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Vatican to Host Global Pro-Life Conference and Papal Mass
Pro-lifers held their breath the day the world received a new Pope. They did not question his pro-life credentials but wondered if he would speak forcefully. An old quote soon surfaced and concerns faded. “Defend the unborn against abortion even if they persecute you, calumniate you, set traps for you, take you to court or […]

Is NFP Crazy?
“You’re crazy.” Well, thanks for your kindness and tolerance in regards to my way of life. We hear a lot about tolerance and accepting others nowadays, but this is usually the response I get from people when I tell them that my husband and I don’t use contraception. Let me tell you, I love when […]

Poem: “An Inscription”
An Inscription We wandered through the hills of Earth That were before so gray and mean That now by eon-founded birth And sweet spring rain were young and clean Once we saw a rock smoothed off, A surface on it faintly scribed (It was an April tender, soft The rain had washed, the sun had […]

Get Government out of Student-Debt Business
As millions of students and their parents are preparing for life after commencement, they’re also preparing to deal with massive student loans. Increasingly, people are concerned about the student debt situation brewing on college campuses. The present state of student debt is not a pretty picture. According to a report published by the New York […]

Another Group Targeted for IRS Scrutiny
Z STREET should be praised for pushing back.

Weekly Wits: 5/17/13 Like Us On Facebook FollowMeOnTwitter Like Us On Facebook FollowMeOnTwitter

Poem: “Womb of the Cosmos”
Womb of the Cosmos I am woven in the womb of the cosmos Created in the brilliance of Stars Leaving remnants of me like a comet, a spray A blip on the radar of time I am loved. I am wanted. I am held. I am known- By the great Maker whose hands fashioned mine […]

What is Apologetics?
What is apologetics, and how is it related to catechesis and evangelization? Apologetics sounds a bit like “apologize,” and the two words do share a common root. Stated simply, apologetics means to give an account or defense, or perhaps an explanation. The Christian idea of apologetics can trace itself back to Saint Peter, who advises […]

At The Heart of The Matter
Hope springs eternal, and sometimes our hope is rewarded. In the case of the murder trial of the abortionist Kermit Gosnell, the hope was not only that he be tried and convicted for his heinous crimes, but that the national media would rise above its prejudices and actually report on his murder trial. As to […]

Real Men Pray the Rosary
Just as it is helpful for women to talk to women now and again regarding the spiritual life, the same holds true for men! David N. Calvillo’s book, Real Men Pray the Rosary: A Practical Guide to a Powerful Prayer, is a forthright conversation with men (and us women who sneak a peek) about his own […]

What do Robin Hood and Pope Francis Have in Common?
Robin Hood is a legendary folk hero who stole from the rich and gave to the poor. He is said to have revolted under a corrupt king (scholars do not agree on which king) by stealing from the rich then redistributing it to the poor. The point of Robin Hood is less about actual history […]

Making Matters Worse
“Is Traditional Marriage Toast?” That question recently caught my attention as the heading of an article in the neo-conservative Weekly Standard. The answer was either “very possibly” (a subhead attached to the piece) or “probably not” (an objective reading would suggest that). Take your pick. Be not afraid. Marriage and family life won’t vanish, given […]

Some Parents Don’t Always Know Best
To: Marybeth From: Not Crazy About Carpools This question might be filed under, “What are these people thinking?” My high school freshman got a ride home from a recent sporting event from a teammate’s parent. The conversation in the car turned to a high school party that took place a couple of weeks ago where […]

The Pope, a Cardinal, and Courageous Deeds
The past few days have revealed an emerging trend which should be heartening to faithful Catholics who have for so long yearned for good news. In Boston, a scandal erupted when Boston College extended an invitation to the pro-abortion prime minister of Ireland, Enda Kenny. Students for Life launched the “Not at BC” campaign, stating, […]

Reasons to be Open to Motherhood
A fellow writer recently asked somebody to write something positive about motherhood. She said “Some of us not-yet-moms are scared of motherhood because all we hear is that you’re miserable and debilitated for nine months, then have a day of the most excruciating pain ever, then you don’t sleep for 18 years and everybody’s throwing […]

Human Embryos Created by Cloning in Oregon
Once induced pluripotent stem cells hit the scene, human cloning slowly faded away. Why clone embryos with human eggs (exploiting women in the process) to get “patient-specific” embryonic stem cells when you can just take an adult cell and reprogram it back to an embryonic-like state? No eggs, no cloning, no creating and destroying embryos.But […]

Hey, Big Spenders
I don’t know who they are, but I’ve got to hand it to them. I’m too cynical to do what they do! I speak of the Americans who, every year, donate money to pay down America’s national debt. The Bureau of the Public Debt — part of the Treasury Department — began allowing such donations […]

The Power of Secrets
We all walk around with secrets. I’m not sure if I should thank God for that aspect of human nature. Some of them are good secrets. They remain unspoken for a variety of reasons. Perhaps we’re afraid people might think we are foolish or unreasonable for harboring thoughts of something we can never achieve or […]

Collusion and Corruption at the IRS
They say there are only two sure things in life: death and taxes. Try as we might, it’s virtually impossible to escape the clutches of the Grim Reaper or the Tax Man. Both will get you eventually. And as anyone who has been through an IRS audit or suffered a tax penalty can attest, the […]

The Incremental Approach to Taxpayor Funded Abortion for All
Abortion groups are using the tragic circumstances of rape to advance their cause: unrestricted abortion for all. They rely on the reluctance of members of Congress to speak out against abortion in the case of rape. Events during the last election cycle, where candidates statements on rape were used to help defeat them, has contributed […]

Wall Will Further Weaken the Christian Presence in Palestine
A local Catholic leader has warned about the weakening of the Christian presence in Palestine as a result of the construction of an Israeli security barrier. Auxiliary Bishop William Shomali, who is responsible for the Palestinian regions of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, made his comments while speaking to international Catholic pastoral charity Aid to […]

Homosexuality and the Theology of the Body Part I
Polls show that most young people today, even those who identify themselves as Christians, have no problem with “same-sex marriage.” If young people today are at all aware of what the Catholic Church teaches about marriage and human sexuality, what they think they know is often only a caricature of the truth. They see it as […]

Finally! A Castro mainstream media will say something bad about.