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Chilling View from the Joint Chiefs (Part III)
Concerning the question of sending American women into combat, we have thus far looked at the trajectory of the feminist movement, specifically how it went from advocating basic equality between the sexes to perverting and deconstructing sexuality altogether. There have been two distinct and deliberate effects of this radical feminism: the first being a blurring […]

Things I Wonder About
I know my purpose here on earth is to love and serve God so that I can spend eternity with Him in Heaven… But at my age, even having some of the answers to life’s bigger questions doesn’t mean there still aren’t a few things I wonder about… For instance, I was recently watching a […]

The Baptism Betrothal
When we consider the Sacrament of Baptism, two things become readily apparent. The first is how important baptism is in the Scriptures. Out of all the sacraments, none are foretold more than the sacrament of Baptism. (See Gen 1:2, Ez 36:25, 2 Kings 5:10-15, Is 1:16 to name but a few examples.) The other is […]

Poem: “Fourth Station”
Fourth Station Good Friday “My Lord.” “My Lady fair.” “Speak lover.” “Purest Beloved: Do you remember, long ago, a gift and blessing from my Lord?” “Your Lord?” “The Lord.” “I remember misty warmth and whispery words, Some unspoken, all were heard.” “And I?” “The Gift.” “As well I do remember. His presence made present.” “A […]

A Call to Conversion: John the Baptist, Jesus, and Mary
St. Asterius of Amasea wrote: “Reflect for a moment on the wealth of [God’s] kindness. Before he came as a man to be among men, he sent John the Baptist to preach repentance and lead men to practice it. John himself was preceded by the prophets, who were to teach the people to repent, to […]

Giving Up But Holding on to Hope in our Changing Culture
I quit. I just can’t do it anymore. I give up. I surrender. I call “Uncle.” For years, I’ve stood at the intersection of parenting and politics, trying to point out the myriad ways in which we are letting our culture change our children, only to anticipate with certain alarm the impact those changes will […]

The Real Vatican II: A 10-part Television Series
Recently, Pope Benedict XVI, now Pope Emeritus, criticized the media for it’s continued misrepresenting of Vatican II. In response, NET (New Evangelization Television) debuted a 10-part weekly series called Vatican II: Inside the Vatican Council, on Thursday, February 21 at 8:30 PM ET. CNA/EWTN reported that “Pope Benedict XVI said that many of the misinterpretations of the Second […]

Prayers for the Election of a Pope
From several versions of the Roman Missal.

Weekly Wits 3/1/13 Like Us On Facebook FollowMeOnTwitter Like Us On Facebook FollowMeOnTwitter

Parental Rights Should Not End at the State Line
If you’re a parent living in one of the 38 states that require an abortionist to notify you or obtain your consent prior to his performing an abortion on your minor daughter, you may think that your rights to know what happens to your pregnant child are protected. Think again. In the other twelve states, […]

Reeva, Oscar and the Feminist Lie
Their relationship was short. And fatal. Last week the sports world was stunned at the arrest of “the Blade Runner,” South African Olympian Oscar Pistorius, for the murder of his beautiful girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. Pistorius, whose legs had been amputated below the knee in childhood, gained fame competing in track during the London Olympics against […]

Planet of the Apes
It is now safer to be a monkey in Spain—at least if you’re one of the larger species—than a man. Thanks to a new law passed by the Spanish parliament and signed into law by Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, the Great Apes are protected from the moment of conception against abortion and fetal experimentation. Human […]

Virtue and Beauty – For Women
Ah, beauty. We’re tempted to pluck a couple more eyebrow hairs, worry about the color of our shirts, look in the mirror one more time. Or, under the guise of being modest and counter-cultural, we don shapeless denim jumpers, long skirts and tennis shoes, thwarting any glance that might come our way. Either way, every […]

Poem: “Third Station”
Third Station Good Friday A man lays broken Words unspoken A priceless token Freely given But still riven And yet he looks up Breathes And gets up. Matthew B. Rose

Twelve Great Gratitude Quotes
Benedict XVI has given his final papal blessing, the doors of Castelgandolfo have been sealed, and the Swiss Guard has hung their halberds because there is no pope for them to guard. Now, the Church waits in prayerful anticipation of the upcoming conclave and the installation of a new pope who will lead the Catholic […]

The Bible: An Epic Mini-Series
The Bible speaks for itself, or rather, it speaks for God. Yet, we have a generation of young people that are generally more excited about video games and special effects than the Word of God. So, what’s a parent to do? If you are executive producer Mark Burnett and his wife, “Touched by an Angel” […]

A Simple Man’s Farewell to Our Holy Father Benedict
The heart of this simple sinful man aches today as our Church bides the Holy Father a prayerful farewell from the visible throne of Peter. It is often said that we rarely appreciate those who are in our midst until they are no longer with us. No doubt, this will be the sentiment with respect […]

Baby Modeling in the Big Apple
My son is an adorable energizer bunny. How can I wear this child out? And, keep myself mentally stimulated as well, if possible? I got an idea. It seemed far-fetched. Baby modeling! Baby modeling is jumping in popularity among moms who want to earn extra money and be together with their child. After witnessing our […]

Purgatory Part 2: Salvation, Sanctification, and Atonement
This is the second in a series in which I attempt to address the question, “What is purgatory, and why is it necessary?” by expanding on the simple answer that Purgatory is the state, place, or process by which a soul is purified for entrance into heaven. Part 1 can be found here. “The doctrine [of […]

Gender-Bending Child Abuse
On February 26, 2013, the Denver Post ran an article that contained the following: Colorado parents of transgender 1st-grader file complaint over restroom ban The parents of a transgender 6-year-old have filed a complaint with the Colorado Civil Rights Division because Eagleside Elementary School in Fountain banned the first-grader from using the girls’ restroom. The […]

A Brilliant Teacher Steps Down from the Papacy
I have hesitated to write a commentary on the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI because I believed that the words he used when he made the announcement were sufficient. He did not suggest a secret illness or a conspiracy afoot or anything of the kind. He said quite plainly and most sincerely, “After having repeatedly […]

Farewell, Pope Benedict XVI
The Holy See – The Holy Father – Benedict XVI Jesus of Nazareth Volume I: From the Baptism in the Jordan to the Transfiguration Hardcover Paperback Audio CD Volume II: Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection Hardcover Audio CD Volume III: The Infancy Narratives Hardcover Large Print Paperback Audio CD A […]

Healing Through Humility in this Lenten Journey
The greatest among you must be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled; but whoever humbles himself will be exalted. (Matthew 23:11–12). God’s ways are not naturally our ways. God calls us to be servants or slaves to others. Humility is truth, that is the truth of who we are, including the good and […]

European Courts Issue New Adoption Law Rulings
This month the European Court of Human Rights and Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court (which often takes a leading role in human rights jurisprudence which is frequently cited also by Supreme and Consitutional courts in countries outside Europe) have published decisions regard two separate cases involving the adoption of children by same-sex couples. In Germany, adoption […]