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All Articles

Signs of Hope in a Conflicted Society
Walking among a half million fellow pro-lifers on January 25 in the nation’s capital, one could not help but reflect on the irony: We marched to remember the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s abolition of every state law against abortion in Roe v. Wade, while only four days previously the same streets were filled with […]

Five Signs We Get Wrong at Mass
For many contemporary Catholics, the Second Vatican Council is the most important, if not the only, Church Council in the history of the Church. For them, it brought the Church out of a rigorist darkness and enlightened it by its contact with modernity. If you would like to think that, you are wrong, but go […]

The Universal Call to Holiness
A life of holiness is not something that is relegated to the cloister and the monastery. It is for everyone. This is something I learned from studying the lives of the saints, from learning to pray with the Church, and from the Scriptures themselves. We are all called to be perfect as our heavenly Father […]

The People-Haters Are At It Again
In the UK he is a household name. He has done a beautiful series of documentaries for BBC on the world’s wildlife. He was even knighted by the Queen. And he is a bona-fide, certified, take-no-prisoners people hater. The hater in question, Sir David Attenborough, made the news last week by comparing the human race […]

Manners 101 for Children
We live in a busy world that is changing at the speed of light. Yet, good manners never go out of style. Most of us parents emphasize the importance of please, thank you, and excuse me, and do our best to insure that our children are polite, but when it comes to the finer points […]

Sabotaging the Medjugorje Commission?
From June, 1981 to the present, six people from Medjugorje (Bosnia-Hercegovina) have been claiming to see the Virgin Mary. Over these 31 or so years, much controversy has arisen concerning the origin of these claims. Lies, scandal, slander, disobedience and accusations that the alleged visionaries are being handled by the local Franciscans form a forgotten […]

NYC Schools Dispensed 12,721 Doses of Plan B Last Year Without Parental Consent
New York City schools distributed 12,721 doses of the “Morning-After Pill” to students last year, according to documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request. The 40 school-based “health centers” also performed thousands of injections of long-term contraception and implanted intrauterine devices (IUDs). Under state law, schools do not need to obtain parental consent to dispense […]

Git It Said Right!
Numerous self-improvement gurus recommend vocabulary-building to help business professionals make more favorable first impressions. That’s fine. But what may be even more important is to pronounce words correctly. That’s not so easy to learn … I am a child of the Central Valley in California. Farmers and ranchers and cowboys settled our fertile land. So […]

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!
Have you ever looked yourself in the mirror and wondered why you have four “frown lines” for every laugh line? When was the last time you gut-laughed? Do you slip into your daughter’s room late at night, and wish you’d spent as much time enjoying her as you did lecturing her? Do you ever wonder […]

Ravens Player: Super Safety
Sean Considine, a safety for the Baltimore Ravens, is the first to point out that he belongs to some important families – God’s family, the family of his parents, his hometown community, the family he shares with his wife and four children, and the NFL. “My Catholic faith has played a huge role in my […]

Is Emotional Intelligence Anything New?
So you walk into your office and there is a yellow post-it slip that informs you to see the boss as soon as possible. You make your way around your colleagues as their stares increase a sense of anxiety. Your heart begins to pulse faster and you even begin to perspire. You knock in the […]

The Pregnant Man Wants a Divorce
God’s rules protect humanity from such the situation of a man who birthed three children, now seeking divorce will soon be a single mother…or is that father? Many are confused because once you mess with Divine order, insanity rules. From two women, to transgender union, to marriage, to parenthood, and now headed for divorce court, […]

The Wonder of Sleep
Sleep is in short supply and the cause of costly losses these days. A recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that approximately 40.6 million American workers average fewer than six hours of sleep per night. According to the Wall Street Journal, workplace insomnia has cost U.S. companies collectively over an […]

Obama Admin Releases Revised Rules for HHS Mandate
Legal analysts are scrambling today to make sense of new regulations released by the Obama administration that purport to provide a broader opt-out for religious organizations opposed to the HHS birth control mandate. However, conservative groups are approaching the revised rules warily, after a previous “accommodation” announced by the Obama administration was widely denounced as […]

Weekly Wits 2/1/13

Poem: “The Gentle God”
The Gentle God The gentle God stands off in the distance Awaiting the arrivals That moment the world calls death- He calls and cares, He coaxes and cajoles- Hoping all will begin the great journey home But they make the call, they make the choice- Eternity will show Those who choose a route of truth […]

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity are Not Human Rights
Policy makers around the world are regularly informed by seemingly authoritative sources that “sexual orientation and gender identity” are new categories of non-discrimination in international law. What this means is that national and international laws have to change to accept the idea that homosexuality and its various permutations including transvestitism cannot be discriminated against in […]

The Discernment of Spirits
In The Discernment of Spirits, an Ignatian Guide for Everyday Living, Fr. Timothy Gallagher has endeavored to write a “how-to guide” on the reading of the Ignatian Rules. He has broken down each rule and explained what is meant by it. He supports his descriptions with vignettes from the lives of users of the Ignatian […]

The Latest Excuse for Population Control: Terrorists
Here it is again. That nasty theory that certain populations (i.e. people of color) need to be culled at any cost, using “drastic” measures, is being touted on the webpages of the respected journal Foreign Policy. The excuse this time is to reduce terrorists. And the target is people in Mali – the very people […]

The Miraculous Healing Power of Indulgences
Last fall, Pope Benedict XVI announced a special set of indulgences for the Year of Faith, which ends on November 24, 2013. During that time, Catholics may obtain indulgences on the usual conditions if they perform one or more of several acts of faith and charity devoted to the Second Vatican Council, which the Year […]

The Roe Enigma: What the Pew Survey Tells Us
On January 16, in preparation for the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, the Pew Research Foundation issued the results of a 1,502 person survey dealing with abortion and the attitudes of those surveyed. The findings are of interest for many reasons, including the level of ignorance that has overcome the discussion of decriminalized abortion over the course […]

Chilling View from the Joint Chiefs (Part II)
Despite the genuine good will of many of those who work to create equal opportunities for men and women, it cannot be ignored that there are more insidious ends in play by feminist ideologues. Historically, there has been a close working relationship between Marxist and feminists, and thus the dialectic used to understand economic history […]

True story. Hand to God. An acquaintance was having neighbor trouble. As often happens, things escalated rather quickly. What had begun as an issue where two sides were taking tough stands and no one was willing to budge swiftly careened into a legal battle. The acquaintance—a woman of great faith who diligently tried to live […]

A Call to Conscience
“Theological courage calls the inner-man to ignore his buckling knees and take theologically driven stances that, while potentially controversial, are righteous in nature.” So write Owen Strachen and Andrew Walker in a recent article discussing Hobby Lobby’s stance against Obamacare’s onerous trampling of religious liberty. The idea of martyrdom, be it physical, social, or […]