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‘Exit International’ Founder Briefly Detained Before Holding UK Suicide Workshops
Australia’s leading euthanasia advocate, Dr. Philip Nitschke, was detained on Sunday night at London’s Gatwick Airport as he was attempting to enter the UK. He was held for over two hours overnight but eventually allowed to proceed. Dr. Nitschke has arrived to conduct his European “Nitro & Nembutal” workshops and speaking tour teaching people how […]

New Research: Unwanted Pregnancies Become Wanted Children
From the stage at the recent Women Deliver conference, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s daughter Chelsea revealed that her much-admired maternal grandmother was the child of unwed teenage parents who “did not have access to services that are so crucial that Planned Parenthood helps provide.” Chelsea’s grandmother was born of an unintended pregnancy. […]

Exchanging Liberty for Tyranny
“The only foundation for . . . a republic is to be laid in Religion. Without this there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments.” Benjamin Rush Conservative Christians like myself love quotes like this, and the nice thing […]

Abortion and Racism in America
Abortionist Douglas Karpen, who operates two abortion facilities in Houston, Texas, is currently under criminal investigation. His practice of twisting “babies’ heads off” their bodies in order to ensure that a late-term abortion results in death for the baby was discussed in exclusive live interviews with three of his former employees. And the fireworks began. […]

Catholic School Incisive, Not Divisive
I don’t know what President Obama was thinking. Speaking in Northern Ireland last week, he said Catholic schools are divisive: “If towns remain divided — if Catholics have their schools and buildings and Protestants have theirs, if we can’t see ourselves in one another and fear or resentment are allowed to harden —that too encourages […]

What are You Grateful For?
The question stared back at me from the email sent by a nurses’ professional group where I hold membership. I read it on a wet, dreary morning as I fretted about having to go to work. I wondered aloud when I would ever win the lottery. Still feeling sorry that I wasn’t an instant millionaire […]

Punishing Kermit Gosnell
There may be some people who say that justice was not done when Kermit Gosnell, the infamous Philadelphia abortionist who was convicted in May for hundreds of crimes, including three counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of infants who survived late-term abortions, was sentenced to life in prison instead of the death penalty. I […]

Five Things About Homeschooling I Didn’t Expect
I have been hesitant to write about our first year of home schooling because I don’t know if my insights offer anything new, but nonetheless, we’ve done it and as anything else goes in life, it was a learning experience for us all. We are not home schooling zealots; we have public-schooled, parochial-schooled, and even […]

Poem: “Beloved”
Beloved Beloved, how can you be troubled now This final hour of unfriendly night, When Christ has pledged, as with a marriage vow, To take you to His house of cheery light? If lavishly He spilled the bottled wine To celebrate your love; if eagerly He slipped into the thorny ring as sign And seal […]

France: the Ugly Face of Gay-Fascism
It is as foreseeable as it is unavoidable: a government that abuses its power to impose absurd and counter-natural laws such as on same-sex “marriages” will soon face massive protest. And given that such laws cannot be defended with rational arguments, those in power take recourse to violence and blatant human rights abuse. Sadly, France […]

Oh No, He’s Discovered the Opposite Sex!
As soon as the men of the world perceive that you seek the devout life, they will launch forth all their raillery and slander against you; the most ill-natured will pronounce your altered ways to be hypocrisy, affection, or bigotry; they will assert that the world having slighted you, rejected by it, you turn to […]

Pray for Me: The Life and Spiritual Vision of Pope Francis
Pray for Me: The Life and Spiritual Vision of Pope Francis, First Pope from the Americas (Image Books) was published a mere six weeks after the election of Pope Francis. As a writer, I can only imagine what a monumental task that must have been for Dr. Robert Moynihan, but the founder and editor of […]

The Most Important Issue of our Lifetime
Our country is at a very, very serious crossroads,” warns Michael Warsaw President & CEO of Eternal Word Television Network, Inc. In the newly released documentary, Domestic Threats to Religious Liberty, Warsaw refers to the 2012 HHS Mandate’s coercion of all employers to provide gravely immoral services as, “the most important issue in our lifetime.” Catholics Witnesses in […]

Federal Judge Rules in Favor of Free Speech in Michigan
The Thomas More Law Center today announces a victory in their lawsuit against teacher Johnson McDowell of Howell High School in Howell, Michigan. Federal District Judge Patrick J. Duggan of the Eastern District of Michigan issued his opinion yesterday. The Court declared the teacher’s actions in punishing Daniel Glowacki for expressing his beliefs against homosexuality […]

Cardinal Burke: Families Must Proclaim the Gospel of Life
The family is the central way of proclaiming the “Gospel of Life,” a top Vatican official said this week during a weekend-long celebration of Blessed John Paul II’s letter by that name. In the family “children witness the Gospel of life in the relationship of their parents with one another and in the relationship of […]

Poem: “Confirmation Day”
Confirmation Day Be with me my child, Be with me my friend. Walk with me in your lifetime And your life will never end. Be with me my servant Be true to only me. And I have given my word, That I shall always be with you. Receive me this day child, I have waited […]

Funding Restrictions Stifle Cloning Research
Unlike many other countries, the United States has no federal restrictions on cloning. Scientists can clone human embryos as much as they want, provided they have the human eggs to do it, and in many states they could transfer those embryos to a female volunteer if they wanted. The only thing that we have in […]

The Lost Art of Education
When American parents send their children off to college, the deluge of emotion can be overwhelming. No matter how much time and money you spent preparing yourself for this most pivotal transition in the life of your child, you always feel as though you could have done more. Will they succeed? Will they be safe? […]

Why We Still Love Lucy
I’ve always watched I Love Lucy. Lately, though, I notice that there is something about it that speaks to me in a very personal way. It sort of tugs at me. I can’t say that the show takes me back to anything in particular because it isn’t from a time in my personal life; but, […]

Was Gatsby a Catholic? (and More)
The Great Gatsby has gotten very mixed reviews. Most of the negative reviews have been a bit snobby and nit-picky in my opinion. It’s to be expected. Whenever anyone tries to adapt a classic piece of literature to film, reviewers often feel (or feign?) strong attachments to it and review cautiously. But I will be honest and […]

The End of Control
The purpose of power is power. And control is just another word for power.

China Ratchets Up One-Child Policy, Part II
Steven W. Mosher also contributed to this article. As the municipality of Huizhou, China, redoubles its efforts at population control, little girls, both born and unborn, are sure to die in large numbers. In Part I, we reported that the Centralized Services for Population and Family Planning of Huizhou was undertaking a new campaign to lower the birth […]