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All Articles

Miracles, Faith and Abandonment
Not too long ago, I came across two seemingly different perspectives on the relationship between God’s action in our lives and our faithfulness. This question had been on my mind lately. After four years of infertility and now some roadblocks in the process of adoption, I’m starting to wonder “What gives?” I’m sure it’s a reflection […]

Love is Not a Union of Opinions
People have strong opinions. And with a strong opinion comes a definite sense of being right. Sadly, in the dating process, too many singles believe that they have not found love if they are dating someone who has different opinions. In other words, love is about having the same opinions. But love is the union […]

The Emperor Has No Clothes
“Obamacare isn’t a political abstraction any longer. Its success doesn’t depend on spin or solidarity. What matters for the law — and for the people who are depending on it — is how well it actually works. So far, it’s not working well at all.” So concludes Washington Post columnist Ezra Klein (no Obama antagonist) […]

Poem: “Going to Heaven!”
Going to Heaven! I don’t know when- Pray do not ask me how! Indeed I’m too astonished To think of answering you! Going to Heaven! How dim it sounds! And yet it will be done As sure as flocks go home at night Unto the Shepherd’s arm! Perhaps you’re going too! Who knows? If you […]

Satirical Halloween Costumes
“The wife and I came up with so many Halloween costume ideas this year to satirize Washington politicians, but we aren’t sure which to choose.” “You speak of a relatively recent trend in which adults pick or create Halloween costumes that mock or satirize current events and popular culture. Robert Thompson, a pop-culture expert and […]

Bonding Over Baseball
Baseball still brings friends and families together.

Political Amendments: Struble versus Levin (part 4)
Go to part 1, part 2, Part 3, Part 5 More than two months after publication, Levin’s book, Liberty Amendments, continues on the New York Times bestseller list.* At the outset the reader encounters an earnest and persuasive appeal on behalf of an Article V “convention for proposing Amendments.” Levin then proceeds to propose an […]

African Girl Brought to UK for Organ Harvesting
This is so horrific and evil that it almost defies reason. Officials have rescued a girl from Somalia that was brought to the UK to harvest her organs. They are sure that this is not an isolated incidence. The Telegraph has the story: The unnamed girl was brought to the UK from Somalia with the […]

Liturgical Parenting
Liturgy is a lot like parenting. No. Liturgy IS parenting. Jesus Christ is the groom and His Church the bride. Together they have done a wonderful job of cosmically birthing a multitude of Christians. In an effort to raise their children to the heights of charitable virtue, they provided us with the rhythmic order of […]

When Headlines Lie
We all know headlines are meant to sell news, so we are right to read articles through a discerning lens and even some healthy skepticism. We are also wise to consider the source. Is this a trusted reporter? Is this a reliable journal, paper, or author? You can imagine my sense of outrage when last […]

Russia – “If You Want to Find God, Then Go to the Children’s Hospice”
The first ever hospice in Russia for children with terminal illnesses is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. The project was started by the Russian Orthodox priest Aleksandr Tkachenko, who came recently to visit the international headquarters of the Catholic pastoral charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) in the town of Königstein, near […]

‘Intact’ Killing Deemed Inactionable
Earlier this year a 29-year-old expectant mother entered the abortion facility operated by infamous abortionist LeRoy Carhart. She was seeking Carhart’s surgical expertise in ending the life of the 33-week-old baby she was carrying in her womb. The woman’s name was Jennifer Morbelli; her daughter’s name was Madison Leigh—a name chosen by Jennifer and her husband. Subsequent to […]

Preparing for All Saints’ Day
As each of my kids approached mid-fall of their second grade year, an excitement comes over me in anticipation of the Saint project! My oldest son had a thing for St. Francis. He loved animals and thought that Francis was the man for him. We read up on the saint’s life, found a hooded brown robe, tied a rope around […]

Pope Francis: ‘Dark Future’ If Children & Elderly Abandoned
The family founded on marriage is the “natural center of human life” and protecting children and elderly people is a “choice of civilization,” Pope Francis said in an address Friday morning. Speaking to the 21 plenary meeting of the Pontifical Council for the Family, the pope said, “Children and the elderly represent the two poles […]

Parent Guides to Human Sexuality
The Archdiocese of New York has published three handy booklets for parents, providing suggestions and examples on how to talk to their kids about the gift and responsibility of human sexuality. Each booklet focuses on a particular age group: primary grades, middle schoolers and teens. Fathers for Good spoke to Kimberly Quatela, chastity education coordinator […]

Ideology and Idolatry
A recurring theme of my writing and speaking these past few years has been the need for Catholics to overcome allegiances to political movements, parties, and ideologies. We are called to shape our culture, or at least be a prophetic voice that is unattached to purely temporal causes. My assumption, based on my own journey, […]

Caring for Life Near the End of Life
My wife, LaRee, and I were asked to address a conference about critical life issues sponsored by the Diocese of Metuchen in New Jersey. They wanted us to speak about a Christian perspective on suffering, disability and end of life care. It is a timely topic because New Jersey is considering a law to allow […]

Poem: “In Adoration”
In Adoration There from behind the flowered hill Rising ever higher, Bursts forth the sun from darkest night A Monstrance spun of fire. While rosy clouds, like angels’ wings At the Tabernacle’s door, Gather in the pale blue skies As a thousand springs before. In Adoration wake the hills The sleeping bear, the rose For […]

The Ways of God for Fathers – Consistent Love
In every family there are there are three primary relationships for the father. In descending order of importance: the first is the father with God; the second is the father with the mother; the third is the father with his children. Constancy in love: Dad must pray every day-on his own and with his family. […]

People are What They Do with Silence
No matter how hard we seem to try, we cannot avoid silence altogether. We are obliged, for example, to deal with the natural silence that comes with sleep, sickness, death, and sorrow. We also find ourselves dealing with moments of everyday silence that come right after waking up, during the morning commute, on a lunch […]

The Trainwreck: Meets The Mythical Man-Month
Why do software projects go awry?

LGBT Activists Ask UN: When Will Our Love Story Begin?
Homosexual activists and UN officials gathered to take stock of their failures at the United Nations on Wednesday. Panelists from UN agencies and homosexual groups spoke of the obstacles to getting homosexuality recognized despite a big push for social inclusion in UN policy. The event “LGBT Rights and the UN: When Will the Love Story […]

Taking the Bible Seriously
I remember during my dating days wanting to start a Bible study with a girl I was dating. She liked the idea, but asked “which commentary are we going to use in studying the Bible?” Puzzled, I said we wouldn’t be. We would just talk over the phone/in person about various Bible verses, what they […]