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Why Do We Homeschool?
“Why do we homeschool?” Often when we begin homeschooling there is something that prompted us to begin. It may have been a child struggling with school, a negative socializing experience, or any number of issues. Once the mom begins, she may feel conflicted that her children will miss out on some great academic experience. She […]

Massachusetts Legislature: Public Hearing from Hell
If you want to see how a third-world country treats its citizens, you need look no further than the Massachusetts Legislature. As the hearing began, Gardner Auditorium was packed. But most of the people in attendance never got the opportunity to testify. On July 9, 2013, the Joint Committee on the Judiciary held a major […]

My Slogan: “Practice Saved Sex!”
NFP Week is July 21 – 27, 2013 I am a journalist and a convert. That sounds like an oxymoron. Two years after joining the Catholic Church, my wife and I began practicing Natural Family Planning (NFP). I found that the chastity required to get through the periods of abstinence caused profound changes in me. […]

Are You Dating a Terrorist?
In today’s troubled world, we sadly have the word “terrorist” presented to us on a regular basis. When we hear that word, our thoughts are immediately drawn to those who perform public acts of violence and destruction with an intent to kill people. Did you ever give any thought to the possibility that the person […]

Does Your Blog Matter? Tracking Your Influence
In the coming months I’m definitely going to diving deep into the topic of influence; be that influence online, in person, or in business. The fact of the matter is that you are either an influencer, or you are being influenced. Hopefully there is some balance between the two. But if you’re trying to influence […]

Doctor Executioners
If we could count the ways that physicians have become the politicians of their chosen profession, perhaps we would better understand why human lives are like poker chips, popular votes or, even worse, trash. Lest we forget, when the ballyhoo started in Texas and Senator Wendy Davis began her infamous filibuster, the question before the […]

Sex Ed: Parents, It’s Your Job and You Can Do It
“I just don’t even want to talk about it.” A mom confided she’d buried her head in the sand. Yes, her daughter could reasonably expect her period sometime in the next few years. But Mom just wasn’t ready yet. Moms and Dads: We have to get ready. It is our job to teach our children […]

Becoming a Saint One Day at a Time
God calls us each to holiness, to sainthood. Every day, each experience we have helps us grow in our faith and in our purpose: to achieve holiness; to become saints; to fully become the person God intends us to be. Each experience, then, has the potential to be “purgative.” Purgation is a process that gets […]

Dinner Bells and Other Lost Sounds of Summer
I long for the sounds of summer I knew as a kid. In the ’60s and ’70s, you see, most of our neighbors kept their windows open day and night, allowing the outside sounds to come in and the inside sounds to go out. I woke every morning to the birds chirping outside my window […]

Abortion and the Finitude of “Erin Go Bragh”
“Erin Go Bragh,” the Gaelic for, “Ireland Forever.” Actually, that’s the corruption of the Gaelic, “Éirinn go Brách.” The term, brách, literally translates as, “until eternity,” or “until the end of time.” This more accurate translation shows the richer Catholic soil from which the sentiment springs. It is less a temporal, here-and-now forever, as it […]

If At First . . .
We tried. Our cat….the one I have dubbed “Cat’…is indispensable and obviously knows it. Our son found ‘Cat’ outside his apartment a few years back and called to see if we could give her a home. He named her ‘Sheba’–but I’ve never quite settled into that name, so for me she remains – ‘Cat.’ I’m […]

A Life of “Unconnected Instants”
The world is in disarray in large part because we have become a civilization of idol worshippers. The never-ending pursuit of more money, better homes, everlasting leisure, career advancement, political dominance, greater celebrity, religious indifference, and a lack of a clear Christian identity are clouding our ability to sit in the silence where we can […]

Gay Friend Offers Teachable Moment
Q: Recently, a boy at my daughter’s Christian high school revealed to his lunch table buddies that he is gay. The group was caught off guard, but not surprised. After a few days, the novelty of this news wore off and the general feeling on the part of the kids is, “Whatever.” In short, it’s clear […]

RH Law Implementation Suspended Indefinitely by Supreme Court in Philippines
Pro-life advocates in the Philippines received some much needed good news on Tuesday in the fight against the anti-life Reproductive Health (RH) Law. The Supreme Court voted 8-7 to suspend implementation of the law “until further orders” from the Court. A status quo ante order issued by the Court in March to delay the law’s […]

God and Parenting Woes
Remember when you had all the answers about parenting—in other words, when you were single? Then you got married, conceived your first child, and were instantly unsure of yourself. You decided you must consult the experts. At least, that’s what happened to me. I spent my first pregnancy reading Dr. Sears and Greg and Lisa […]

Should Dismemberment be Legal?
Public opinion about abortion in America can best be described as ambivalent: uncomfortable with unrestricted abortion, yet unwilling to ban it totally. Public opinion has remained pretty stable since Roe vs. Wade. One time it did move was when partial-birth abortion was being debated publicly in the late 90’s. People became more willing to identify […]

Remembering the Martyrs of Compiegne
During the period between 1789 and 1799, France was deep in the throes of revolution with forces of change advocating for democratic reforms. With the downfall of the monarchy in 1792, the Committee of Public Safety became the governing body. From September 1793 – July 1794, France lived in the period famously known as The […]

The Court of Law v. The Court of Public Opinion
Well, it’s finally over. The verdict is in. George Zimmerman was acquitted of the murder and manslaughter of Trayvon Martin. Despite the sensationalism and emotion surrounding this trial, the State of Florida failed to meet the burden of proof required for a conviction. No words can describe the pain a parent feels at losing a […]

The Phony Inevitability of Same-Sex Marraige
Claims that something is inevitable are generally of two kinds. Sometimes the claim is simply a statement of fact (“Inevitably, the sun will rise tomorrow”). Other times it expresses a wish or perhaps a fear (“So-and-so is sure to be the next president of the United States”). The claim that same-sex marriage is inevitable in […]

Hope and Unrest in Egypt
Religious representatives from Egypt speaking to the international Catholic pastoral charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) expressed the hope for a positive development in the crisis-ridden country following the fall from power of the Muslim Brother Mohamed Mursi. The Coptic-Catholic Bishop of Asyut in Upper Egypt, Kyrillos William, told ACN on Tuesday, July […]

This is Historic
Before I share two HUGE news items with you, a quick reminder that there’s only one more day to register to attend either of the two webcasts tomorrow. Now for the great news. If you’ve followed 40 Days for Life for any length of time, you know that this worldwide movement began in Bryan/College Station, […]

Bad Catechesis Begets Bad Catechesis
We do not really want a religion that is right where we are right. We want a religion that is right where we are wrong. We do not want, as the newspapers say, a church that will move with the world. We want a church that will move the world. -G.K. Chesterton Chesterton’s words resonate […]