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The Journey of Infertility: Walking With the Church to Find Solutions, Wisdom, and Peace
It’s personal. It’s painful. And for the millions of people affected by infertility, it can also be very isolating. For those who have never experienced the sorrow and complexity of this condition, it’s impossible to truly comprehend the degree of suffering it causes. I had considered myself empathetic to those who couldn’t conceive, but I […]

Sorry, No Steeples
“Sorry, No Steeple…but we do have a drive-thru” is what the clever, cool, hip billboard sign proclaims. I wasn’t exactly sure what it meant so I didn’t pay it much never-mind. Then another one popped up with something that was, to me, similarly vague: We don’t accept perfect people. Still, not paying attention. Then a […]

Revealing God in Daily Encounters
I recently attended a brainstorming session focusing on how to best deliver and follow up much needed care to a growing, vulnerable patient population in the community. Nothing was put on paper at the initial meeting. It was just an exchange of ideas, references, and an intention of good will and future partnership. Later, when […]

Book Review: A Grace Given
During the summer of 1998, our family faced the sudden death of our twelve-year-old son. He was perfectly healthy that morning, but during the night, his airways had a spasm and closed up. We discovered him blue and not breathing. I said “faced” because we came face to face with death; waiting for medical help, […]

Has Abortion Lived Up to It’s Promises?
In less than two weeks, our nation will mark the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court decision that made abortion-on-demand the law of the land. The milestone is causing many on both sides of the aisle to take a closer look at our changing political landscape and ask, “Does legal abortion have […]

The 7 Best Books for Women by Women (and one Priest) from 2012
(Okay, so that’s really an 8-book list.) If you listen my podcast, Among Women, you know I have a passion for three things: first, to encourage women to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and their Catholic faith; second, to celebrate the beauty and genius of their womanhood; and third, to call women to […]

Poem: “‘Come,’ Thou dost say to Angels”
‘Come,’ Thou dost say to Angels ‘Come,’ Thou dost say to Angels, To blessed Spirits, ‘Come’: ‘Come,’ to the lambs of Thine own flock, Thy little ones, ‘Come home.’ ‘Come,’ from the many-mansioned house The gracious word is sent; ‘Come,’ from the ivory palaces Unto the Penitent. O Lord, restore us deaf and blind, Unclose […]

“We Were Blessed to Have Met Them”
The doctor performing the ultrasound had a strange look on his face. The newly married couple braced themselves for what they were sure would be terrible news. “Now, don’t scream,” he said in measured tones. “One. Two. Three…Triplets!” Jason and Marie Taylor, both in their 30s, had married only four months ago, in May 2012. […]

Supreme Court Sets Dates for Pivotal Gay ‘Marriage’ Cases
The U.S. Supreme Court announced Monday the dates it will begin to hear oral arguments on two pivotal cases on the issue of same-sex “marriage.” On March 26, the Supreme Court will hear Hollingsworth v. Perry, on the issue of the constitutionality of California’s Proposition 8 – the voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage that was […]

Cravings: The Strength of Surrender
Every once in a while, a book lands in your hands at the perfect time. For me, that happened this month when I received my lovely review copy of Cravings: A Catholic Wrestles with Food, Self-Image, and God by my friend and fellow writer Mary DeTurris Poust. The book arrived just in time for me […]

House Attempts to Use New Rules to Prevent IPAB from Rationing Care
Late last week, House Republicans passed a package of rules that will guide the next (113th) Congress. Contained within these rules was a simple provision stating that “[The] Independent Payment Advisory Board … shall not apply in the One Hundred Thirteenth Congress.” The Independent Payment Advisory Board, or IPAB, has remained one of the most […]

Love, Justice, and the Dying
With the passage of each year it appears that more and more Americans are being served a platter of nuanced messages regarding how one is to care for a dying loved one. It is as though death could somehow be made more palatable for those involved. The truth is that death is inevitable; nobody will […]

Bourgeois Receives His Marching Orders
The National Catholic Reporter (NCR) reports the former Reverend Roy Bourgeois has been formally notified of his dismissal from his religious community and the priesthood. Bourgeois is a vocal proponent of women being ordained priests. In 2008, he participated in the simulation of the Sacrament of Holy Orders involving a woman. Shortly thereafter, says the […]

The Jews and the “New Pentecost”
A peculiar thing happened on the way to the present day from Pentecost: the Church suddenly stopped calling the Jews to conversion. Sure, if we are being honest, we must admit that the Church is now reticent to explicitly call anyone who dwells beyond the fold into the one true religion, but in the decades […]

Gender Theory
This past December Pope Benedict XVI warned about the dangers of Gender Theory. Many people may be unaware of the various theories of gender and how each of them is in its own way an attack on reality. Part of the problem is that the theories are not logically consistent, and contradict one another. While the theories […]

Weekly Wits 1/11/13 :

The Pewsitter’s Guide to Parish Renewal
Recently on Facebook, I came across a rather heated discussion about Vacation Bible School (VBS), summertime faith formation programs hosted by many parishes across the United States. These parishes are taking a cue from other Christian communities by offering this kind of special outreach – and at times are even using programs produced by evangelical […]

Secular Second Thoughts on Sexual the Revolution
The disruptive results for individuals and society spawned by the revolution in attitudes and behavior regarding sex, marriage, family, and childbearing that erupted a half-century ago have become too obvious to ignore. These things were predictable–in fact, some people actually predicted them from the start–but by now their impact has grown so painfully apparent that […]

Poem: “I am the Seed…”
I am the Seed… I am the seed that fell among the stones, Heedless sowers, yet a stem I grew, A twig, a leaf, and then stood up alone – Child of wastelands, growing I was new I was a seed among the brambles bruised, A tangled shade laced-up above my head, What lived beneath […]

No-Look Typing: Put All Your Brain Power on the Subject
I write copy for commercial clients to help them make more sales from key web pages. My process always includes writing a detailed creative brief with my clients before starting a project. I debrief both owners and sales staffers. But no matter how deep my brief goes, I still need to ask my clients questions […]

New Title X Amendment Would Cut Planned Parenthood Funding
Planned Parenthood is the biggest abortion provider in the U.S., performing a third of a million abortions each year. It treats babies like toxic waste. It should be defunded, once and for all. According to their annual report abortions took up the vast majority of their pregnancy services and for every adoption referral, they performed 145 abortions. […]

Five Steps to Take This Year to Become a Better Parent
This year, rather than making resolutions to lose weight, read more books and floss for more than just the few weeks after a dental cleaning, America’s mothers and fathers should resolve to do better to raise our next generation of citizens. The result? A resurgence of skilled and solid parenting could be the key to […]

Maternal Health Argument for Abortion Persists, Despite Evidence
Advocates for legal abortion in all circumstances continue to make their case in terms of reducing maternal mortality, despite a growing body of evidence showing that dramatic improvements in maternal health worldwide have been achieved without the liberalization of laws restricting abortion. In the November issue of the UK-based journal Reproductive Health Matters, two reports […]

Family, State, and Union: Pope Leo Was Right
Imagine you are the pope. The previous half-century has seen the rise of many radical political movements and systems of thought hostile to the Church. Major societal upheaval is well underway, disrupting the basic order of civilization that had persisted for centuries. The territory that had for a millennium been politically controlled by your predecessors has […]