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Choosing Life: The Crisis That Wasn’t
As the 40th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade dawns, my friends that have adopted children have been posting pictures on Facebook of their beautiful families and thanking the birth mothers for their courage and sacrifice. These adoptive mothers asked everyone to choose adoption over abortion. As I contemplated praising my friends for telling their story, […]

Facing Infertility – A Catholic Approach
When I received a review copy of the newly-published book, Facing Infertility – A Catholic Approach, I was a bit surprised there wasn’t already a Catholic book which specifically dealt with the topic of infertility. When I searched online, I could only find secular or Christian books on this subject. Jean Dimech-Juchniewicz’s new book is […]

Two Women are Behind Legalized Abortion in America: Now Both of Them Want it Reversed
In the debate over abortion in the United States, two women’s names appear more frequently than any others: Jane Roe and Mary Doe, the plaintiffs in the companion 1973 Supreme Court cases that legalized abortion in the country. With the 40th anniversary of those two cases – Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton – this month, news media […]

What Have We Learned About Injustice Over the Past 156 Years?
In his excellent (although vaguely anti-Catholic) book THE MARKETING OF EVIL: How Radicals Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised as Freedom, David Kupelian wrote about the Dred Scott Supreme Court case of 1857. The Dred Scott decision denied blacks American citizenship and even questioned their full personhood. Kupelian laid out the case and quoted […]

The End of the Reagan Era?
With Barack Obama’s second inauguration, liberals are touting an altogether new epoch: the end of the Reagan era. Unfortunately, I believe they are largely correct. We are witnessing a period of left-wing ascendance, marked by gay marriage, forced taxpayer funding of abortion, an exploding government class, and big government. As to the latter, Ronald Reagan […]

40 Years Later: It’s Never Too Late to Turn the Tide
It is extremely difficult to think about what one might say after 40 years of decriminalized barbarism. Yes, that is exactly what abortion is—and yet most people are blind to the effect it has had on the family and on our nation. Haven’t we heard it all before? Of course we have. Each of us […]

The Homeless Reality
As I write, the weather station says that it’s 1° F, but it feels like -17°F. With the wind chill, it’s expected to drop as low as -30°F tonight. Tomorrow will more of the same. Even with the furnace chugging away, the perimeters of the house are cold. Upon passing by the windows and doors, […]

Abandoned— The Untold Story of the Abortion Wars
If you knew beforehand that a gunman planned on going to a kindergarten class at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, would you do everything in your power to avert the violence and save innocent lives? During a news conference on January 16, President Obama expressed that if we could save even one life […]

The Inauguration and the March for Life: A Message for America
Just yesterday, I received the homily of a pastor here in my home diocese that spoke powerfully of the strange juxtaposition of the two national events happening this week. Obviously, as of this writing, the first of these events, the presidential inauguration, has already occurred, but when we compare it to the second of these […]

Abortion and Ireland: Are the Irish Copping Out?
For the Catholic Church and the pro-life movement, Ireland’s steadfast preserving of its laws defending the rights of the unborn has been a beacon of hope in Europe. Ireland has continued to hold the highest birth rate of other country in the European Union, and is one of the very few European countries whose population […]

Why You Can’t Erase Women
With the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade approaching, I’ve been thinking quite a bit about a post I read last month over at the popular atheist blog “Love, Joy, Feminism”. The article asserted that most pro-life (or anti-abortion) ads portray photos of already-born babies and pre-born fetuses, while failing to depict the mother. Libby Anne therefore concludes that […]

Eliminating Feminist Teacher Bias Erases Boys’ Falling Grades
Has the Sexual Revolution, and the feminist ideology that drives it, pushed men out of universities by undermining boys in school as early as kindergarten? Some writers are beginning to connect the dots between the shift over the last few decades in educational practices from fact-based grading to evaluation based on “non-cognitive” and “emotional skills” […]

A Meditation for Inauguration Day
From a sermon by Bl. John Henry Newman: It is the death of the Eternal Word of God made flesh, which is our great lesson how to think and how to speak of this world. His Cross has put its due value upon every thing which we see, upon all fortunes, all advantages, all ranks, […]

Book Review: Set Free by Genevieve Kineke
Set Free Genevieve Kineke Servant Books 2012 Forgiveness: been there, done that! I wondered where Genevieve Kineke would take this “old, old story” in her new book, Set Free. Needless to say, she surprised and edified me! Set Free is a comprehensive and deeply Catholic treatment of the work of forgiveness, focusing on the special […]

The Penitential Rite and Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions
Did that which is good then bring death to me? By no means! It was sin, working death in me through what is good, in order that sin might be shown to be sin, and through the commandment might become sinful beyond measure. We know that the law is spiritual; but I am carnal, sold […]

Pro-Life Advocacy – It Might be Easier Than You Think!
Abortion is a scourge on our nation, yet there are millions of faithful pro-life citizens across the land. Recent statistics have shown that, even after the reelection of the most rabidly pro-abortion president in history, our nation remains firmly in the corner of Life. In fact, the numbers of those who are pro-life are on […]

Poem: “Children of Our Age”
Children of Our Age We are children of our age, it’s a political age. All day long, all through the night, all affairs–yours, ours, theirs– are political affairs. Whether you like it or not, your genes have a political past, your skin, a political cast, your eyes, a political slant. Whatever you say reverberates, whatever […]

The “Balanced” Virtue of Temperance
What comes to mind when you think of “temperance”? Designated drivers downing pints of O’Douls or virgin daiquiris? The thrill of moral victory from leaving that last bite of chocolate cake on the plate? Lent? The other day I came across an article by MaryEllen Tribby (Founder and CEO of entitled “The Success Indicator,” […]

The Law of Life Summit 2013
It is that time of year again! The March for Life in Washington D.C. is right around the corner and as public struggle against legalized abortion in America turns 40 years old, it is time to take note of how the event has grown up. Though the principles for such a large annual gathering in […]

Poem: “Children of Our Age”
Children of Our Age (Translated by Stanislaw Baranczak and Clare Cavanagh) We are children of our age, it’s a political age. All day long, all through the night, all affairs–yours, ours, theirs– are political affairs. Whether you like it or not, your genes have a political past, your skin, a political cast, your eyes, a […]

What Alabama’s Politics Could Teach the Rest of the Country
When we first announced to friends and family our decision to move from Las Vegas to rural Alabama, you would have thought we said we were all growing bushy beards to live as hermits in a cave, way over in Mars, with Forrest Gump as our cult leader. But time has proven that: in the […]

Bishops Urge Nine Days of Prayer, Penance In Lead Up to Roe v. Wade Anniversary
The U.S. bishops are urging Catholics nationwide to participate in nine days of prayer, penance, and pilgrimage between January 19-27, marking the 40th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. The U.S. bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities is asking Catholics to pray “for healing and conversion, for elected officials who support abortion and for all people whose […]