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All Articles

Holiday Hysteria: A Christian Defense of Halloween
In two weeks we celebrate Halloween— and, as you may have noticed, many of our Evangelical friends now shun America’s October spook festival altogether. They tell their children that Halloween is “the devil’s holiday” and that trick-or-treating is little better than dabbling with a Ouija board or consulting an astrologer. Contemplating the Idea of Death Though […]

New Data on Why Women Have Abortions is Both Illuminating and Ambiguous
The reasons women have abortions are not simple and thus can be difficult to study and/or categorize. That’s one reason why the two most recent previous studies on abortion reasons, from the Guttmacher Institute, date from 2005 and 1988. Now, though, the same team from University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) that brought us the […]

Allow Me to Attain Pure Light
Faith is not only the gift that enables us to know God intimately, but also the gift that enables us to act on that which we have come to believe and to understand. In other words, “faith is choosing to stand with the Lord so as to live with him” (Porta Fidei, #10). This is […]

A New Focus? Reflections on Evangelization Part I
In our attempts as Catholics to convince the wider world of the reasonableness and truth of Christian belief, we are often accused of being more adamant about what we are against than what we are for. The dustup over Pope Francis’ recent interview1 illustrates clearly how this is the case. Amidst the rush to come […]

Five Types of Guilt After Pregnancy Loss
You can never anticipate the feelings you will go through following a pregnancy loss. Nothing in life prepares you for it and no one ever thinks it will happen to them. Of all the emotions I went through after each of my three losses, the one that kept surprising me over and over again was […]

Hope for the Workplace: Christ in You
Do you bring Christ to your workplace? If you work for a faith-based organization, the answer to that question may be an easy “yes.” However, the vast majority of Catholics and Christians work in secular institutions. What happens then? Should Christians leave their faith behind when they enter the office door. In Hope for the […]

Africans Reject Stealth Homosexual Agenda at UN Conference
Late Friday night, the last day of the final meeting in a series of UN conferences, African officials rejected attempts by UN and sexual rights activists to promote homosexuality and abortion. The UN conference to draft a development agenda for Africa concluded in a fierce clash between regional values and the “progressive” norms pushed by […]

Terrible Twodom
Some parents call it a meltdown, others use the more familiar word tantrum. I call it the Land of the Terrible Twos. It’s a place never far away where our active boy goes when he doesn’t get his way, or when he wants more attention. He’ll be happy with his dessert as mommy and daddy […]

Traditionalist, not Utopian
Sometimes I think we traditionalists get far to caught up in the details of this or that crisis in the Church today that we forget why we are fighting. We become very much like the dystopians of the Old Testament. We aren’t fighting to restore some golden age. We are fighting to reach the golden age promised to the faithful in Heaven. If we can use the things of this world and this present age to reach that point, then even better.

New Movie: Mary of Nazareth
I recently attended a sponsored screening of the new motion picture Mary of Nazareth, which has just been released by Ignatius Press. First off, let me tell you: I loved it. This full-length feature film about the life of Mary, the mother of God, was filmed in Europe and shot in English in high definition. It […]

All Creatures Great and Small
“The righteous care for the needs of their animals….” Proverbs 12:10 (NIV) Here at the Center for a Just Society we spill a lot of ink discussing issues that touch upon questions of human dignity and the sanctity of life. The guiding principle underlying our position on abortion, assisted suicide, euthanasia, elder abuse, and other […]

An Historical Aside on the Debt Ceiling
The Confederation Congress could not tax, but it could borrow.

Health Care Law Takes Aim at Reducing Spending, But at What Cost?
The notion at the heart of the Obama Health Law is that Americans spend too much money on health care, and if there were a way to reduce spending, there would be overall positive impact. However, two articles from the Washington Post out last week show that when Americans are forced to spend less money […]

The White Spider
My family usually accompanies me to Pro-Life events. My children are 6, 4, 2 and a baby to be born anytime now. Sometimes, at home, my four year old, who saw me sharing my testimony, brings me a piece of paper and says: “Mommy, that’s for you. You go talk to the people.” Anthony, My […]

Privatizing the National Park Service
This recommendation will anger NPS employees.

Mercifully Killing Our Cat
A few days ago, a dear friend and fellow pro-life warrior Ione Whitlock, author of the Belbury Review blog, sent me this e-mail: I took my cat to the vet for a checkup. While I waited to be seen, I noticed an elderly couple apparently also waiting. We struck up a conversation. The woman was […]

Blood Brothers in Christ
Growing up, I always knew what I wanted to do for a living. I also had a ready list of things I would never pursue as a career. Carpentry, for one. I tended to have all thumbs when it came to hammers and saws and wrenches. Schoolteacher, for another. Not nearly enough patience. I wouldn’t […]

Levin’s Liberty Amendments: Struble’s Critique, Part Three
Go to Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, Part 5 You can’t manufacture a silk purse from a sow’s ear. With Mark Levin’s powerful first chapter we enthusiastically agree: the archipelago of Federal pigpens positioned around the country and headquartered in Washington, D.C. is breeding a boorish nation. The solutions proposed in Levin’s recent book, […]

The Real Deficit’s in Leadership
“Man, this government shutdown is making America look foolish.” “I agree with you. I am certainly no fan of the shutdown. But the division in Washington is a reflection of the division in our representative republic.” “I think it’s a reflection of a total lack of leadership among our politicians in Washington.” “You speak the […]

The Moment of Choice: Recognizing Human Dignity in Difficult Circumstances
In every country, at this very moment, women who have become pregnant — either because of decisions they made or as victims of assault through no fault of their own — are faced with making the choice of life or death for their child. Some of these women are financially stable, some are in financial […]

Government Shuts Down Catholic Services on Navy Base
In the wake of the government shutdown, despite provisions in the Pay Our Military Act, Catholics at Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base in Georgia are being denied religious services. The Catholic priest who serves this community has been prohibited from even volunteering to celebrate Holy Mass without pay, and was told that if he violated […]

Transgendering Children
Groucho Marx used to tell of a man who went to see a psychiatrist: So you see, doctor, the problem is that my brother thinks he’s a chicken. Well, have you told him he’s not a chicken? No. Why not? Because we need the eggs! As the implosion of Western Civilization accelerates, the once unthinkable […]

Poem: “A Corymbus For Autumn”
A Corymbus For Autumn Hearken my chant, ’tis As a Bacchante’s, A grape-spurt, a vine-splash, a tossed tress, flown vaunt ’tis! Suffer my singing, Gipsy of Seasons, ere thou go winging; Ere Winter throws His slaking snows In thy feasting-flagon’s impurpurate glows! The sopped sun–toper as ever drank hard – Stares foolish, hazed, Rubicund, dazed, […]