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The Fertility Industry Superhighway
Miriam Zoll, author of the recent book Cracked Open: Liberty, Fertility and the Pursuit of High-Tech Babies, has a terrific piece in the New York Times on “Selling the Fantasy of Fertility” to those struggling with infertility. She’s co-written the piece with Pamela Tsigdinos, and their voices are important as they write from their personal […]

The Human Machine?
In modern times, skewing the image of the human being as a child of God, created in His image and likeness, is a process that started the day the first condom was sold in a vending machine early in the 1940s. While it is equally true that, since the beginning of time, man has tried by every means […]

Keep the Faith in Syria
A Syrian prelate, ordained a bishop only last month, has spoken of his dismay at the country’s mass exodus of Christians, but he is convinced that the future of one of the world’s oldest Church communities is assured. Melkite Greek Catholic Bishop Nicolas Antiba of Bosra and Hauran described how his faithful in southern Syria […]

Understanding Pro-Choice Arguments, Part II
My last article proposed the option of converting pro-choice minds by listening to their arguments. Aside from the fact that a world without abortion is very bleak for pro-choicers, what does a world with abortion look like? Obviously they’re not happy with the way it looks now, otherwise they wouldn’t be marching around, topless, screaming, […]

A Man’s Job
A founding principle of the Knights of Columbus was to help men protect their families from financial ruin should disaster strike the husband and father. As the son of a woman who was widowed with four children ages 5-15, and a member of the Order, I support this work. Yet a husband’s job goes far […]

Book Review: In the Custody of Words
The book comprises twenty poems, and leaves one wishing there were more.

Patterns and Incidents
Incidents take place all around us, but patterns have to be articulated.

A Crime in Time—and Again
Anne Roback Morse also contributed to this article. California has a long-history of eugenics, and it is easy to condemn the eugenics laws that the Golden State passed in 1909 and implemented until 1952. These sterilizations were visited upon “the unfit” in mental hospitals, upon the uneducated, and upon non-white minorities in disproportionately high numbers. […]

From Worship to a Moral Life and Charity
In an interview by Edward Pentin of Zenit on July 25, 2013, Cardinal Raymond Burke was asked if the abuses of the liturgy that abounded after the Second Vatican Council affected the moral life of Catholics. “There’s no question in my mind,” he said, “that the abuses in the sacred liturgy, reduction of the liturgy […]

Preying on the Disabled
I came across a headline that posed a bold idea: Killing MS Patients VIA Assisted Suicide to Harvest their Organs? As a theoretical question for provocative bioethicists to ponder or advocate, it may be interesting, but I live in the real world far from academia. The real world is being asked to answer that very […]

What Can We Do in the Face of Suffering?
I remember a couple of years ago seeing some TV reports about a heartbreaking situation in Somalia and Kenya that continue today. The commentator said, “We must warn you. Some of the images you are about to see are quite disturbing.” We proceed to see starving infants and children with distended tummies, crying children who […]

Poem: “Hear This Day My answer O child”
Hear this day My answer O child Hear this day My answer O child, The answer you have sought from Me. Know that it is the Lord Who speaks, He Who knows your every need. I am faithful to my servants, I am truth everlasting, I am life eternal, I am Lord of all. He […]

It’s (No Longer) a Jeep Thing
I became upset when I got word. Jeep, reports Automotive News, is shifting its focus away from hearty off-road 4X4’s to, mostly, dinky little two-wheel-drive cars that ride smoothly on paved roads — the kind of cars Europeans like to drive. This is what happens when an iconic American brand is sold to a European […]

Why I Should Move to North Dakota
I don’t have a paying job at this time, but I am very busy. Even though I no longer homeschool and my girls are over ten, my house is messy. I spend most of my day on Facebook and Twitter. Why? Christina, my daughter, is growing up in a world where no one invites her […]

Fox News Raises the Rainbow Flag
Five out of five of “The Five” agree with the “evolved” Obama on same-sex marriage.

Poem: “On This Long Storm the Rainbow Rose”
On This Long Storm the Rainbow Rose (Time and Eternity V) On this long storm the rainbow rose, On this late morn the sun; The clouds, like listless elephants, Horizons straggled down. The birds rose smiling in their nests, The gales indeed were done; Alas! How heedless were the eyes On whom the summer shone! […]

The Fallacy of Solo Scriptura
I must have been around four years old when I was first paraded in front of the church to sing with my sister. The song was “The B-I-B-L-E,” and I belted the words out with all the zeal I could muster. The B-I-B-L-E, yes that’s the book for me; I stand alone on the Word […]

Will Advancements in IVF Ever Lead to Acceptance By the Church?
For many years now, pro-life leaders have pointed to the massive loss of life that comes with in vitro fertilization (IVF) as one of the key evils of the procedure. Additionally, the extreme cost of the procedure, the likelihood of multiple embryos implanting resulting in selective reduction abortions, and health risks to both mother and […]

The Great Divide
Because I’m known for blogging about the mishaps and joys inherent in raising a large family, it may surprise some of you to know that I have no siblings myself. I am an only child. I know, right? We onlies are a rare breed to begin with, but onlies who go on to have a slew of kids? […]

Helping the Poor Through Catholic Microfinance
One of the constant themes of Pope Francis’ pontificate is his emphasis on reaching out to the poor and the marginalized. Those who are “least” in this world are dear to the Holy Father’s heart and he uses every opportunity to exhort believers to go out from beyond the four walls of our churches and […]

The Religious Art of Daniel Mitsui
Intricate details and deep meaning characterize Daniel Mitsui’s religious art, which he renders by hand using ink on paper or vellum. Mitsui draws biblical subjects and saints according to the conventions of traditional iconography. More than being just representations of scenes and persons, Mitsui’s works are visual theological treatises. For example, his Pentecost shows not only tongues […]

Ten Suggestions for Being Contemplative in a Busy World
I sat in my kitchen on the morning of Labor Day, watching and listening to the activity around me. My husband and I, along with our three youngest children, had arrived home on the previous evening from a three-week vacation in Newfoundland and this was the first time that the family (nine of the ten […]

Why I Can’t Go Back to Being Pro-Choice
-Where I was ten years ago- I told my future husband on a date in 2004: “My sister had half of her thyroid removed because she had parasitic cells growing on it. Was she wrong to have the surgery done so that she could live? Of course not and it’s the same with abortion.” I […]