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Planned Parenthood Sets New Record for Abortion Numbers, Profit
Planned Parenthood achieved record numbers of abortions and posted record profit levels in the 2011-2012 fiscal year, according to a report from the Planned Parenthood watchdog organization Life Decisions International (LDI). “For decades now, Planned Parenthood has operated the most proficient killing machine in the United States,” said Douglas R. Scott, Jr., president of LDI, […]

Men Without Chests, or, What C. S. Lewis Made Me Think About
“We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.” ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man Sometimes you do your best and things don’t go right. That’s parenthood in a nutshell, I suppose, even when it’s done properly. […]

Les Mis: Movie Review
The musical Les Miserables begins and ends with the sung words “Look down!” That is, look down at the suffering, the poor, those who are told to look down, those who don’t dare lift their eyes to dream. There is a feeling of the socially-conscious Dickens’ work to Les Mis. The nemeses are introduced early: […]

Human Rights or Human Wrongs?
This past year has witnessed an escalation in the redefining of human rights. For example, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) stated in its Annual Report that contraception access is a “universal human right.” Implying that the use of contraception improves the overall health and financial status of women, the UN report fails to point out the deleterious effects that […]

Al Gore Profits from the Stealth Jihad
Let’s call it Al Goreera. That seems a fitting title for the new network that former Vice President Al Gore is launching with the jihadists’ favorite television outlet: Al Jazeera. The effect will be to create vast new opportunities for our enemies to propagandize the American people, a key ingredient of their “civilization jihad” against […]

Federal Stem Cell Research Funding: Why You Need to Know About the Dickey Amendment
In an attempt to stop the federal funding of embryonic stem cell research, two researchers sued the Obama Administration saying that the administration’s funding of research that requires the destruction of a human embryo violates the Dickey Amendment. Unfortunately, while a lower court agreed that using tax-payer money to fund embryonic stem cell research is […]

Why Gun Control is Not the Answer
In 2012 America saw some of the worst mass shootings in the history of the country — the massacre at Oikos University in Oakland, California, the tragic shooting in an Aurora, Colorado theatre, the more recent heartbreaking incident in Newtown, Connecticut, and subsequent string of shootings which have erupted since. Understandably, people are asking questions […]

The Hopes and Fears of All the Years
At some point, sooner or later, all new parents experience that moment when they realize that this new little life is their unique responsibility. It can be a bit surreal. Holding your little one, it strikes you that a tremendous gift has been given to you, a gift that brings with it significant and life-altering […]

Slipping Away
I was warned. My mom used to complain how “time flies” the older she got. In my youthful mind, with three little ones under my feet, I scoffed. Silly me. Today, January 4, 2013, would have been her 82nd birthday. I guess that has gotten me to thinking of all she wisely told me. […]

Bobby Schindler Tries to Save Brain-Injured Man Under ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ Order
Bobby Schindler, the brother of Terri Schiavo, is seeking permission to act as a guardian of a New York State man who is in a persistent vegetative state. Schindler is petitioning New York State’s Supreme County to serve as guardian for Gary Harvey, a Chemung County resident who suffered a traumatic brain injury after falling […]

Adventures with Twitter
One day, my 17 year-old strolled into the kitchen after a long day at school, leaned against the kitchen counter and, between mouthfuls of food to appease his growling stomach, said, “Hey mom, did you know that the Pope has Twitter?” “So, I hear,” I replied absentmindedly while chopping vegetables for dinner. “Do you have […]

Poem: “The Fuse”
The Fuse One fist clenches Discharging the universe What thunder! Heavenly bodies hurled! Journeying, spinning, Eternal directed movement. You, the Alpha You make it happen Why do they hide? Why do they cry tears? Tender saplings Shallow and green Long to be Great knotted oaks, Blackened Proven Sentries of love You, the Alpha You make […]

Distributism and the Local Organic Food Movement
Great change for the good often comes slowly. It creeps up through the cracks in a broken system, and begins to take the place of its previous forms. Slowly, public opinion, public actions, and individual sentiments begin to be formed in a new way. This is exactly what is happening in America today. The Local […]

Where Love Shines: An Epiphany
Love can take many forms. A gentle hand on a feverish brow. A knowing smile across a crowded room. A deep breath that swallows a word best left unsaid. And once, in all of human history, love took the form of a star. And behold, the star that they had seen at its rising preceded […]

Are Abortion Rights Activists Losing the Battle?
How’s this for a lead to “Has The Fight For Abortion Rights Been Lost?” by Kate Pickert? She writes: “In January 1973, the Supreme Court made access to abortion a federally protected right. As I write in this week’s TIME cover story, that seemingly decisive victory 40 years ago kicked off a war that the […]

Poem: “The End and the Beginning”
The End and the Beginning (Translation by Stanislaw Baranczak and Clare Cavanagh) After every war someone has to tidy up. Things won’t pick themselves up, after all. Someone has to shove the rubble to the roadsides so the carts loaded with corpses can get by. Someone has to trudge through sludge and ashes, through the […]

Helping Young Families: The Church’s Job?
This past month I’ve been thinking about the difficulties of raising young families. Conversations with friends and family and my own lived experiences have left me wondering how we are supposed to do all that is asked of us in raising a young family. No sleep, diapers, laundry, meals….it’s just crazy hard sometimes! After reading […]

Hope for 2013: Embracing Human Nature
Peering into the abyss of biotechnology, I have often mused that the problem with much of what goes on in fertility clinics and laboratories of the world is a denial of human nature. The denial that living human organisms, regardless of how they are created, are indeed human beings. They are small and immature, but […]

Natural “Spark” to Treat ADD and Other Conditions
Last night I finished reading Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by John J. Ratey, M.D (2008). My family physician recommended the book at my annual checkup last month. I told my doctor of my various discomforts and moodiness—I’m pretty healthy, but hadn’t been feeling 100%. He didn’t offer pills or […]

Weekly Wits 1/4/13

Slouching From Gomorrah: Remembering Robert Bork
It has been a couple of weeks since the death of Robert Bork, which occurred shortly before Christmas and didn’t really get the news coverage that Bork merited. Bork died at age 85. In 1987, he became a national headline when President Ronald Reagan nominated him to the Supreme Court. He was a judicial conservative, […]

40 Days for Life Deadline Approaches
2013 is a brand new year, but it also marks the 40th anniversary of the unjust U.S. Supreme Court decisions that imposed abortion on America. Let’s resolve to make this critical year a turning point in our unified efforts to end abortion! If you’ve ever felt called to lead a 40 Days for Life campaign in […]

Movie Review Les Miserables
There is something in me which resists popular movies, music, and TV series. That new piece of entertainment that everyone is talking about so often disappoints me by its shallowness or downright offensiveness. “It can’t be good if it’s that popular;” I argue, “we have such abominable collective taste”. A quick view of the cable […]