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Austin was my Golgotha
Standing outside of the capitol on July 12, 2013, passing out water, I was one of the passersby – one of the individuals who could help, but wasn’t in the thick of things. From the capitol building, I could hear chants and screams of abortion advocates rallying in the rotunda. Sometimes the ground shook from […]

A Man’s Guide to Loving a Woman – Catholic Style
Sanctity. This is the first rule of a Catholic man. Be a saint and create the most fertile ground for your spouse to be a saint. Share your dessert. This is one of the hardest tests. You have eaten a good dinner. The sweet tray is brought to your table. She says she does not […]

A Daily Examination of Conscience
A simple examination of conscience helps build the moral life of a Catholic. It guides a Catholic towards holiness and sainthood. Like taking vitamins or brushing your teeth, it should be done daily! Find a set time where you will have anywhere between 10 and 20 minutes of quiet and solitude. If possible, also find […]

The Narrow Road
Our original intention was not to climb the mountain, rather it was to take the Gondola up and walk down the 3 mile, 3,000 foot elevation change. The $52.00 price tag changed our minds and so did the perky young attendant, “Oh, I climbed the mountain yesterday and it only took an hour and a […]

Catholic Insights Into Depression
Being father to five young boys and maintaining both a university teaching post and a busy clinical practice would seem to be a prescription for physical and emotional meltdown. Yet in addition to all this, Catholic psychiatrist Dr. Aaron Kheriaty found time to write a very practical and much-needed book on depression. The Catholic Guide […]

Five Ways to Maintain Hope
Sadly, a priest recently committed suicide in the rectory a block down the street from my house. In my view, this priest (and anyone else who has committed suicide) must have lost all hope. To me, a person can only take his or her own life if steeped in utter hopelessness. That got me thinking […]

Marriage, Holy Matrimony, and Catechesis
In England, “gay marriage” is now officially legal though still not ontologically possible–which precipitates another round of posts about marriage and Holy Matrimony. Monsignor Charles pope wrote one on this following the US Supreme Court’s decisions on DOMA and Proposition 8–really, he was revisiting an old post. And of course, a few responses were written […]

Mom and Teen Disagree About Pope’s Message
Q. Pope Francis’ recent comments about gays — meant to be loving and conciliatory — have unfortunately created tension in my home. My teenager believes his comment, “Who am I to judge?” means that we should accept homosexuality as a normal occurrence and, therefore, something we shouldn’t reject. I’m certain that’s not what the pope meant — […]

Intentional Dementia
During Mother’s last few months, conversations were extremely difficult to follow because her mind seamlessly switched from one decade to another. Isaac Singer writes, “Sometimes she’d tangle one story with another and couldn’t find her way out” (In My Father’s Court). Within one statement, she would toggle between viewing me as a teenager in the […]

Bringing Light to Men and Women in Every Place
We all know evil exists. But we also know it’s not some far off truth that doesn’t touch our lives. We’ve seen it in people we don’t know and people we don’t want to know. We’ve seen it in people we work with and go to school with and live near. We’ve seen it in […]

Social Media For Business: 3 Ways To Discover New Content To Share
Managing a social media account for clients is super fun – you get to learn their brand, interact with their followers and friends, and ultimately, help your client achieve their goals. What can be more fun than that? Building a comprehensive social media strategy does not need to be that complex at all. As I always, always […]

Aborting Justice Over Dead Bodies
Recently a comment was made to me that when a pro-life law is passed by a state legislature, it can be a hopeless victory. The reason is that, within days or weeks, the forces of death will orchestrate an action from a court at some level that will render the new law null and void. […]

Empowering Our Youth to Make a “Mess”
In one of his World Youth Days homilies, Pope Francis told the throng of enthusiastic young adults that he wants “a mess”. “I want trouble in the dioceses!” he exclaimed. The participants embraced his words, reacting with the customary jubilation we have come to expect every time the Holy Father addresses the crowds. The Holy […]

Why We Should Stop Saying “Radical Traditionalist” and “Rad Trad”
If they really want to help with these misunderstandings, the first thing they must do is the thing they will be least inclined to do: drop the moniker “radical traditionalist” and “radtrad” entirely. At best the phrase is a relic of a time that is no longer relevant. At worst, the term is creating animosity and perpetuating a growing sense of tribalism within Catholicism, especially in America.

Finding Jesus in the Cake Shop
Christine Kapadia comes from Gujarat in western India. Just like almost 90 per cent of the 60 million inhabitants of this state, she grew up as a Hindu, in a quite common Indian family. But what was rather unusual, was the lively interest she showed as a child in God. “When my father took me […]

Inviting Others to Come Home
One day last summer, I received an email message from Nick, a man who works for the same company as me. I know him a little. I knew his wife, Michelle, better since she trained me in my job before she had her first baby and chose to be a stay-at-home mom. Nick had great news. […]

In America, Every Baby is a “Royal Baby”
Across the globe, every birth should be celebrated!

Poem: “The Elixir”
The Elixir Teach me, my God and King, In all things Thee to see, And what I do in anything To do it as for Thee. Not rudely, as a beast, To run into an action; But still to make Thee prepossest, And give it his perfection. A man that looks on glass, On it […]

Calling the Case for Early Marriage into Question
I crack me up as I car-shop. I crack me up because I like the coupe but I think the sedan is smarter. This is because my current car has been my car for 10 years, which implies my next car could be my car for 10 years, too. If it is, I imagine (hope, […]

Reincarnated or Redeemed?
The problem with reincarnation is that the belief that our souls are enfleshed again in different forms dismisses any uniqueness of personhood. Not only does reincarnation treat the body as a shell or a cast-off and the soul as recyclable, but it completely ignores the part that our gender plays in our personhood because it […]

“I Can’t Remain Silent When People are Being Killed Like Flies”
In his sermon last Sunday, 21 July in the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Bangui, the Archbishop of Bangui, Dieudonné Nzapalainga had clear words to say. “I can’t remain silent while the sons of this country are the victims of the worst kind of barbarism. I can’t remain silent while Central Africans are being tortured […]

Spoiled Children are Spoiling the Summer
Q. It’s the dog days of summer and I’m out of ideas to entertain my kids. For the past week, I feel like all I do is open my wallet and shell out more money to keep them from complaining. They are bored and plugged into electronics all day. My suggestions for things to do […]

Abortion Activists Overplay Hand on Chilean “Hard Case”
An 11-year old rape victim has unexpectedly turned the tables on the international abortion lobby as it seeks to use her plight to overturn Chile’s pro-life laws. The girl, known as Belén, is pregnant after several years of sexual abuse by her mother’s boyfriend who threatened her to keep silent. Unlike other “hard cases” where […]