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Security Council Says Abortion Not a Human Right Even in Cases of Rape
Michelle Riestra also contributed to this article. The UN Security Council rebuffed suggestions that victims of wartime rape have a right to abortion in a landmark resolution on women in peace and security last week. Actress Angelina Jolie urged the United Nations to help victims and punish perpetrators as part of the effort to garner […]

Fisher v. University of Texas: The Court Misses an Opportunity
What did the court do? What should it have done?

Modesty: Who’s Responsible?
Some recent events in the news have highlighted just how difficult it is to affirm modesty as a virtue worth instilling. In one particular instance, a public school principal took a stance for modesty, and may end up in court as a result. The principal refused admittance to two girls attending their high school prom […]

Now My Eyes Have Seen the Light
PVC is amazing stuff. Its versatility rivals that of Duct Tape. And growing up, we always had plenty of both around the house. The PVC was mostly for Dad’s plumbing work on our house, which seemed constant. I guess eight kids put a lot of mileage on the pipes. As for the Duct Tape, as […]

When Gay “Marriage” Affects Your Family
On June 26, 2013, the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was struck down in a five- to- four decision by the United States Supreme Court. Gay activists south of the border were overjoyed. Here in Canada, it was just another marriage equality day since our Supreme Court redefined marriage with the passing of the Civil […]

Poem: “The Lullaby of Tears”
The Lullaby of Tears When Jesus was a little child As evening’s shadows lay, The Holy Virgin held Him close For tired was He from play. And Heaven sent in shining white The angels to their King Who kissed His precious baby hands Then knelt to pray and sing. The flowers bloomed to hear their […]

Slouching Toward Adulthood
I recently received an interesting book for review, the softcover edition of Sally Koslow’s Slouching Toward Adulthood: How to Let Go So Your Kids Can Grow Up. Let me underscore up front that this is in no way a “Catholic” or even a religious book, although it does touch upon spiritual issues. Here’s the primary […]

Summary of the Encyclical Lumen Fidei
Lumen fidei – The light of faith (LF) is the first Encyclical signed by Pope Francis. Divided into four chapters, plus an introduction and a conclusion, the Pontiff explains that the Letter supplements Benedict XVI’s Encyclicals on charity and hope, and takes up the “fine work” carried out by the Pope Emeritus, who had already […]

U.S. v. Windsor and the Future of Religious Liberty
As we are all aware by now, on June 26 the Supreme Court of the United States issued opinions in the cases of Hollingsworth v. Perry and United States v. Windsor. In Hollingsworth, the Court held that citizens have no legal standing to defend in federal court those initiatives for which they signed petitions, campaigned, and voted. That […]

A Season for Treason
An America that goes post-national has made the argument for its own non-existence.

“I Have Missed You, Father”
The “God moment” arrived during the performance of a high school musical one year ago. Not that it should have been confused with just any high school musical. This was the Youth Sing Praise program, an outstanding combination theater camp and religious retreat that has been operating for one week in June for the last […]

Searching For Paul Revere
Listen, my children, and you shall hear Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere, On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-Five; Hardly a man is now alive Who remembers that famous day and year. Other than recalling a fragment of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s wonderful, if historically inaccurate poem, many Americans, myself included, do not know much […]

Poem: “Independence Day, USA”
Independence Day, USA Fourth of July Emblazoned so high, That children may see By history. And for young and old Of most every mold Who want to learn, Who can discern How the past does sing That freedom may spring From the muskets’ fumes When tyranny looms; How to fight for right Lest darkness and […]

Egypt – Murder by the Cathedral
A representative of international Catholic pastoral charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) has given a first-hand account of last weekend’s mass protest in Egypt in which at least three people died in a drive-by shooting near Assiut’s Coptic Catholic Cathedral. Passing on appeals for prayers for peace from two senior clerics, ACN’s Neville […]

Sex and the Supreme Court: Your 60-Second Guide to American Fertility
Last week the US Supreme Court ruled against the Defense of Marriage Act, ignoring the fundamental good to society of promoting marriages among those able to bear children, namely, marriages between a man and a woman, and the underlying nature of sexuality itself. Most conservatives believe that children come from sex. Conversely, many liberals believe children […]

Sliding Pictures in Web Banners: Best Practice or Fading Fad?
Sliding pictures in website banners are very popular today. For a long time, I tried to like them. But I gave up because they drive me crazy. That’s because I get interested in the initial picture shown and then it changes. Hey, where’d my picture go? Or, after looking at the picture, I start to […]

Can We Stop Fretting About Modesty?
Seems like, lately, everyone’s been writing about how much women should wear, why it matters (or doesn’t), how too-strict standards can be emotionally damaging, and how we’re all contributing to the rape culture. I agree that modesty is important, but I’m sensing an unhealthy dose of fear, insecurity, judgment, and tunnel vision. Guys, we all […]

Profiles In Courage: A Champion of Death and Her Catholic Supporter
The Texas baby blood war played out in Austin and in the national media last week. The abortion industry marshaled its legislative enablers (also known as members of the Democratic Party) at the state capital. The abortionists’ ire was directed at a proposed law that would impose a ban on abortion after 20 weeks of […]

Why Confirmation?
In this column I have frequently referenced findings about the dismal way in which many Catholics look at the sacraments. I think the problem is more than just the usual ranting and ravings about a liberal church, how horrible things are after Vatican II, true as all these clichés are. Instead the problem stems from […]

Poem: “Final Vows”
Final Vows 10/28/04 If in this hour we are not one, All is not right with my soul. For we have chosen to wed this moment. You and I ….each a part of this moment. We are joined O lord for you have beckoned me. We are joined O Lord because I came willingly. Even […]

Mock ‘Marriage’ and the Death of Freedom
While poorly decided U.S. Supreme Court cases are a dime a dozen, prior to last Wednesday, two stood out among the most wretched and constitutionally groundless in American History. First was the 1857 Dred Scott decision. Among other things, it robbed African-Americans of both their U.S. citizenship and their dignity. Next came the 1973 ruling […]

Requiem for the Ballerinas
The corruption of innocence is a deadly sin, because it corrupts the innocents. Better a millstone be tied around the necks of those who corrupt the innocent and they be flung into the sea, said Jesus. He really never pointed out too many particular sins attaching to them a ‘woe betide’. About the only other […]