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Social Media in the Marriage and the Family
“I’m not that interested in ‘mass’ communications. I’m much more interested in what happens between this person and the one person watching. The space between the television set and that person who’s watching is very holy ground.” – Fred Rogers The traditional family unit has been negatively hit from so many directions in our world […]

Kermit Gosnell Convicted of First-Degree Murder
A Philadelphia jury has found late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell guilty of murdering three of four babies in his capital murder trial. He is also guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the 2009 abortion death of Karnamaya Mongar, a 41-year-old legal immigrant who died when his untrained staff administered an overdose of sedatives. The jury found Gosnell […]

Dropping the Benghazi Ball
Our armed forces had appropriate capabilities but couldn’t use them. Why?

Memo to Christian Troops: ‘We’ve Got Your Back’
When NBA basketball player Jason Collins recently announced to the world that he’s sexually attracted to other men, Michelle Obama tweeted, “So proud of you, Jason Collins! This is a huge step forward for our country. We’ve got your back!” Jason even got a personal call from the president. Lovely. But even as the Obama […]

Pope Surprises 40,000 Italian Pro-Lifers, Joins March for Life
Pope Francis surprised about 40,000 Italian and international participants in today’s Marcia per la Vita (March for Life) Internazionale in Rome this morning, when he left the Apostolic Palace to greet them personally from his popemobile in the street where they were lined up. Monsignore Ignacio Barreiro, the head of the Rome office of Human […]

Dating and Discernment
Question: Hi Mary! I’m 16, and discerning. At the moment, I feel God wants me as a sister, but I’m still unsure. There’s a guy I know who has expressed his interest in me, and I feel the same way. I’ve asked several people if it would be wrong to date if I felt drawn […]

Motherhood Has Become a Cultural Anomaly!
In this era of motherhood by choice, we confront an oddity that I could never have imagined would occur in my lifetime. It becomes much more evident at this special time of year when we honor our mothers and express our sincere appreciation for the sacrifices they made for us during our childhood and beyond. […]

The Playgrounds of War
A tolerant society is as rigidly moralistic as the most stereotypical band of puritans.

Can Liberty Be Salvaged in America?
It’s time we stopped crouching to the enemy.

Poem: “Transfiguration”
Transfiguration (Dedicated to the precious women who profoundly regret their abortions) How like this little fetus, Holy God, You writhed, enwombed in suffocating pain, Until sharp instruments unpumped your blood And left your form transfigured to a stain. How like a loving mother’s natal pine Your prayer, encrypted as a primal groan, Umbilical from heaven’s […]

(Trying to) Love Our Moms Like Jesus Loves Mary
Around Mother’s Day, all of the card and flower commercials will say something to this effect: “Your mother was in labor with you for 2½ weeks, so now you should thank her by spending $19.95 on our Flowers-by-Mail.” They tell us that we should honor our moms at least once a year. We all know […]

Religious Beliefs of Four Brothers Prompts Challenge to the HHS Mandate
This week the Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) filed a lawsuit in the Federal District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan challenging the Obama Administration’s HHS Mandate. The lawsuit was brought on behalf four brothers, Terrence, John, James and Christopher Nagle and their family-owned business, M&N Plastics, Inc. The case has been assigned to […]

What I Love About You, Mom
Imagine giving your mother a gift that is born of the emotions in your own heart and hand-created simply for her, to share not only the love you feel, but the many ways in which she has touched and shaped your life. You may think you’re not creative enough to come up with such a […]

Weekly Wits: 5/10/13 Like Us On Facebook FollowMeOnTwitter

What Should We Confess?
Wrapping up our series on the sacrament of confession, I’d like to deal with what I feel to be are the two most important parts. Frequently two questions are asked with this sacrament: What should we confess, and how often should we confess it? Due to poor catechesis (or worse) there are some who advocate that you should […]

A Case Against Abstinence
I don’t really like abstinence. Wait. What? I certainly think restraint is valuable–I resist the kind of trips where you go to Target for two things and come out with ten. I try not to eat meat on Fridays. I teach Natural Family Planning (NFP). In some cases, however, particularly the case of sexuality, abstinence […]

No One Prays Like a Mom
God gives Moms big hearts because He knows they’re going to need them. Especially when the Mom in question happens to live in a family full of jokesters. Take our family, where the Jokester-in-Chief is none other than Dad himself. One time Mom went down to the basement to do a load of laundry and […]

Poem: “To Uncle Clive”
To Uncle Clive “At my first coming into the world I had been (implicitly) warned never to trust a Papist, and at my first coming into the English Faculty (explicitly) never to trust a philologist. Tolkien was both” – C. S. Lewis, Surprised by Joy You stubborn fool! You biased fool! Why did you not […]

How to Create a Simple Facebook Campaign for Your Business
I manage several social media accounts for various clients. From time to time, I get to help promote different products, events, and campaigns in order to get the word out. In addition to my client’s social media accounts, I have my own Twitter and Facebook account for EntreCatholic, my personal blog. While my Twitter account is […]

Naming the Gosnell Babies
The trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell is about much more than the man himself. In a painful way, it brings America face to face with abortion, which, as the defense argued, is “bloody” and “real.” For those who have had abortions, it brings them again in touch with a pain that is never really far […]

Three Days: The Search for the Boy Messiah
When you fall in love, you want to spend as much time together as possible and learn all you can about your loved one. For author Chris Stepien, his ebook Three Days: The Search for the Boy Messiah was about love. His love of God led Stepien to want to know him better. His love […]

My Inheritance
The great 20th century novelist Chaim Potok wrote, in his novel, My Name Is Asher Lev, “You have a gift, Asher Lev. You have a responsibility.” My Mom had a gift of 89 years, 89 years to live her life; 89 years to meet her goals; 89 years. This gift of time, for Mom, for […]

Tactful Response to Untactful Garb
To: Marybeth From: Irritated Aunt My 13-year-old son will be confirmed in a solemn ceremony at our church. We have invited our extended families to join us for the confirmation and, afterward, for a nice dinner in our son’s honor. We would like everyone to dress appropriately (and modestly) for the occasion, but I’m certain […]

Great Expectations
The Huffington Post must have known the publication of “My Wife Is Expecting Twins and I Am Not Happy About It” would cause waves. Tsunami-level waves, where people were aghast to read paragraphs like this one: Two blessings, two bundles of joy. How could you not be happy, you ask? Of course I’m sympathetic to […]