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America’s Most Charming Couple is Back
Yup, it’s them again. America’s most charming couple is back in the news. You remember, don’t you? We were introduced back in May when Albert Garland (a pseudonym), published a piece on Babble with the charming sub-headline: “My wife’s expecting twins — and I’m not happy about it.” Things only went downhill from there. Well, […]

The Real Racism Question of the Day
The current question of racism is a red herring. It’s easier to focus on a single word uttered by a single celebrity than it is to address the real issue and tragedy of racism. The “N” word is an abomination to me. Thirty-eight years ago, I lived briefly as a Yankee in the heart of […]

Insurrectionary Options: Ballots vs. Bullets
It is time for believers in God and country to get real, and face the fact that the enemy is at the gates and starting to come over the wall. They might not feed us to the lions, but already they’re throwing us to the lawyers. Just ask Baronelle Stutzman, the Christian florist in Tri […]

‘Gay’ Marriage and Contraception
In view of the June 26 Supreme Court decisions on “gay” marriage, it is time for serious Catholics to examine how this perverted situation came to pass. Let’s start with the use of the word “gay” and American Life League’s internal style guide. At ALL, we never use the word “gay.” The guide states that […]

Reflections on Gettysburg
What a different country this might have been if, 400 years ago, someone had suggested, “Let’s pick our own cotton.”

He’s Not a Hitter, He’s a Baby Sitter!
“Let’s go, he can’t hit, he can’t hit.” “Stop the game! How dare you suggest that the batter, an innocent 12-year-old child who only wants to make contact with the ball, cannot hit! Have you considered how your ridicule will harm his self-esteem? As the umpire of this game, I forbid you to utter such […]

When “Anti-Discrimination” Laws Become a Serious Danger
The fight against “discrimination” reaches a new extreme in Germany, where the Bundesärztekammer (BÄK), a body representing the country’s healthcare professionals, has proposed to abolish a ban against homosexuals to act as blood donors. The BÄK announced its intention to work towards the lifting of this prohibition, which it described as “discriminatory”. The ban has, […]

Christ in My Beloved: A Cop’s Wife Counts Her Blessings
For nearly two decades, I’ve been the wife of a police officer. Invariably, friends whose husbands do not require body armor to go to work ask how I cope with the inherent dangers of his job. They ask, as politely as possible, how I can live with the every-present possibility of being widowed and having […]

Sex-Trafficking in China
On June 19, 2013 the State Department released its annual report, “Trafficking in Persons Report.” China received an automatic downgrade to the lowest ranking, Tier 3. The State Department acknowledged the one-child policy as the “key source of demand” for sex-trafficking within the country, but remained silent on revoking the policy in its recommendations for […]

Helping Our Children Discern Their Vocations
When I grow up, I’m going to be a priest and a policeman.” “I want to be a nun who rides horses and sings. Can a nun have babies?” “Mummy, when I grow up I’m going to marry you.” I smile as I remember these statements made by some of my children when they were […]

Book Review: The Catholic Baby Name Book
Considering that no one in my family is expecting, it might seem strange that I have been so happily perusing a baby name book. But The Catholic Baby Name Book by Catholic Lane Senior Editor, Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur, is a complete delight and of nearly the same interest whether you are looking to name an expected […]

Poem: “Jim” and “And Then There Were Nine”
Jim This one’s for you, the man you’ve become. There were many years we had no connection, for whatever reason we’ve made the correction. We’ve missed so much because of the choices we’ve made, and there seems little time to make up the gain. So before it is too late for you to know, that […]

Re-Evaluating Television: Questions of Morality
One of my fondest memories of my grandmother is watching Little House on the Prairie with her when I was a child. Knowing she loved Little House on the Prairie, one Christmas I decided to purchase the first season of The Waltons for her. I am not entirely sure if she ever watched any of […]

Liberals Embrace Fatherless (and Motherless) Families
Think about it: married female-female parents will be households without dads.

Summer Camp: Exploring New Passions
At some point between the ages of 5 and 12 most children find a passion. It may be a vocational kind of passion like an animal-lover on the path to veterinary medicine, or an avocation like a softball player who one day applies that determination to passing the Bar Exam. At this tender age, it’s […]

Weekly Wits: 6/28/13 Like Us On Facebook FollowMeOnTwitter

Irish Abortion Bill Will End Lives to Promote False “Right”
This is how crazy the situation has become in Ireland. The abortion bill that is nearing a vote on the Emerald Isle is being pushed by politicians who promised not to do what they are now doing. OK, maybe this is not shocking anymore. But the bill is being sold as necessary to save the […]

Scalia: SCOTUS Decision Declares Marriage Supporters ‘Enemies of the Human Race’
In a scathing dissenting opinion released yesterday, Justice Antonin Scalia lambasted his fellow Supreme Court Justices for striking down a critical part of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and predicted that it will only be a matter of time before the court finds a Constitutional right to gay “marriage.” Scalia labeled Wednesday’s decision “jaw-dropping,” […]

American Church
In the question period after a talk I’d given on my new book, American Church, a woman raised an important point: “If the Church in the U.S. faces as many problems as you say, why is it doing so much better here than in much of Europe?” Great question. My answer–which I also give in […]

Lying is Normal, But Not Okay
You’ve caught your child fibbing time and time again — even about inconsequential things where telling the truth would not result in consequences. Do you have an issue with integrity? Is it a normal phase of child development? Or are you raising a serial liar? I’ll never understand why children try to lie their way […]

Wake Up, Gulliver: The Lilliputians Are Almost Done
Or is it already too late?

Abandoned by God?
It is late, almost midnight. The St. Louis Cardinals ballgame ended just a few moments ago, so I turn off the radio on the nightstand. Now, the house is quiet, the bedroom dark. The only sounds I can detect are the dog’s snoring and my wife’s soft breathing as she lays sleeping next to me. […]

Improvements and Ongoing Problems in Myanmar
A local Catholic leader has taken a critical view of the progress of the reform process in Myanmar, noting some improvements amid ongoing problems. The Archbishop of Rangoon, Charles Bo, made his comments at an event organized by international Catholic pastoral charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN). According to the archbishop, “The democratic […]