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Pro-Life Things You Should Start Doing Today
For the last week or so, thousands of people in blue have flocked to Austin to show their support for the unborn among us and their mothers. Thousands of marchers have shown up from places all over the state to speak out for the voiceless. I love their passion and admire their dedication. I keep […]

Poem: “The Potter”
The Potter Sinner that I am O God, Still You give me Your quill To write the words that are on my heart When the evening is still. You touch me in the gentlest way, And you tear my heart within me. You fill me with wondrous praise, And prayers come out from in me. […]

Justice Kennedy’s “Demeaning” DOMA Ruling
There are several sections of Justice Anthony Kennedy’s reasoning that I regard as unusually problematic.

Contraceptive Compliance: How the Philippines Will Become the Next China
There will be visits from the local population officer. You will not be able to be married without a “certificate of compliance” issued by the local Family Planning Office. From 5th grade on, you will receive “values formation” and education about “population and development” and “responsible parenthood” at school. Your government will help you achieve […]

Mainstream media: leading us around by the nose, every chance they get.

Do You Feel Worthy of God’s Love?
Do you see yourself as worthy of God’s love? Many women don’t. Due to sin, disappointments in life, and voices in the outside world, Satan is often able to convince women that they have lost God’s love and these women in turn give up hope. “Satan wants nothing more for us than for us to […]

A New Pentecost
What Catholics typically call “the First Pentecost” was actually a New Pentecost itself.

Poem: “A Coffin—is a Small Domain”
A Coffin—is a Small Domain A Coffin—is a small Domain, Yet able to contain A Citizen of Paradise In it diminished Plane. A Grave—is a restricted Breadth— Yet ampler than the Sun— And all the Seas He populates And Lands He looks upon To Him who on its small Repose Bestows a single Friend— Circumference […]

Can’t Pray? Jump Out of a Plane
I went through an extended period last year during which I had difficulty praying. The stretch lasted many weeks in which I couldn’t find the words to speak to God as I usually did, couldn’t sit silently in His presence as I usually did because I wasn’t certain He was there and struggled simply to say the […]

The International Criminal Court Has Dismissed SNAP’s Last Gasp
SNAP’s 2011 petition charged the Holy See with “crimes against humanity,” but the International Criminal Court unmasked SNAP’s true agenda – and rejected it. The headline was “The Hague Tosses SNAP’s Nutty Lawsuit Against the Vatican, SNAP’s Latest P.R. Stunt Exposed.” The Hague is the seat of government of the Netherlands, and the base of […]

Weekly Wits: 7/12/13 Like Us On Facebook FollowMeOnTwitter

Bad Breath: A Simple Gift Simply Returned
“Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” (Colossians 3:13) There is no Scripture verse that reads, “Fret not thyself because of morning breath; thy husband knoweth and doth also have it.” Too bad. For at least a month after our wedding, in […]

UNICEF Claims Children Have Right to Confidential Sex Services
UNICEF says that nations are bound by international law to recognize the right of children to sexually-related information and services without parental knowledge. UNICEF’s latest annual report revealed that it interprets two UN human rights treaties–on disabilities and children’s rights–to include a child’s right “to confidential sexual and reproductive health information and services during adolescence […]

Man of Steel: Three Faith Takeaways
I’m likely late to the party in writing about Man of Steel, but since I’ve been on the road so much lately I just saw the film this week. The PG-13 rated film ranks an AIII (for adults) from Catholic News Service and a less-than-glowing review from Fr. Robert Barron. My take: I sort of loved […]

“We Are Here!” How One Small Voice Can Make a Tremendous Impact!
In the Dr. Seuss classic “Horton Hears a Who,” Horton the elephant struggles and fights desperately to prove to his culture that there is a tiny hidden world (Whoville) filled with priceless individuals in an insignificant dust speck. The overwhelming majority believe Horton is crazy, and they try to destroy the dust speck with the […]

Essential Parenting
Model and support a life of religious faith and practice.

Report: 11,000 Late-Term Abortions Take Place a Year in the U.S.
Some 11,000 American children are aborted every year after the 20th week of pregnancy, according to figures contained in a new Congressional report on the cost of banning such procedures. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is required by law to perform a cost estimate for every bill pending in Washington, so legislators will know the […]

Movie Review: Despicable Me 2
Gru and his yellow, gobbledygook-spewing, Contac-capsule-shaped minions are baaaack! Despicable Me 2 picks up where Despicable Me left off, but if you didn’t see the first installment, no worries, “2” is a hoot without it. All you need to know is that Gru (Steve Carell) is a former dastardly doer of evil deeds on a […]

Your Contribution to China’s One-Child Policy
Anne Roback Morse also contributed to this article. Two weeks ago, the US State Department ranked China as one of the worst countries in the world for sex-trafficking, giving the one-child policy as the root cause. This analysis is spot on. It is because of the one-child policy that Chinese parents are forced to artificially limit […]

Totus Tuus Again…and Again
All around the World people are making final preparations for World Youth Day in July, my thoughts wandered back to its beginnings. It was Palm Sunday, 1984. Blessed John Paul II, speaking in Saint Peter’s Square said to the people, “What a fantastic spectacle is presented on this stage by your gathering here today! Who claimed […]

Dan Brown’s Inferno Portrays Transhumanism in Positive Light
WARNING! SPOILERS AHEAD. (That is if you want to read Inferno of your own free will.) I recently had the displeasure of reading Dan Brown’s new novel, Inferno, because I heard it had transhumanist themes. Essentially, it was the same book as Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code except this time the backdrop […]

Scrapbooking in a Digital Age
Scrapbooking is one of my passions. It’s no surprise; when I was a young child my father (a history teacher) dubbed me the “family historian”. I have always been fascinated with family relationships and their history. When I discovered scrapbooking twelve years ago, I jumped at the chance to document my family history while exercising […]

For Whom the Bell Tolls
“When the government has the power to deny legal rights and due process to one vulnerable group, everyone’s rights are at risk.” So says the American Civil Liberties Union on the section of their website dedicated to the issue of immigrants’ rights. “No Human Being Is Illegal” reads the banner at the top of the […]