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Death of a Deacon in Syria
A Damascus bomb blast which killed a deacon in training shows that a Christian district of the city is in acute danger, according to a leading Catholic bishop. Benjamin Camil, 35, was on his way home on Tuesday morning, March 26th, after distributing food to destitute people, when he was killed instantly by the explosive. […]

National Leave the Abortion Industry Day
If you’ve followed 40 Days for Life, you probably know the story of Abby Johnson. She was the director of the abortion center in College Station, Texas where 40 Days for Life started. But after years of peaceful prayer vigils outside her office window, Abby quit her job … left Planned Parenthood and the abortion […]

Federal Judge Approves Plan B for Over the Counter at Any Age
It is difficult to imagine that any public official could possibly march to the left of Barack Obama or HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, but last week Federal District Court Judge Edward Korman did just that when he approved the sale of Plan B to children of any age. Previously, Sebelius ordered that based on the […]

What does the Catholic Church Offer to the Homosexual Person?
The Church offers Gay people what she offers anyone else: the truth.

Healing a Divorced Heart
Many people carry the painful wound of a divorced heart. The pain can be hard to understand for those of us who have never been through a divorce. It is a wonder to me that you can pray for your future spouse, sacrifice for them and get counsel to help you discover if this person […]

Marian Father Michael Gaitley Spreads Divine Mercy Devotion
Father Michael Gaitley is quickly becoming known for promoting the Divine Mercy through every means possible. A priest of the Marians of the Immaculate Conception, he is director of the Association of Marian Helpers, which assists others in growing spiritually and raises funds for seminarians. He has two best-selling books in print and speaks at […]

Poem: “Spring”
Spring When the sun loves, deeply, and with feeling, it penetrates the barren landscape and ignites the spirit wanting to emerge — in that instant, revealing verdant fields covered in flowers, big and small, growing toward the light… broadcasting a symphony of colors. Maria Morera Johnson

Business, Entrepreneurship and a Vatican Think-Tank
“Am I creating wealth, or am I engaging in rent-seeking behavior?” If this question would be asked during a course of business ethics at George Mason University (GMU), few would be surprised. “Rent-seeking” is a term used often in “Public Choice” economics, and GMU has been the home of an academic center with that focus. […]

Pope Francis’ One Minute Lesson from the School of Love
When Rick Santorum’s article “Two Years Worth Every Tear” was included in my book, “A Special Mother is Born,” my favorite line was “Living with Bella (his daughter with trisomy 18) has been a course in character and virtue”. Each of the thirty-four stories written by parents of special needs children contains a lesson which […]

Intellectual Fog of Death
Many were in disbelief when a Planned Parenthood lobbyist from Florida, Alisa LaPoit Snow, suggested that babies born alive after abortion were nothing more than subject matter for decisions a mother should be able to make about whether or not her child should live. That act, were it to be performed, is being described as […]

The Crisis of the Confessional
Why did future saints like Blessed John Paul II go to confession on a weekly basis, sometimes even more frequently? Why did Archbishop Fulton Sheen recall with delight how the nuns whose confessions he heard did not spare their venial sins in the confessional, even though Church law only requires the confession of mortal sins?

Same-Sex Marriage Approval Ratings
Surprise! Approval of same-sex marriage has risen sharply among Americans in just a few years–according to one poll, from 41% in favor in 2004 to nearly 60% now. Surprise! Some surprise. The same media trumpeting this change lately worked hard to bring it about. Major sectors of the communication industry, both news and entertainment, have […]

Poem: “When God Makes Bread”
When God Makes Bread To make bread one needs: • A mixing bowl • The ingredients • A mixing spoon • And finally fire (heat) The bowl must be appropriate for the bread. It must be strong enough to hold the mixture, Not too large, not too dainty. Comfortable enough to cradle in the arm. […]

How to Encourage Your Teens to Stay Sexually Pure
Editor’s Note: This article was written for a secular audience and therefore does not approach this issue from a moral standpoint – that premarital sex is wrong. Still, it offers some good ideas for talking with your teens about sex. Whether your teenager’s health classes at school take an abstinence-only approach to sexual education or […]

Harvesting Eggs from Aborted Babies for IVF? Ten Years Later the Story Still Horrifies
A proposal by fertility researchers to “harvest” female gametes, “ova,” from the dead bodies of aborted children to create in vitro embryos in the lab has created a small buzz among the pro-life websites, blogs and Facebook in the last couple of days. But the buzz is over a story that appeared in the Daily […]

First Responders: The Missions of Saints Peter, Paul, and Mary
Folk Rock Mention the names Peter, Paul, and Mary and for some the sixties folk trio comes to mind. On the night of the Last Supper, the Peter, Paul, and Mary of the New Testament weren’t singing “Puff the Magic Dragon,” or “Leaving on a Jet Plane.” They were singing, more or less in line, […]

The Problem of Popular Music
If you’re concerned that the lyrics being piped into your children’s headphones are inappropriate — or even dangerous — you’re right. To: Marybeth From: A Sing-along mom What’s up with obscene and violent lyrics in pop music? Our kids have mentioned songs that their friends are downloading, and when we do a lyric check to […]

Filling the Bucket of Self-Esteem
Self esteem. A modern essential. Self esteem was a term invented by Sigmund Freud. The concept has taken wings since then, enhancing other modern philosophies. In the modern world, ever increasing affirmation of self esteem is key through political correctness (not offending anyone), relativism (everyone is right in whatever they think) as well as in […]

Pro-Life Catholics Witness in the Public Square
It’s not unusual for foreign countries to import from the United States. This week however, Spain will bring in an unusual “made in the USA” product: the Catholic Pro-Life movement. Speakers from Project Rachel, Catholics Called to Witness, the Dallas Respect Life Office, and Human Life International, have been invited to speak at “The Catholic […]

From Choosing to Creating the “Better” Human
Britain’s Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), which oversees fertility treatments and embryo research in that nation, recently recommended that the creation of children with three genetic parents be allowed to move forward. Currently, it is illegal to transfer genetically modified embryos to a woman in Britain. The HFEA blessing will likely be used by lawmakers […]

Book Review: Sacred Then and Sacred Now
Dr. Thomas E. Woods, Jr., author of How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization, has re-issued his 2008 book Sacred Then and Sacred Now: The Return of the Old Latin Mass. In this book, Woods writes about Pope Benedict XVI’s famous Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, which allowed for the Roman Liturgy according to the Missal […]

North Dakota and Kansas Pave the Way for Pro-Life Legislation
If we can’t look to Washington for good news, then we can look to the states, Kansas and North Dakota in particular. Pro–lifers have been on the move in both states, and their state legislatures have responded by passing a host of pro–life bills. Let’s start with North Dakota, where the state legislature has been […]

Marriage Issue Will Not Go Away
The panic in the ranks of some Republicans is a thing to behold.