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Silence the Voices
More often than not in life we remember criticisms more than we remember compliments. When someone asks me to recall the last time I received a compliment it takes me at least twice as long to recall than if someone asked me to regurgitate the last insult or criticism thrown my way. Chances are that […]

Teenagers and Violent Video Games
To: Marybeth From: Nonviolent Video Mom My son wants to play the same video games his friends play, but I’m concerned they are violent. He’s 15 and says I’m too strict about this issue; he’s not going to become a deranged killer by playing war games. Are violent video games really a problem? To: Nonviolent […]

Waking the Hero in You
Courage has its dividend in this life or the next.

Ronald Reagan: Same-Sex Marriage Advocate?
Reagan was silent on same-sex marriage, as was everyone of his generation.

Book Review: Imitating Mary
What can mothers today learn from a poor Jewish woman who lived two thousand years ago? If the woman in question is Our Blessed Mother, the answer is everything. Marge Fenelon explores ten of these lessons in the new book, Imitating Mary: Ten Marian Virtues for the Modern Mom (Ave Maria Press, 2013). Fenelon writes […]

Four Ways To Evangelize at Work Without Being Churchy
So here you are: Catholic, on top of the world, and loving everything about life. You naturally want to share the Good News with those you know, like your colleagues in the workplace. After all, having abundant life in Jesus Christ in the Catholic Church is pretty much the best thing ever! But often times […]

European Leaders Use Laws of War to Pressure US to Fund Abortions in Africa
European leaders pressing President Obama to fund African abortions argue that a novel interpretation of laws governing war should trump US restrictions on abortion funding. To make their case, they are elevating the views of a few experts from a different body of law—human rights. The Europeans recently criticized the US restrictions “in situations of […]

Want to Know How Washington Really Works?
“You see, boys forget what their country means by just reading The Land of the Free in history books. Then they get to be men they forget even more. Liberty’s too precious a thing to be buried in books . . . . Men should hold it up in front of them every single day […]

‘Flush it’ Down the Toilet
The title of this article actually comes from a quote from an abortion facility employee in Bronx, New York. The live report came out thanks to the heroic efforts of the LIVE ACTION team of undercover investigators. Such reports prove again that surgical abortion is a direct act that employs the use of tools used […]

Understanding Sunday Mass – A Kid’s View
How many times have you — as a parent — sat in Mass and not heard a word the priest said because you were playing referee, peacekeeper, or bad cop in the pew? Since I can answer that question in the triple digits, I was thrilled to learn about the new DVD “Understanding Sunday Mass: A […]

Obama’s Planned Parenthood Love Fest
“I love you!” shouted one of the rapturous faithful at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington. “I love you back,” responded the proud recipient, President Barack Obama. The uncontrollable adulation, the outpouring of genuine love, he said, was making him blush. Obama regretted to the ladies that he had missed their “party” the night […]

Poem: “In Years to Come…”
In Years To Come… The Ancient One ignites the air North easterlies with mighty flair, Roar down the green and grassy plains Flattened by the thrusting rains. (In a small den on a high hill Wolves huddle close in the stormy chill. Lean eyes flash the bolts of light No howling at the moon this […]

A Mass Unlike Any Other
What a privilege it was to serve Mass recently! It is something I have had the honor to do only 3 or 4 times in my adult life. For someone who just recently received his Medicare card, today was both a day for gratitude and for awe – gratitude for the gift of life and […]

This is Our Time
Graduation from college is a transition from working towards a goal to accomplishing it. Some are ready to save the world while others simply want to make their mark in it, but either way, it is the threshold of new possibilities. Inevitably however, within any group of graduates, time brings surprises both good and bad. […]

Diverting Idealism to the Dark Side: Boston et. al.
The two terrorists (two at least) who attacked the Boston Marathon in April put the power of distorted ideals on display. At some point these promising young men let youthful idealism get twisted and diverted to the dark side. Evidently both looked with anguish upon the troubled history of Chechnya, their oppressed homeland. Yearning to […]

Assisting Suicide Promoted in Large Number of States
Although assisting suicide is only legal for a small fraction of the world’s population, advocates are in high gear promoting this dangerous legislation in several states. Currently, doctor-prescribed suicide is legal in only two states–Oregon and Washington–and may have some legal protection in the state of Montana, due to a court decision. The assisting-suicide advocacy groups, […]

Priests from Where?
Indonesian websites describe the country as a tropical paradise and ecological wonderland. Its lush forests, mist-enshrouded mountains, and palm-studded beaches draw visitors from all over the world. Komodo National Park, covering a large aquatic and terrestrial area between the islands of Sumbawa and Flores, is one of the most ecologically diverse regions on earth. The […]

Finally Finding Focus: Our ADHD Story
I didn’t use to believe in medication for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Truth be told, I didn’t used to believe in ADHD at all. Nobody was ever diagnosed with it when I was a kid back in the 1970s. Now, it seems to be everywhere. “Perhaps as many as two million American kids” now […]

Poem: “The Most Humble Man on Earth”
The Most Humble Man on Earth I’m the most humble man on earth. Of all men stripped of noble birth And left to wander the streets at night, With only a forsaken birth right, I am the most humble. I am more holy than a pious priest Who wages wars with spiritual beasts, And says […]

Happy Birthday to a Great President
In short, the government was limited, unobtrusive, and benign.

Stay The Course
After losing to the abortion promoting Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential elections, one hears the same rumble and mumble amongst Republicans that was heard after the 2008 election: The loss was a direct result of the party’s pro life stand. If the party would just give in on this, women and young voters will […]

Book Review: Dear God, I Don’t Get It
Dear God, I Don’t Get It by Patti Maguire Armstrong Liguori Publications, 2013 Why does God answer some prayers and not others? This is a question that plagues even adults. Sometimes, we pray so hard and think we know what God should do in our lives. And then, God does something else or He does […]

Woman With Uterus Transplant Confirmed Pregnant
Doctors have announced that the woman that received a womb transplant is now pregnant. From RedOrbit: The Turkish woman who, two years ago, became the first person in the world to have a successful womb transplant from a deceased donor is pregnant, various media outlets are reporting. Twenty-two-year-old Derya Sert, who was born without a […]