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End the Media
The press corps is the embodiment of the old establishment.

Poem: “A Better Resurrection”
A Better Resurrection I HAVE no wit, no words, no tears; My heart within me like a stone Is numbed too much for hopes or fears; Look right, look left, I dwell alone; I lift mine eyes, but dimmed with grief No everlasting hills I see; My life is in the falling leaf: O Jesus, […]

House Bill on No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Is Stronger than Hyde Amendment
This week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill that would permanently prevent taxpayer dollars from being used to pay for abortion. The bill , titled the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Disclosure Act of 2017” (H.R. 7), would amend federal law to make the Hyde Amendment permanent. Currently, the Hyde […]

Poem: “The Convert”
The Convert After one moment when I bowed my head And the whole world turned over and came upright, And I came out where the old road shone white, I walked the ways and heard what all men said, Forests of tongues, like autumn leaves unshed, Being not unlovable but strange and light; Old riddles […]

New US UN Ambassador Nominee Stands by Pro-Life Position at Confirmation Hearing
President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for United States UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley, repeatedly asserted her pro-life views during her Wednesday confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The South Carolina Governor promised to be a force for reform of the UN system if approved for the position. “I am strongly pro-life,” Haley said in response […]

Poem: “Just As I Am / Through a Glass Darkly”
Just As I Am / Through a Glass Darkly Just as I am, All that I am, You behold me. I see so little, So little of me, So little of You. “Through a glass darkly” Sufficiency suffices, In Faith, believing. Mingled here, Your Mercy, Grandeur, clouded in Mystery, I rest as a babe. Just […]

Fall of the Fake News Crusade
The news media is just another arm of a politicized entertainment industry.

I woke up this morning. I could have instead been meeting my Maker, sautéing like a piece of human bacon in the eternal frying pan or dancing with angels. You must have woken too or you wouldn’t be reading this. Have you ever put much thought in that? Waking up in the morning is not even […]

Archbishop Carlson Defends Life
You may have heard of sanctuary cities and thought the term only applied to a city that protects illegal immigrants. But if you thought that was the case, you would be wrong—at least when it comes to St. Louis, Missouri. According to a recent St. Louis public radio report: “Two St. Louis aldermen, in partnership […]

Mother and Son Survived Two Years Under the Thumb of the Islamic State
By Jaco Klamer Late last year, Ismail fled Mosul with his mother Jandark Behnam Mansour Nassi (55), the two having survived ISIS’ reign of terror for two years. From the safety of Erbil, Kurdistan, the Iraqi Christians, former residents of the town of Bartella, on the Nineveh plain, told their story to international Catholic charity […]

Bioethics 2016: Winners and Losers
Each year at this time we look back over the past twelve months with an eye toward identifying those whose lives and work actively promoted and affirmed a truly human future, and those who did not. Winners: Stephanie Packer is more than a winner; she really is a hero. Sitting down with her while making […]

Poem: “Christ, Cross, Choice”
Christ, Cross, Choice Innocent, Jesus, you were judged guilty and condemned to death. Uncomplaining, You received, accepted, and embraced Your cross. You fell under the cross You had chosen, but you stood up, supporting it, to be with your Mother Mary, to feel her love. Simon helped you carry it and Veronica comforted You as […]

Poem: “Thurible”
Thurible Dimly-lit church, empty except for the strong lingering scent of spicy-sweet smoke from a funeral earlier in the day. Gray rising clouds no longer visible, stale recollections left behind with memories of a soul I did not know. Lives sputter and ignite like aromatic crystals heaped onto blistering coals, souls billowing and ascending. Tim […]

Epiphany: The Light of the World
Rome is known as the Eternal City for good reason. One of the city’s ancient marvels is the Egyptian obelisk in Saint Peter’s Square, a block of marble as tall as a tree that weighs 330 tons. Erected as a monument to Pharaoh in 1850 BC, it stood watch over the whole of Egyptian history, […]

Trump Faces a Different Sort of UN Reform
Holding the UN more accountable isn’t just about using the power of the President and Congress to withhold funds—as past Republican administrations have rightly but perhaps restrictively tended to do. The incoming U.S. administration and Congress have an immediate opportunity for real UN reform, but it means reining-in an ever more intrusive UN bureaucracy, especially […]

Book Review: The Best is Yet to Come
Looking to make the most of the new year? Thinking that your life needs an attitude adjustment but aren’t sure where to begin? The Best is Yet to Come: Living Fully in Each Moment by Sr. Anne Bryan Smollin (Sorin Books, 2016) offers a wonderful guide to squeezing the maximum amount of joy out of […]

Poem: “St. Francis and the Birds”
St. Francis and the Birds The birds flocked To hear St. Francis Tell them stories of creation And how they first played The sky like a huge harp, Their wings plucking Strings of pure air While warbling canticles On the splendor of flight. Philip C. Kolin

Ohio State Linebacker Goes From Walk-On to Scholarship Captain
Coming out of high school in 2012, Joe Burger was not offered a scholarship to Ohio State University. Undeterred, he worked hard at contributing to the team in any way he could. His work has paid off, as he was awarded a scholarship last year. And now the linebacker is a senior captain of the […]

The Castro Regime: Repression of the Rights to Life and Liberty
Freedom is never free. The passing of Fidel Castro is a keen reminder that many liberties so often taken for granted in the West, even as they are rapidly diminishing in the face of radical secularism, are still not a given for many. For over 55 years, the Castro regime perpetrated numerous human rights abuses. […]

Joy of Christmas Carries Hope for the Ages
The Christmas Season is meant for inexpressible Joy. After all, Advent marks the coming of Jesus Christ to earth to save humanity from the penalty of sin and evil. It should be a joyous time as we contemplate this colossal event that was so immense that even the heavens were shaken and altered at what […]

A Christmas Letter from Aleppo
By Father Ziad Hilal, S.J. ALEPPO, Syria–For the past few days, Aleppo city has been breathing sighs of relief. Since the rebels reached an agreement with the regime forces and its allies to evacuate all civilians and militants from their last stronghold in east Aleppo city, there finally can be some peace. From the very […]