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Discussing Discernment
In most Catholic communities, “discernment” is a buzz word. Normally when I hear this word, my mind automatically connects it with another word: vocation. To be honest, this word used to frighten me. Every time I would hear the word at Mass or at another gathering, anxiety would soon follow. The following thoughts would stream […]

Fixing Our Kids
It is an ongoing dilemma, is it not? America’s young people don’t measure up to the academic standards of other nations, but when it comes to sex they are right up there in the top two or three. Take the example of New York City as a case in point. Recently New York City’s Mayor […]

If Only . . .
We’re a peculiar bunch, we humans. Most of us never seem to be satisfied with our lot in life. No matter how good or how bad, we instinctively reach out for something more. As someone who wears many different hats in a 24-hour period, I hate to admit it but I am guilty as charged. […]

Catholics and the Living Word
Communion with Christ in the eucharist is the greatest privilege and sweetest joy of Catholic life. However, we must not allow this heavenly banquet to displace the other feast to which we are called: that of the Word. The Scriptures are, in their own way, heavenly food, and we must relish them with all due […]

47 Lives Saved Already
It’s the first Monday of this 40 Days for Life, and Monday is the day when we report to you on lives that have been saved from abortion thus far during this campaign. But first I have a special surprise for you! You can instantly download the “Day 6? chapter of the brand-new 40 Days for […]

Did You Develop a Website As Good As Everyone Else’s?
A retail-store owner called and asked me to look at his website. I always try to find something nice to say about a prospect’s website, but this one was pretty challenging. It looked like it had been done in the early 1990s. It was slapped together, with glaring colors, strange navigation, and too much bold […]

The Meaning of Mercy (Part I)
The Second Vatican Council taught us that the Eucharist is the “Source and Summit” of the Christian life. Yet we must keep in mind that the same council makes clear that the Eucharist is not the sum total of the Christian life. In fact, the Eucharist and all the other sacraments are memorials of a […]

Abraham Lincoln and Slavery
He insisted for three decades that slavery was a moral evil.

Pope, President Offer Point/Counterpoint on Marriage
In his inaugural address on Monday, January 21, Barack Obama called for Americans to embrace same-sex marriage, saying: Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law–for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal […]

Poem: “Seven Cities”
Seven Cities Beware. Beware. Be wary as you go All around the country, trees of anger grow Some are of the oak, some are of the beech Some are of the old wood and have a higher reach Look inside the circle where seven cities burn, Of those who enter inward, none of them return, […]

Corporate Ladder to Heaven
Randy Hain is a model of a man with an “attitude of gratitude,” and his new book tells something of his personal journey from a man with little hope to one with much to be thankful for. Raised a Southern Baptist, he left that church for pursuit of his own worldly goals, but God kept […]

Pope Benedict and the Cause of Life
It was a surprising announcement indeed that Pope Benedict made this week. Of course, a Pope has the authority to say he will no longer be the Pope. But this will certainly be a new experience for the Church in our day. Having worked in the Vatican, it also raises some interesting protocol questions in […]

Erasing Reagan? The Illiberal War on Truth
Falsehood is the enemy of human progress.

Weekly Wits 2/15/2013 Like Us On Facebook FollowMeOnTwitter

Poem: “Man’s Civil War”
Man’s Civil War MY hovering thoughts would fly to heaven And quiet nestle in the sky, Fain would my ship in Virtue’s shore Without remove at anchor lie. But mounting thoughts are haled down With heavy poise of mortal load, And blustring storms deny my ship In Virtue’s haven secure abode. When inward eye to […]

Theology of the Wounded
I am of the opinion that we cannot develop a proper evangelization and theology centered around the sacraments because of the way we currently practice our faith. Any proper evangelization begins at home, and we need to take a better look at some realities of our faith.

Alliance for Catholic Education – Service through Teaching
Today, I’m happy to feature the fantastic “ACE” program at the University of Notre Dame. The Alliance for Catholic Education is a true model for service in Christ to others. In this part of our feature, we share a recent conversation with Amy Wyskochil, Director of Operations for ACE, as we cover a basic introduction […]

The Guttmacher Institute Has a Bad Prescription for Mothers in Uganda
The Guttmacher Institute released a brief report titled Unintended Pregnancy and Abortion in Uganda in which they make their case for why increased contraception and access to “safe” abortion will reduce maternal mortality. Briefly, their argument is that unintended pregnancy in Uganda is high, and this is because women don’t have access to contraceptives. Because […]

Without a Script: The Professor Pope from the Heart on Vat.II and the Church
“Only a permanent formation of the heart and mind can actually create intelligibility and participation which is more than one external activity, which is an entering of the person, of his or her being into communion with the Church and thus in fellowship with Christ.”—Pope Benedict XVI this morning, in his annual address to the […]

Assessing the Pope’s Record
Garry Wills [ex-seminarian]: “What we really need are no priests.” James Carroll [ex-priest]: The pope “has seen only a solemn obligation to defend the church.” [Italic added.] Richard Sipe [ex-priest]: “Certainly, he did a lot, but it was all reactionary.” [Italic added.] Daniel Maguire [ex-priest]: The “scandal of the papacy [is] one of the last absolute monarchies in a […]

God for Obamacare … Dr. Ben Carson’s Heresy
Liberals are apoplectic over remarks by Dr. Ben Carson at the National Prayer Breakfast. Carson, a prominent pediatric surgeon from Johns Hopkins University, dared to weigh in on healthcare—something he knows something about. In the liberal mind, Carson committed a grave transgression; he disagreed with President Obama on healthcare at a faith venue, and in […]

Defending the Right to Self-Defense
The recent spate of mass shootings has prompted President Obama and his allies in Congress to pursue new gun control laws with special urgency. Mr. Obama is correct in sensing that the American people are ready for serious action on this issue, but he is mistaken in thinking that they are in agreement with him […]

Love is Tough
I sat in my seat in a circle of students in my counseling theories class. Pen in hand and a self-inventory worksheet on top of a book on my lap, I thought about the question at the top of the paper: What did you learn about love from how your parents treated you? This is […]

The Fluke Doctrine
Sandra Fluke, the champion of free birth control for women, has reached a new low in her quest to shame the American public into believing that when it comes to promiscuity and sex, employers with well-formed consciences are badly in need of government intervention. In addition, Fluke has a serious problem with religious freedom if […]