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All Articles

For Traditionalists, A Time To Listen
We may be mediocre, but with our gifts and the sacraments, we traditionalists look to rise above mediocrity. We only ask a chance a chance to let us do so.

This is a Baby, Not a Policy Issue
The Daily Show’s John Oliver caught Secular Pro-Life’s attention because of an ignorant remark he made about a North Carolina Senate bill that addressed both abortion safety regulations and Sharia law. Oliver said, “Let me just understand this: You’re adding abortion restrictions to legislation banning the making of laws based upon religious belief. That’s like passing a […]

A Life Lived in the Spirit
At the request of Jesus, the Holy Spirit has been given to us. Do we really know what that means? What does a life lived in the spirit look like? “But I tell you the truth, it is better for you that I go. For if I do not go, the Advocate will not come […]

Violated: A President’s Visit
I awoke before dawn and was assaulted by the knowledge that today the President of the United States was coming to our little neck of the world. From the moment I heard about his little visit I had been torn, frustrated and angered. Why here, why come to a high school in a remote southern […]

Church Architecture 101, Part 5: Architecture and Second-Hand Heresy
Since the last installment, a gentleman who read these articles made the following observation about architecture. He said there are two “courts.” One that is ‘modern’ and the other that is ‘historical.’ He justified having a preference by saying “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” He also made the point that there are […]

Fundamental Reform Needed at Catholic Relief Services
There is a fundamental—and well-nigh irreconcilable—conflict between authentic Catholic charity and government-funded “humanitarian” programs. So say many of the bishops of the developing world. They should know, since they are on the receiving end of both. You didn’t read about it in the press, but from November 19-22, 2012, dozens of African bishops and African […]

Poem: “At The Foot of the Cross”
At The Foot of the Cross My Son is dead now His suffering is past And from that cruel cross They bring him at last. I hold His still hands Now pierced and so torn, His fair face is ghastly From lashes and thorn. His pure eyes so lovely Are closed now in peace, What […]

To Wear or Not Wear: Church Veils and Mantillas
If you do an internet search for “church veil” or “mantilla”, you’ll come across many websites dedicated to wearing a piece of lace covering on your head during Holy Mass. You’ll also find many blog posts and articles that ask the question: should I or shouldn’t I wear a mantilla? The reasons for veiling are […]

Pope Francis on Gays
Two days after Pope Francis’ now famous remarks on homosexuals and homosexuality, I heard a homily in which the homilist said Francis was giving us light “to see things in a way we never saw them before.” That certainly is true. What the homilist didn’t say is that in the present instance the Pope also […]

Holy Male Friendships
The moment doesn’t last that long. A few minutes, tops. It happens every Saturday morning I’m able to drag my body out of bed at 6 o’clock to join my brothers in Christ at a local Bread Company. Either Larry Boldt or Jim LaVictoire passes out a card to each member of our group — […]

Procreative Altruism: Lebensborn Re-Imagined
You remember Julian Savulescu, the Oxford “ethicist” who is telling parents that we are morally obligated to choose the child among many “possible children” that is determined by genetic testing to have the “best life.” He wants us all to use IVF, whether we are infertile or not apparently, to create a batch of embryos […]

Role Models Like A-Rod Aren’t Worth Your Time
Q. This week’s suspension of New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez and 12 other major league players for ties to performance-enhancing drugs is yet another example of celebrity athletes setting a horrible example for their young fans. It seems celebrities of all stripes enjoy the fame and fortune that comes with their high-profile careers but never give a thought to […]

Is Virginity at Marriage a Mistake?
In a column on, Jessica Ciencin Henriquez – a fabulous writer, as far as I can tell – called her virginity at marriage a mistake. Wedding night sex was not what the church (nor the purity ring she wore) promised it would be. Neither was her marriage. Six months into it, Jessica wrote, “the […]

Faith, Prayer, and the Example of Mary
Faith leads us into prayer and prayer leads us into God. When the Holy Spirit descends upon us in baptism and confirmation the light of faith is turned on within us. It is renewed and brightened every time we are present for the epiclesis in Liturgy, share in the Eucharist, and sincerely seek God in […]

Gay “Marriage”, Bigotry, and the Public Interest
For many people, human sexuality is completely disconnected from procreation.

Cloaking Infanticide With Medical Respectability
During a testy exchange with a Weekly Standard reporter, United States Representative Nancy Pelosi, a self-professed “devout Catholic,” called the discussion of late-term abortions “sacred ground.” In the same conversation, she used the word “reprehensible” to describe the activities of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, the Philadelphia abortionist convicted of murder after snipping the spines of infants who […]

Three Popes, Three Missions
The election of Pope Francis was generally an occasion of joy around the world, especially for Catholics in Latin America. His call for simplicity and authenticity in living the Christian life has been received with enthusiasm. His intended mission as Holy Father seems to be to model Christian living in the 21st century. He urges […]

The Measure of Humanity
Pope Benedict writes in Spe salvi, “The true measure of humanity is essentially determined in relationship to suffering and to the sufferer.” These words recently took on new meaning for me as I encountered the story of Edwarda O’Bara, who passed away at the age of 59 in late November. In January 1970 Edwarda slipped into […]

Homeschooling Multiple Ages in a Large and Busy Family
It’s daunting to think about schooling many children, all different age ranges, in a busy house. It takes a bit of creative thinking but it can be done. Each summer before the year starts, I start praying about our schedule, and I ask my husband to pray about it too. I have some tips and […]

Same-Sex Couple Sues Church for Refusing ‘Wedding’
Less than two weeks after the coalition government’s gay “marriage” bill was signed into law, a homosexual man has launched a lawsuit against a Church of England parish in Maldon for refusing him and his civil partner the lavish church wedding of their dreams. Barrie Drewitt-Barlow told the Essex Chronicle that he has launched the […]

Love and Selfishness
In recent times there has been somewhat of an appropriate backlash against the idea that a girl is supposed to be an idle “princess” just waiting around for her Prince Charming. In fact, not to long ago I wrote a post about how we don’t actually have to wait another minute for our love story […]