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Speech to the Best Graduating Class Ever
Students, faculty, family members and friends, it is my great honor to deliver your commencement speech today. It is my opinion that our society must take every opportunity to praise our young people for their hard work and accomplishment, and that is why ceremonies such as this are so important to our country’s future. It […]

How Would Blessed Cardinal Newman Teach The Narcissistic Religion Teacher?
St. James tells us if we lack wisdom to ask God because He will give generously. Our petition should rest on a genuine faith attributed to Him. If not, then the opposite of faith — doubt — will cause us to be like a wave of the seas that is driven and tossed by the […]

A Glimpse of Eden
Genesis 3:22-23 “And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.” So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden.” In […]

Poem: “The Ladies (Nurses)”
The Ladies (Nurses) Ladies of the night, Ladies of the day, They lend their hands to Gods’ work, To heal the sick each day. With caring and knowing, They tend their flock. Holding their hands And helping them walk They come with the heart, Of a woman in love. And respond as a Mother, To […]

Weekly Wits: 5/24/13 Like Us On Facebook FollowMeOnTwitter

Applying Jeremiah to Our Modern Jeremiads
Have you heard about how America is an evil nation, opposed to God, and destined to be judged? Or how about how rotten the majority of the Catholic Church is for its lack of fidelity to the Gospel, and how God will judge them for that?

Are We “Too Catholic?”
In a recent conversation with a Protestant friend, I mentioned that we all are called to be saints. “That’s just too Catholic for me,” she said. Those words stung. What does “too Catholic” mean? Do people of our faith tradition give the impression to non-Catholics that we strive for something different than them? For that […]

Stealth Campaign Used to Push Abortion Drug Where It Is Illegal
While debates over abortion laws and international norms continue, a stealthy campaign is underway to gain universal acceptance for the tools and training to do abortions, whether legal or not. One recent example comes from the Kigoma Region of Tanzania. Pro-abortion feminists boast that they have established a clinic dispensing the abortion-inducing drug misoprostol in […]

Plan Ahead to Oppose Cohabitating
To: Marybeth From: Opposed to cohabiting Can you offer any advice for my young adult daughters about why not to live with their boyfriends? I feel strongly that living together is to be saved for marriage, but it is hard for them to understand because “everyone is doing it” and they think I’m just old […]

Hope and Promise
When I first found it, I wasn’t even sure what it was. I was going through a trunk of personal items that had belonged to my dad when I ran across a little brown jewelry box. Dad passed away when I was just fifteen; I’d gathered an array of his possessions and kept them tucked […]

So You Think You’re Pro-Life?
After experiencing my own unplanned pregnancy, and now working at a crisis pregnancy resource center, everything that I ever thought about being pro-life has completely changed. I realized that before I got some perspective, I actually wasn’t very pro-life at all. Yes, I believed that abortion was wrong, so in that sense I was pro-life, […]

Refusing to Suffer is Refusing to Live
After several years of rigorously defending and promoting the dignity and sanctity of all human life, it has been my observation that one of the supporting pillars of the culture of death (those kneejerk proponents of abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, cloning/ESCR) is a desire to avoid or alleviate human suffering at all cost. A woman […]

Scandal Advice from the Master
Bill Clinton, wearing a white toga and a crown of gold, sat in a garden while attractive women fed him grapes. President Obama, having just suffered the most devastating week of his presidency, sat nearby, seeking advice in the art of telling whoppers. Using the Socratic method of teaching, Clinton began to tutor his new […]

Preaching, Teaching, and Washing Dishes
“Wash more dishes,” my spiritual director inevitably advises me. This kicks off a prolonged spate of whining on my part. My children are brilliant whiners, and they have taught me well. “But … I’m not good at it!” I insist plaintively, sometimes silently, sometimes out loud. “And I don’t like it. And I didn’t do […]

The Great Gatsby: Four Faith Takeaways
With the most sincere of apologies to my AP English teacher Brother Aquinas, I never read The Great Gatsby. And owing to old age, any knowledge that I had of the plot from my perusal of the Cliff Notes version has been lost through the years. So I went into today’s viewing of Baz Luhrmann’s […]

Resisting the Tide of Secularism
“What we’re seeing today is a secular liberalism that wants to expand the prohibition of establishment to silence articulate religious voices and disenfranchise religiously motivated voters, and at the same time to narrow the scope of free exercise so that the new secular morality can reign over American society unimpeded.”?? So said First Things editor […]

The Obama-Media War
Obama backs down from Muslim terrorists and Russian government thugs, but not from Americans.

The Devil Is in Comparison
I can hardly tell you how often I’ve had the following thoughts lately: “She’s married with three kids and she is only a year older than I am, what am I doing with my life?“ “She’s traveled to six different countries in the last three years, what on Earth have I been doing?“ “He’s got a great […]

Homosexuality and the Theology of the Body Part II
This is the second of a two-part series on how Blessed Pope John Paul II’s the Theology of the Body can be used to help young, confused Catholics to understand the true nature of marriage. Part I is here. True love is demanding. The source of the beauty of this love is its demanding nature. That […]

Internal Revenue Service? Or Ideological Retribution System?

Prayer for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit for Moms
Galatians 5:22-23 lists the fruits of the Holy Spirit. These include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfulness, gentleness and self-control. It seems that as mothers, we can use an extra helping of each of these. Dear Holy Spirit, Please help me to love my children even when it is hard: when it is 2 […]

Book Review: The Things Lily Knew
Few novels are rich enough in characters to become a series, but the Lily Trilogy belongs in this rare company. The characters around Lily, a woman with Down syndrome who has a profound affect on the world around her, are so vividly drawn, so realistic and multifaceted, that they become friends with whom you want […]

The “Why” Behind the IRS Scandal
“Public policy” and “administration policy” are different worlds legally and linguistically.