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The Absolute Easiest Worm Bin Plans and Instructions on the Entire Internet
If you have a garden you probably already know that earthworms are good for your garden. You may be aware that one of the best fertilizers is worm castings. If you already compost and do your best to amend your soil with organic matter, you are already going a long way toward attracting these garden […]

40 Days for Life: Closed!
God hears your prayer — and He answers. Here’s what I mean: —————————————————– EUGENE, OREGON —————————————————– “I want to spread some very awesome news!!!” That’s the email I received from Lynda in Eugene – complete with all three exclamation marks. The Bours Health Center – the abortion facility where faithful volunteers have prayed during EIGHT […]

The Superpower of a Grandmother
When I think of grandmothers, I think of fingers. My 96 year old maternal grandmother hardly remembers my name, but I still remember the years I watched her fingers plying the rosary beads one by one for each of her grandchildren. Around her twisty bed post, she’d drape her rose-scented brown rosary, marked with a […]

Lent and the Sacrament of the Eucharist
It’s Lent and time to take into consideration what we can do to strengthen our relationship with God and grow more deeply in our faith. Lord only knows how badly our world needs stronger faithful people! What better way to do that than adding extra time with the sacraments of confession and the Eucharist? Christ […]

Angelus and Cappucino — Tracing the Blackmail Story
February 24, 2013, Sunday — Angelus “The Lord is calling me ‘out to the mountain’ to devote more time to prayer and meditation, but this does not mean I’m abandoning the Church.” –Pope Benedict XVI, in his final Sunday Angelus address as Pope, at noon [Feb. 24] in St. Peter’s Square The Sun Broke Through at […]

Abortion is Crippling Honesty
Cripple: Something flawed or imperfect The most recent case of America’s denial that the preborn child is a person once again reminds us that, culturally, our ability to deal honestly with our fellow human beings is so twisted that it becomes hideous to those with eyes to see. When a New Jersey court ruled that […]

Lessons Learned During a Babies “R” Us Trip
While creating our baby registry at Babies-R-Us a few weekends ago, my husband and I learned some very valuable life lessons which I would now like to share with all of you. I think that all of you mom’s will appreciate some of the insights/blunders of first time parents. Life is better when you’re together. I […]

Pro-Life Organizations Engage Human Rights Council
Several pro-life and pro-family organizations have submitted statements to the Advisory Committee to the Human Rights Council to ask that universal values shared by all civilizations and cultures — including the right to life of unborn children and the natural family as the fundamental unit of society — are not forgotten in the quest to promote […]

Book Review: The ‘One Thing’ is Three
When I was in graduate school studying theology, I took a course on the Trinity. It featured a very large scholarly book and lots of Greek words. I found it fascinating, but understood relatively little. There is a reason why the Trinity is considered a mystery. In The ‘One Thing’ is Three: How the Most […]

In Kiki’s Eyes
She’s 14 years old. Still active, she is gray in the muzzle; everywhere else she is completely white. She is the older dog; the wise one. You can see how her bones ache by how she moves. It is different from when she swam ten miles behind my kayak without any effort. But even though […]

Recognizing Population Control in Ethiopia
Still a Pro-Life Nation The African nation of Ethiopia has a Christian history which dates back to the New Testament, even before Saul’s conversion. In the Acts of the Apostles, we learn that Philip baptized an Ethiopian eunuch who was a member of the court of Queen Candace. Happily, Ethiopia has not abandoned its ancient […]

The Meaning of Mercy (Part II)
Most religions in the ancient world were local or national cults. The Egyptians worshiped Isis and Osiris. Athens was named after the goddess Athena. Ephesus was the center of the cult of Artemis. But when the Church was born on Pentecost Sunday, it was comprised of people from every nation under heaven, all of whom […]

Meet Mr. and Mrs. Sequester
The Sequesters John and Jane have been married for eight years. They aren’t Hollywood Stars, professional athletes, or nightly-news anchors, so they’re not exactly multi-millionaires. John does have a good job, though. His employer’s business in recent years has been growing, and John has gotten an eight- or ten-percent raise every year for […]

Concerning the Malachy List
Since the announcement of Pope Benedict XVI to renounce the Papacy at the end of this month, the Internet has been buzzing with the legend of the “List of St. Malachy.” This list is said to contain the names of all the Popes beginning with Pope Celestine II to the end of time. The total […]

Is the Default Position Shifting to Subsidiarity?
Not so long ago, most ecclesiastical officials and Catholic academicians emphasized solidarity as a political ideal. Owing to a common misunderstanding of both government and solidarity, that emphasis was almost always at the expense of subsidiarity. In recent years, however, the tide in favor of subsidiarity has begun to turn. It remains true that concern for […]

People With Same-Sex Attraction Need to Be Shown True Compassion
The Church, by which I mean hierarchy, clergy, religious, and laity, must step up and face the challenge posed by the militant gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, and queer activists — the GLBTQ coalition. It is simply not enough to defend marriage; we have to explain to the people in the pews, to our children, and […]

Five Ways to Fast (That Don’t Involve Food)
For medical reasons, some members of the Fenelon Clan are unable to precisely follow the Church’s precept to fast during Lent. Because of our conditions, we could receive dispensation from fasting altogether, but to us, that seems like the easy way out. We almost feel as if we’re cheating. So, we fast to the measure […]

Poem: “Second Station”
Second Station Good Friday The other day, when we were walking (we are almost out of time) I remember you said something serious (jokingly, of course, of course) something about a kingdom (my kingdom for a horse?) maybe it was something else (what about hands) that’s it, I remember (The Kingdom of Heaven is at […]

Getting Over a Failed Relationship
Have you ever had someone tell you to get over it when you’re expressing the pain of a failed relationship? It’s not easy to get over it. Whatever “it” is, you have been affected, and you can’t control your feelings or your memories. In your mind, you wonder how you are supposed to get over […]

Plutocracies are societies where majority wealth is controlled by a shrinking minority. They are driven by economies powered and consumed by the wealthiest class over a mass population dependent upon their fortunes. Wealth creation is the principal motivator in these economies and corporations are their vital actors. Snatching public policy away from the hands of […]

UN Commission Reinforces Role of Family for Development
Last week a UN commission that formulates social policies acknowledged the role of the family as the natural and fundamental unit of society, rejecting attempts by western nations to re-define the family. The Commission on Social Development concluded its annual session by adopting a resolution observing the International Year of the Family in 2014 that […]

The Vatican Responds to Blackmail Allegation
“[N]ews reports abound which are often unverified or unverifiable, or completely false…” –Communique this morning from the Vatican’s Secretariat of State, released at the Vatican Press Office The Vatican Speaks Out Evidently concerned that the upcoming papal conclave to elect a successor to Pope Benedict XVI (the conclave is now expected to be held between […]

Poem: “Life IX”
Life IX The heart asks pleasure first, And then, excuse from pain; And then, those little anodynes That deaden suffering And then, to go to sleep; And then, if it should be The will of its Inquisitor, The liberty to die. Emily Dickinson