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Boyfriends and Other Women
The following are actual questions from real women who have concerns about their boyfriends and other women. My boyfriend works in an office with some really beautiful women. I can’t imagine why he hasn’t fallen for one of them. I don’t know how much longer I can stand it. He knows I’m uncomfortable with it […]

Springtime in Washington
Springtime in Washington Ah, springtime has arrived in Washington, D.C. The National Cherry Blossom Festival is under way. The cherry trees, 3,700 of them given to America by the Japanese in 1912, are in full bloom. One incident involving the trees reminds me why Americans are so wary of Washington. In the spring of 1999, […]

Easy vs. Effortless
The path of life is never really easy for any of us. Even for Christians, life is still a struggle. Jesus didn’t say “Believe in me so you can sit around doing nothing.” He said “Deny yourself, take up your cross daily, and follow me.” Then He proceeded to be tried and convicted, scourged, crowned […]

Reaping the Whirlwind
A reflection on the deepening darkness that celebrates homosexual unions and activity. There is, among faithful Catholics, a dismay, and even an understandable anger at the events unfolding at the Supreme Court these past days related to gay unions. And even if the court were to uphold traditional marriage (which does not seem likely), or […]

How One Life Can Change Everything
In every person’s life, there should be a person who, as C.S. Lewis says, “hears the song in your heart and can sing it back to you.” Through this devoted love, one overcomes fears, hurts and selfishness, and the soul expands. For the Lovely family in Sherry Boas’ fictional Lily series, this person is the […]

A New Pope and A New World: Passing the Torch Below the Equator
A review of the Popes in the twentieth century find them fighting a fierce battle against the forces of secularism, atheism, and malevolance that have consumed Western Civilization. Collectively these forces, referred to as “Modernity,” are merely contemporary expressions of the evils that have collapsed empires and civilizations for thousands of years. The election of […]

The Deconstruction of Marriage
Family is a flickering light in the evening of the West.

The Christian Alphabet Book
In 1999, Tracy Sands was inspired while listening to Christian music at a church event. With only a pen and the program she received at the door to work with, she began sketching quickly. The urge to create was so strong she “felt as though she would pop if she didn’t get the ideas out […]

Poem: “Look Home”
Look Home Retired thoughts enjoy their own delights, As beauty doth in self-beholding eye ; Man’s mind a mirror is of heavenly sights, A brief wherein all marvels summed lie, Of fairest forms and sweetest shapes the store, Most graceful all, yet thought may grace them more. The mind a creature is, yet can create, […]

On a November morning before dawn my wife and I, and three other people on pilgrimage to the Holy Land, followed a Franciscan priest into the small edicule that surrounds Jesus’ tomb in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. The priest was going to say Mass, and he was pleased that we could […]

A Pro-Life Reflection: From the Cross to the Resurrection
As we begin our Good Friday contemplations, our hearts are filled with sorrow. To reflect on the crucified Christ one must, after all, understand that in His human nature He suffered greatly even though he possessed a divine nature and was at all times one with God the Father. Preaching on this fact, a wise […]

A Good Friday Meditation on Suffering and Hope
“The true measure of humanity is essentially determined in relationship to suffering and to the sufferer. This holds true both for the individual and for society. A society unable to accept its suffering members and incapable of helping to share their suffering and to bear it inwardly through “com-passion” is a cruel and inhuman society. […]

Poem: “Good Friday”
Good Friday On this day a cross was shed. The price was paid. The ransom satisfied, The debt was removed. Hung He had for those long hours, In silence and in suffering. The pain severe Enough (so as) to bring agony to the witnesses. He held His cries ‘Till the bitter end, When He pleaded […]

How Two Sacred, Bloody Images Take Us to God
One year ago, on May 23, 2010, the Holy Shroud of Turin was placed out of public view at St. John the Baptist Cathedral in Turin (Torino), Italy. We are not expected to see it again until the year 2035. For only the 18th time in its 2,000 year history, the Church’s most venerated relic […]

Isaiah: The Fifth Evangelist and the View from the Cross
Isaiah the greatest of the prophets told the story of the Lord’s passion seven hundred years before the birth of the Christ. The prophecies of Isaiah are so clear that he even provided the world with the name of the Lord: Emmanuel — God is with us. As it is written: the suffering Messiah was […]

By a Mother
“O most Sacred Heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore you, I love you….” My baby’s heart stopped beating and I don’t know when. All I know is that on Friday it was fluttering and six days later it was still. One moment: Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Then: Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep…….. My mother’s heart heard […]

Marie Stopes and the Charade of “Post-Abortion Care”
Is the British Abortion Provider Breaking the Law? Americans may not have heard the name Marie Stopes but she is a household name in Britain. The organization named after her is active in dozens of countries around the globe, including in former British colonies like Kenya and other developing countries like Madagascar. And everywhere and […]

A Year Out: A Reflection on the “New” Translation of the Mass
The end of November, 2011 saw the one-year anniversary of the “new” translation of the Ordinary Form of the Roman Liturgy. Like many others, I welcomed the new translation. When I began hearing some of its texts, I heard a more dignified, elevated language that spoke more directly to the heavenly Mysteries the Liturgy purports […]

DOMA Comes Under Fire at Supreme Court
The legislative impact of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) came under heavy fire during oral arguments before the Supreme Court yesterday, with enough justices questioning its effect to signal it may be struck down on states’ rights grounds. Meanwhile, the court’s conservative wing wondered if the “new regime” had instituted a “new world” […]

Hearing God’s Voice: A Guide to Prayer and Discernment
Last year, I helped teach high school students at my parish’s faith formation program in St. Ignace, Michigan. We took the students to exposition, and afterward, one of them asked me how to tell when she is hearing God’s voice. This is an edited version of the letter I wrote her. Dear M., I’m glad […]

What is in an Egg Besides Trouble?
This is not an article about the reasons why chicken eggs may or may not be good for your health. This is an article about eggs that hold much more importance, for they are the eggs produced by females during their fertile time. But hold on to your seats, because there’s trouble all right. Lots […]

Clintons’ Progress: Bill and Hillary Clinton Embrace Gay Marriage
No progressive 100 years ago could have conceived of gay marriage.

What Pope Francis Will Do
The surprising election of Pope Francis plainly was no surprise to the people who really counted: the cardinals, that is, who swiftly chose him on the first full day and fifth ballot of the conclave. While not a speed record, the timing showed the electors had no difficulty agreeing that the Archbishop of Buenos Aires […]

Sex Education and Parental Rights
ANALYSIS/OPINION: In this week’s email, a question comes from parents who don’t want their fourth grader to take the school district’s sex ed class: From: Too Sexy for 4th Grade To: Marybeth In our school district, sex education classes are presented to children starting in fourth grade. My husband and I don’t want our children learning about […]