 miles per hour and gusts up to 235 mph. Early reports coming out of the country say that as many as 10,000 people lost […]

Defeating Autism: Joseph at Year Three in Boy Scouting
This is a story about defeating autism, the practical attainment of hope for devastated parents, and a whole new way of approaching a scourge upon our beloved children. Our son, Joseph, happens to be its protagonist; but the joyful hope in this story resides in the certainty that it is a template into which parents […]

Sinner’s Guide to Natural Family Planning: Interviewing Simcha Fisher
Simcha Fisher’s book, The Sinner’s Guide to Natural Family Planning, is still sitting pretty in the Top 10 on Amazon’s list of Catholic books. The incredible interest in the book isn’t surprising since frank, balanced conversations about natural family planning –- the only method of spacing children approved by the Catholic Church –- are desperately […]

Theodore Roosevelt and Veterans Day
Roosevelt strove to promote peace by strengthening the United States.

Poem: “Is it Firmament? Or Quicksand?”
Is it Firmament? Or Quicksand? Does the kingdom of the world know Of the Kingdom of God? Most assuredly so. But the reigning prince blinds The eyes of his subjects. For were they to know their fortune, They would abandon him. His trickery is beguiling, His promises deceiving, Their fortune is terror. Not so the […]

Cultural Alert! The Disappearance of Heroes – Perception or Reality?
It is important to hold tight to our heroes.

Patton, Ike, and my Teenage Boys
We are not a very old country.

The Ways of God for Fathers – Foreknowledge
St. Thomas Aquinas writes: God foresees with prudence all future things, good or bad. Before they happen, He knows them and sees the good or evil that will result from them. This would seem pretty difficult to imitate at first glance; after all we can’t predict the future. On the other hand, I recently read […]

Creating a Monastery in your Catholic Homeschool in 10 Steps
When I was in college, I prayed and discerned a vocation to become a sister or a nun. I was enthralled by the Carmelite Sisters of the Sacred Heart, since I had had the honor of working with and forthem at a Catholic School in Florida. Fortunately for me, I was assigned to work with […]

ObamaCare: Advancing the Abortion Industry
On a Friday night back in December 2009, Senate Majority Leader Reid was in tense negotiations with then-Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska, as Reid desperately needed Nelson’s vote to secure Senate passage of ObamaCare. Finally, Nelson had what Politico described as a “breakthrough” that lead to a deal, as Politico reported a few days later. […]

Sing to the Lord a New Song
“Sing to the Lord a new song” (Psalm 98:1). A reflection on today’s Sacred Scripture: Today’s Responsorial Psalm speaks of the freshness of prayer we experience with a new life in Christ. Our prayers of petition become enhanced by prayers of praise—that is, God becomes the object of our prayers and we begin to honor […]

Poem: “The Empty Crib”
The Empty Crib The attic in the dust of time The little cradle keeps, Where silent in it’s tiny bed, The past forever sleeps. And as I look upon it there So quiet and alone, I see once more, within my heart, The babe that, now, is grown. I see the precious curly head That […]

National 20-Week Abortion Ban Introduced in U.S. Senate
Ben Johnson also contributed to this article. Nearly five months after passing the House, a bill to end abortion after 20 weeks has been introduced in the Senate. Yesterday morning Senator Lindsey Graham, R-SC, introduced the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. The Act, which passed the House of Representatives in June, would ban abortions […]

Hitting the Streets with St. Paul Street Evangelization: An Interview
Over the past month I have been in contact with Mr. Adam Janke of the organization St.Paul Street Evangelization as part of a new series where we interview ministries and apostolates worthy of recognition. If anyone would like to be interviewed (or you know someone who should be interviewed) please contact me. Kevin Tierney: What […]

Tear Down This Wall: Celebrating Victories Over Communism on World Freedom Day
Nov. 9th is World Freedom Day.

Syria – Death and Destruction in a Christian Town
Horrific details are emerging of atrocities carried out in a Christian town in Syria in what is being seen as the worst act of anti-Christian persecution since the war in Syria began. Inhabitants of Sadad, near Homs, who fled the largely Syrian Orthodox town when rebels attacked last month, are now returning home to discover […]

An Open Response to: “Should America Have a One-Child Policy?”
Last Tuesday, the Washington Times published an article by Joseph Cotto entitled, “Overpopulation: Should America have a one-child policy?” Despite the provocative title, the article does not present a stimulating thought-experiment, but rather a series of half-truths and inconsistencies with dangerous implications. Because such half-truths have been at the ideological root of every forced abortion […]

The Terrors of the 7th Grade Dance
Me to my 7th grade daughter: “You can go to the school dance, but you can’t slow dance with any boys.” My 7th grade daughter: “The principal said we’re not allowed to say no.” This conversation, naturally, almost shocked me into a full-blown panic attack. Then it got worse. Me: “Are you sure that’s what the […]

God is Faithful to Us
As persons and as a Church we have been challenged during the Year of Faith to reach deep within ourselves to truly know, understand, and live the reality that God is a Most Holy Trinity, that God chose to become incarnate so that we would know Him in the most intimate ways possible, and that […]

When the Vicar of Christ Imitates Christ, Why is it so Alarming?
It now seems so long ago, but just eight months ago Pope Benedict the Beloved resigned the papacy. Catholics had no modern frame of reference for such an event, and many with agendas of their own in the news media, and even in the Church, used our shock and dismay to sow discord and doubt. […]

Google Launches Calico to “Solve Death”
Google has launched a new company called Calico (California Life Company) whose focus is to “solve death.” CNN reports: Last month Google announced a new medical company called Calico, whose explicit aim is to take on aging itself. But what will Google’s approach be? And what other research into prolonging life already exists?… Calico — […]

Denied the City
But when sex is divorced from love there is a feeling that one has been stopped at the vestibule of the castle of pleasure; that the heart has been denied the city after crossing the bridge. Sadness and melancholy result from such a frustration of destiny, for it is the nature of man to be […]