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Discounting Parents’ Rights
For people of faith in America, the Obama administration’s birth control mandate represents an unprecedented assault on religious conscience. It seems that the President and his surrogates have little appreciation for the role that faith plays in the lives of many Americans, and even less respect for the Constitution’s protection of religious liberty. As if […]

‘Marriage Equality’ Spells ‘Marriage Extinction’
This week the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on two of the most critical cases of our time. On Tuesday, March 26, attorneys made the pitch both for and against California’s Proposition 8. This, of course, is the Golden State’s pro-marriage amendment. It maintained the timeless definition of natural marriage as between man […]

Interview with Author AnnMarie Creedon
How do you present Theology of the Body in a novel that people will not only like, but want to share and passionately recommend? You couldn’t have convinced me that it could be done well until I read the debut novel by AnnMarie Creedon. Angela’s Song is a novel that I should probably categorize as chick […]

The Royal Calling of Baptism
When the sacrament of baptism is discussed, much attention is placed upon the fact that we share in Christ’s offices of Priest and Prophet. Little attention is paid (especially here in the land of democracy) to the third office we are enrolled in: that of King. This truth should be a source of great shame […]

Screen Time
Our relationship with the things of this world requires a very delicate balance between loving creation and allowing it to rule our hearts. The Lord is very clear in Scripture that we are to bow to only One Being. Surprisingly, our TV screen or our iPhone is not that Supreme Being who demands our full […]

1.4 Million March Against Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ in France
According to organizers, nearly one and a half million people joined the third demonstration in five months against the legalization of same-sex “marriage” by the French government in Paris, on Sunday. Meanwhile, large numbers of demonstrators who were unable to join the main venue – which had filled up by 3 p.m. – or who […]

Poem: “Fourteenth Station”
Fourteenth Station Good Friday I am here, watching the hole, Filled with a rock and still There is danger, stupid anger. I heard him speak once; He was very good. Like a god. Maybe he was a god. Maybe he was God. So we killed God and buried him in a hole. He’s in the […]

Being Faithful in Small Things
Yet if the impulse is noble, then that means there’s a hint of truth to this. So why the emphasis on the smallest bits of liturgical discipline? Why nitpick? In short, we are trying to be like the just servants in the parable of the talents.

An Inheritance Stolen
On February 10, 2013, Pope Benedict XVI announced his intention to renounce the papacy due to his waning strength in the face of a world “subject to so many rapid changes and shaken by questions of deep relevance for the life of faith.” Many, including me, understood him to mean that navigating the obstacles (some […]

Grocery Night
Grocery Night Thursday night was grocery shopping night and the best night of the week. Right after dinner, my father and I would board our 1972 Plymouth Fury station wagon and head to the Del Farm grocery store. It was located in a small plaza one mile from our suburban home. Like all grocery stores […]

Working Women: Secular Jobs as Inconveniences or Callings?
The day finally came when it was time to pack up the majority of my office suits. They used to be so important to my daily life that they had the privilege of living in their very own closet. But I recently resigned from my decade-long government career, am hugely pregnant, and focused on my […]

On the Rosa Mistica Apparitions
Recently, some friends queried me about the alleged apparitions known as “Rosa Mistica” (Mystical Rose). From their questions, it seemed to me that there is a growing interest in the English-speaking world in Rosa Mistica. I decided to devote myself to some research and to write an article summarizing the information. What follows is the […]

The Legal, Ethical, and Tactical Challenges of North Dakota’s Personhood Amendment
Last week North Dakota became the first state in the Union to pass a personhood ammendment that covers humans in their embryonic stages of development. Read it here at HuffPo. For all the work involved in getting to this day, the easy part is over, and the real fight lies ahead. The lesislation, SCR4009, states: […]

Poem: “Thirteenth Station”
Thirteenth Station Good Friday He’s dead? Already? I was sure he would remain, A living human stain, Hanging up there, he should have been good For another few hours of gory food. I cannot believe this news. You are sure? You saw it too? Really? Fine. Do what you will. Take him down. Let him […]

Book Review: Blessed, Beautiful, and Bodacious
Our present culture does not value and esteem womanhood very much. Catholic writer, speaker, and podcaster Pat Gohn is working to change that. With Blessed, Beautiful, and Bodacious: Celebrating the Gift of Catholic Womanhood (Ave Maria Press, 2013) , Gohn “seeks to celebrate womanhood by exploring a woman’s dignity, gifts, and mission.” As one might […]

Night Falls on Civilization
Like all environmental gimmicks, Earth Hour is perverse and hypocritical.

Francis and Benedict: Brothers in Humility
The present and former Pope met yesterday (March 24), in a moment without precedent. And the words which remain are the ones spoken by Pope Francis to Benedict: “We are brothers.” As Nicole Winfield put it in her comprehensive Associated Press dispatch article: “The two men in white embraced and showed one another the deference […]

Poem: “Twelfth Station”
Twelfth Station Good Friday Father, forgive them, they know not what they do. I’m not saying they aren’t culpable, But they don’t know better. They choose this evil, but they don’t know why. Working through them? Lord, I understand. So forgive them their part, Lord, if they are willing. Not my will, though, but Thine. […]

God in Moscow
As a special time of prayer and fasting, 40 Days for Life “is the answer to a great problem in our country.” Those words could be said about each of the 19 countries where 40 Days for Life vigils have taken place. But it’s particularly humbling to know that these thoughts are coming from Russia. […]

Income Tax 101
Income Tax 101 Ah, the income tax preparation season is upon us. You’re probably wondering why you have to spend a couple of weekends barricaded in a room, sorting through receipts in the faint hope of complying with our confusing income tax laws. The income tax first came to America in 1861. Americans paid it […]

Marriage: Why I Never Bad-Mouth My Knight
Last month, my knight and I were blessed to celebrate 20 years of marriage. Call me crazy, call me just a hopeless romantic, but I LOVE my husband! Yes, I refer to him as my knight because he is just that amazing in the way he treats me: holding doors for me, getting the car […]

Screwtape on Stage: An Interview with Max McLean
As someone who has long appreciated the catechetical value of CS Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters, it was a great pleasure for me to have the opportunity to interview Max McLean, director of the stage adaptation of The Screwtape Letters and its lead actor, portraying Screwtape. McLean originated the role of Screwtape in New York, Chicago, […]

Weekly Wits 3/22/13 Like Us On Facebook FollowMeOnTwitter Like Us On Facebook FollowMeOnTwitter