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Levin’s “Liberty Amendments:” Struble’s Critique, Part Two
Links to part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 After seven weeks on the market, Mark Levin’s blockbuster book, Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic (Threshold Editions, Simon & Schuster, 2013) remains in the top ten of the New York Times bestseller list. For the first three weeks after debut (August 13th) it stood […]

The Path To Prosperity Or Bankruptcy? Staggering Facts On America’s Rising Debt
Real government spending has increased almost twice as fast as government revenue.

Think Tanks Measure Global Economic Freedom … the U.S. Declines
“If it matters, measure it.”

New Jersey Judge Rules State Must Recognize Same-Sex ‘Marriage’
A New Jersey judge ruled on Friday that the state’s law protecting marriage as the union between a man and a woman violates the state constitution. Mercer County Superior Court Judge Mary Jacobson specifically cited the U.S. Supreme Court ruling striking down part of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in saying the state must […]

An Unapologetic Defense of the Virtue of Intolerance
Christ warned that all those that live Godly will suffer persecution.

Making a Tough Decision: The Economics of Putting Family First
It was time to make another dreaded phone call telling my wife that problems had come up and I wouldn’t be coming home the next day as scheduled. I was thousands of miles away, yet I could hear the disappointment in her voice as she tried to be understanding. She was used to this happening, […]

Jesus Didn’t Found a Religion?
In dialogues with Non-Catholics, most of the subjects you discuss won’t get you that far. Instead, they will frequently tell you something along these lines. “Jesus Christ didn’t found a religion, he founded a Church. That Church is based upon confessing Christ as your Savior. Catholics add to this and to the Bible with their […]

The Unsettling Witness of Pope Francis
For a pontiff who is so big on emphasizing mercy, Pope Francis knows how to make me squirm. His witness for Christ turns the tables on my tendency to make my faith all about me. With a steady stream of up-ending spiritual remarks, the Holy Father has a way of capsizing my comfort zone. His […]

Can A Woman Pursue A Man?
My short answer to this question is yes: I absolutely think it’s possible for a woman to pursue a man, in a real, genuine way that neither defies who we are in our femininity nor buys into what the culture has to offer. Until I was in my 20s, my dating experience was limited, to […]

Book Review: Walking With Mary
After decades of distracted catechesis on the faith, many contemporary Catholics have discerned two pressing needs: to learn why Marian devotion is such an integral element in the life of the Church, and to find a comprehensive (but accessible!) written work to offer to others who believe that there is no need to include Mary in […]

Why Duck Dynasty Viewers Flock
Like millions of Americans, I’ve become a “Duck Dynasty” fan. “Duck Dynasty,” as you surely are aware, is an A&E reality show that presents the Robertson clan, the long-bearded owners and operators of Duck Commander in West Monroe, La. Duck Commander hand-makes duck calls. The story is a rags-to-riches one. Phil Robertson, the patriarch of […]

What Pope Francis Really Thinks About Abortion and Homosexuality
Having spent yesterday reading the secular news accounts of Pope Francis’ recent comments about abortion and homosexuality, and having also read reports from the uber-right, it is distressing to see that people either can’t read or can’t think. This Pope is being undermined left and right. Literally. For the rest of us, we can read […]

Miracles Happen!
As I continually read, watch, and listen to the multitudinous stories of the atrocities committed against Christians around the world these days, I have repeatedly found myself meditating deeply and frequently about Christian identity, Christian unity, persecution, and martyrdom. In the midst of such a reflection, I also find that I am asking God if […]

Attack the Ball!
Many have noted that sports can teach young people valuable lessons which are transferrable to life: submission to authority, working as a team, practice and hard work to achieve goals, etc. I was never a star athlete, but I did play on some teams in high school and have done my share of coaching. Whether […]

Refuse to Render Unto Caesar
[R]ender therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s (Matthew 21, KJV). It’s been 18 months since Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius announced a new requirement that all U.S. employers must provide insurance coverage for birth control, including abortifacients, at no cost to their […]

Church Mourns Victims of Suicide Bomb Attack in Pakistan
A few hours after the explosion Pakistan’s Catholic bishops issued a statement condemning the murders which took place at All Saints Anglican Church this week (22nd September).In the statement Archbishop Joseph Coutts of Karachi, president of Pakistan Catholic Bishops’ Conference, said: “The attacking of innocent men, women and children while praying in the church is […]

No, the Pope is Not Diluting the Anti-Abortion Focus of the Church
As the Director of Priests for Life, known worldwide as a ministry within the Catholic Church that urges more preaching, teaching, and action against abortion, I was asked by many alarmed and confused people these past few days about the reported comments of the Pope that the Church should not be “obsessed” with this issue, […]

Tax Cuts and Deficits: Fact vs. Fiction
The main reason for most deficits: excessive spending.

Why the Incarnation Matters
“But this I have against you, that you have forgotten your first love.” (Apocalypse 2:3) When it is asked what the biggest problem in the Church is, people respond in a variety of ways. Various Catholics cite the loss of the sense of sin, loss of the dignity of the human person, the dictatorship of […]

Religious Sisters File First Class-Action Lawsuit Against Controversial HHS Mandate
Today, the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Little Sisters of the Poor, a religious order of Sisters dedicated to caring for the elderly poor (see video). Without relief, the Little Sisters face millions of dollars in IRS fines because they cannot comply with the government’s mandate that they […]

Miley Cyrus’ Exploitation Doesn’t Surprise
You’d better sit down because this is going to come as quite a shock. Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth have broken their engagement. I know. You probably need a minute to collect yourself. Who wouldn’t? They’ve been together since 2010 when they met on the set of a forgettable film called “The Last Song” (would […]

Yes, There Is
I remember the woman well. She was in her mid-twenties. She wanted an abortion, and did not want anyone or anything to interfere with her plan. She had arrived at the abortion facility that morning with a young man whom I later learned was her boyfriend…and the father of the child whom she came to […]

Helping People Into RCIA
Without a doubt, you know someone who is ready and just needs a little nudge. Chances are, you sit by him almost every week at Mass. Chances are, you work with her, and your conversations have turned to the topic of faith now and then. Maybe, you even kiss this person goodnight and call the […]