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A Mother’s Blessing
Five years ago, I stepped into a room to cover a news story for work. I was flustered because I was almost late getting there. I’m only going to be interviewing children, I thought to myself. It shouldn’t be a big deal. The session began. Fifteen children sat in a circle, an adult with them. […]

Is Christian Education an Oxymoron?
Today in many intellectual circles, Christians are viewed with condescension and derision. We are seen as naïve simpletons who lack the courage to accept the world at face value. We insist on weaving elaborate theologies and worshiping a God who is invisible because we are too weak to cope with the fact that existence is […]

Poem: “Rather, I Wish to Blend”
Rather, I wish to Blend Father of Heaven and earth, hear my cry. Let my words come to you pure, Not tarnished by selfish desires, Rather, pure of purpose and need. Let me cry out to you, my God, Of the needs in this simple life. Let my voice be heard. Let my needs be […]

The Ways of God for Fathers – Introduction
Some years ago a group of men from my parish were providing escorts and security for an all-night Eucharistic Adoration vigil for life. I drew one of the wee hours. My relief didn’t show up, so I stayed on for some more hours. I brought with me a little book: The Ways of God by […]

On Unemployed Youth and Forgotten Elderly
There’s a great line in the book: Ten Dates Every Catholic Should Know, by Diane Moczar. In writing about the downfall of Rome, she quotes an historian’s description of the Roman Empire before its demise: “a terrifying sluggishness of the whole population.” For me, this phrase denotes aimlessness, a lack of motivation and initiative, a […]

Time to Step Up? Two Americas, One Future: The Choice is Yours
To which America do you belong?

Will Another Presidential Bifurcation Be Coming Our Way?
“Personal approval” vs. “Job approval”?

How to Stay Chaste: 10 Tips for Couples
It’s all well and good for a single gal to tell y’all to be good, but when you’re really in love things can get hard. After last week’s post on chastity, some of you might be wondering how on earth people do it. From what I’ve gathered, it generally involves more than just a strong […]

Does IVF Cause More Cancer in Children or Not?
The short answer is we don’t know. But another news story is out on a study that raises more questions than it answers regarding the harm to children born via IVF. From the story: Children born as a result of IVF are a third more likely to get cancer, a major study found. Scientists said […]

Everyone Who Asks, Receives
God is generous beyond our imagination: not only in the general sense of creating the universe, giving us life, and offering us the gift of faith, but also in the specific sense of making specific promises to specific people. To understand this, just look at the following passage from the Old Testament. You shall therefore […]

What the Rite of Baptism Tells Us About Limbo
As the father of eleven who also knows the heartache of miscarriage, I was moved by a recent post by blogger Stacy Trasancos titled “The Spiritual Abortion Called Limbo,” exhorting even those who accept the longstanding theological opinion of the “limbo of the infants” to please pray for those innocent young souls who die before […]

Teach Your Children Something Useless
Every once in a while, educational fads turn toward “back to basics.” Schools emphasize necessary and useful subjects–meaning, useful for getting a job. Math, reading, and science take center stage. Other subjects get cut. In fact, one of the biggest criticisms of the new Common Core Standards is its utilitarian, vocational perspective on education. In […]

Woman Legally Euthanized in Belgium Over Depression After Sex Change
A 44-year-old Belgian woman struggling with gender confusion has been legally euthanized after her sex change procedure was botched, resulting in physical deformities she said made her look like “a monster.” Nancy Verhelst was killed last Monday by the same team of doctors who euthanized Marc and Eddy Verbessem, 45-year-old deaf twins who asked to […]

A Mass-Centered Way to Talk About the Eucharist
A great opportunity to share the faith with both fallen away Catholics and with non-Catholics is to talk about that one central thing that distinguishes the Catholic Church apart from all other religions of the world.

The Defusing of Brazil’s Sexual Rights Activists
Inevitable. So we are told. Abortion and sexual rights (like same-sex marriage) will become universally accepted, so opponents might as well surrender. Not so fast. Take a look at what is happening in Brazil. Brazil presented itself as a world leader on sexual rights in 2003 when it introduced a UN resolution on sexual orientation […]

Being a Contemplative in the World
Sometimes, I find myself aspiring to be a “contemplative.” But looking at the long and somewhat complex definition in the Catholic Encyclopedia, I wonder if that really is possible for those of us who have to live “in the world.” I won’t bother you with much of that entry in the encyclopedia. Suffice to say […]

Pope Francis: Ongoing Fallout (Part II)
Pope Francis: Rupture vs. Change Pope Francis: Ongoing Fallout (Part I) Building on what has been said in the first two posts, we continue with the fallout from the pope’s interview with atheist publisher Eugenio Scalfari. If the pope’s refusal to take the bait on preaching specific moral norms didn’t make many tear their hair out in […]

Technology as Savior
I worry for young people these days. I know every generation says that about the one that follows, but today’s youth may face a world where simply being human won’t be good enough. Augmentation may be required to participate in society. A cyber-brain here, a bionic limb there with some genetic engineering and a few […]

Traditionalists and the Incarnation
In a previous article, I outlined my belief that one of the greatest dangers facing Catholicism today is a lack of belief in the doctrine of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. This lack of belief stems from failing to appreciate the wide-ranging conclusions from such an event. I pointed out how this problem has led […]

USAID, Gates, PP Push Dangerous Contraceptive on Poor Women
A recent congressional briefing examined the lethal side effects of the long-acting contraceptive injectable Depo Provera and the targeting of Black and Latina women to receive it. Congressman William Lacy Clay and the Congressional Black Caucus held a briefing to examine a comprehensive report released by the Rebecca Project which details severe health problems from […]

Four Simple Steps to Position Yourself For Success
Today I was listening to a podast and once again heard the quote, “Luck: preparation meets opportunity.” As I was thinking about that, I was reminded of everything I’ve learned over the past year or so. For those who don’t know, I just quit my full-tie job to ‘go solo’. It was a huge leap, […]

Understanding Pro-Choice Arguments, Part III
Part I Part II When then Cardinal Wojtyla arrived at the 2nd Vatican Council, he had 1 question. What happened? Up until the 20th century, mankind was trekking along pretty okay. Yes, there were hardships; yes there was fighting. But in general mankind was doing okay, at least in terms of 100 year increments. Then […]