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The Challenges that Face the Prolife Movement
As the prolife movement contemplates four decades of legalized abortion in the United States and asks itself what really needs doing to halt this hideous scandal, prolifers should consider adding a new word to their vocabulary: ambivalence. According to the dictionary, ambivalence is the state of having mutually conflicting emotions or thoughts about something. And […]

Book Review: My Sisters the Saints
“Is this all there is?” Colleen Carroll Campbell found herself asking that universal question midway through college. Every generation needs to discover the role of faith in their lives and to seek answers to the hard questions such as the meaning of life and the role of suffering. While human nature may remain fairly consistent, […]

Orphan’s New Year’s Resolution: Build a House for Other Orphans
Imagine a Kenyan AIDS orphan living in a mud hut with his two brothers and walking several miles to school on an empty stomach. After the devastating loss of both of his parents, facing daily grinding poverty, would he have any energy left to dream of a better future? This boy is not imaginary; his name […]

Hobby Lobby – Crafting Religious Freedom
As a group of crafty Catholic women, joining Pinterest was a no-brainer for many of the Catholic Sistas Ink Slingers. As an Art Major, former Catholic school art teacher, homeschool mother, and now homeschool Nana this was certainly true for me. Therefore, this past Advent and Christmas season brought me to Hobby Lobby more times than I can count. They […]

A Politically Incorrect Guide to ‘Sexual Orientation’
It’s a mixed up muddled up shook up world … ~ The Kinks Through the secular — ”progressive” looking-glass, the term “sexual orientation” has, in a few short years, evolved to accommodate an ever-expanding fruit basket of carnal appetites. First it was “LGB” — liberal shorthand for “lesbian, gay and bisexual.” Then they added a “T” […]

Is International Planned Parenthood Abetting Criminal Activity?
International Planned Parenthood Federation’s Carmen Barroso sent around an e-mail this week soliciting year-end donations. She illustrates the role IPPF plays throughout the Western Hemisphere by telling the story of Valeria, a young Argentine woman: “This year, we provided vital health services to individuals like Valeria, a young Argentine woman who never received sexuality education […]

Father, Forgive Us
My initial response to the outcome of the election was visceral. Fixing my eyes on the heavens, tears pouring down my cheeks, I searched for answers in the night sky. I did a lot of praying for this election. Issues that should abhor any God-fearing human didn’t seem to sway, move or even nudge the […]

Poem: “Farewell to Apostate America”
Farewell to Apostate America Some terms ring untrue, like songless birds, Whose yakking do lovers loath and rue. Under God,” and “Republic,” now voided words, To which pupils pledge, “indivisible” too. When grand lady’s turned to ruse and scorn, Gone hussy in hulk with virtue shorn, Willingly deflowered by Sodom and porn, Then must beauteous […]

What Makes 2013 the Year for Cautious Optimism?
As a new year approaches, we naturally reflect on the one past. While it’s easy to get caught up in the negatives of the past year, we must identify and focus on the positive things that have happened as well. When we do this, we see that there are many reasons to look to this […]

New Year Plenary Indulgence Prayer, Veni Creator Spiritus: Latin-English
There is a plenary indulgence (under the usual conditions, i.e., Confession, Communion, and prayer for the intentions of the Holy Father) for singing or reciting the Veni Creator Spiritus on January 1st. Veni Creátor Spíritus, Come, Holy Spirit, Creator come, Mentes tuórum vísita, From Thy bright heavenly throne! Imple supérna grátia Come, take possession […]

John B. Tabb: America’s Forgotten Priest-Poet
A Very Brief Biography Rev. John Banister Tabb (March 22, 1845 – November 19, 1909) was a Catholic priest and professor of English. Born into one of Virginia’s oldest and wealthiest families, at “The Forest” in Amelia County, Tabb fell in love in his teens, though his marriage proposal to the neighbor girl was declined. He […]

New Year’s Resolutions: Bl. Cardinal Newman’s Way
Most of us make and break the same New Year’s Resolutions each year: eat less, exercise more, spend less, get out of debt. . . and on and on. My resolutions, while well-intentioned, often fall away by the end of January. This year, I’ve decided to do things differently. Instead of putting all the emphasis […]

Poem: “‘Hope’ is the Thing with Feathers–“
“Hope” is the Thing with Feathers– “Hope” is the thing with feathers— That perches in the soul— And sings the tune without the words— And never stops—at all— And sweetest—in the Gale—is heard— And sore must be the storm— That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm— I’ve heard it in the […]

The Inter-American Court versus the Rule of Law
Late last week the Inter-American Court on Human Rights struck down a Costa Rican law that banned in vitro fertilization, ruling that the restrictions violated rights to privacy, personal autonomy and “sexual and reproductive health” under the American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR), commonly known as the Pact of San José. The Court further ruled that that […]

Inaccurate Reporting on Medjugorje is a Disservice to All Catholics
On the British tabloid Daily Mail Online, there recently appeared an article by Chris Rogers and Marshall Corwin concerning the six alleged seers of Medjugorje. Rogers and Corwin write a fairly simple article that recounts some basic history of Medjugorje. It also mixes the authors’ own experience with Medjugorje and the alleged seers. I would […]

Gift of Music
Ginaldiel, the angel, scowled at the bookshelf. It was half as tall as he was, and twice the width of his music stand. “Same old, same old,” he muttered, tapping a long forefinger against his lip. He counted the binders again. Twelve. “Twelve binders of music to sing and all eternity in front of […]

A Holy Family – Thoughts on Procreation and Christian Marriage
The Catholic Church’s stance against birth control has catapulted to the forefront of today’s news, as it is utterly shocking to modern day folk that anyone could be against birth control. The contraceptive mentality is held in high esteem as it is considered wholly responsible and good across all walks of life. Allow me to step […]

Poem: “The Burning Babe”
The Burning Babe As I in hoary winter’s night stood shivering in the snow, Surprised I was with sudden heat which made my heart to glow; And lifting up a fearful eye to view what fire was near, A pretty babe all burning bright did in the air appear; Who, though scorched with excessive heat, […]

The Holy Innocents
With nothing but the angel’s words as confirmation of her condition, she hastened toward her cousin’s house to see if the impossible had indeed come to pass. It had. Amazingly, inexplicably, the devout old woman positively glowed as she regarded her much younger kin, at once gratified and awestruck at the hidden miracles that rested, […]

5 Ways to Keep the Christmas Spirit Alive in Your Heart
The calendar reads December 27th. Secular society has us fully ensconced in “after-Christmas” sales and is already prepared to move us along to Valentine’s Day. And yet we Catholics know that in terms of the liturgical season of Christmas, we’re just getting started. Some of you may fall prey to the “after Christmas blues” that […]

Les Misérables Provokes Mixed Emotions in a Catholic Viewer
Thanks to a friend and diehard Les Miserables fan, I saw the movie musical but have mixed emotions about it. Hugh Jackman is a fine Jean Valjean, but the Victor Hugo story is highly misleading on the French Revolutionaries; the musical by Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schönberg, with lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer, is mostly mediocre; […]

Are Catholic Ebooks the Future of Publishing?
Digital media has changed the landscape of the entertainment industry. Traditional music albums have been replaced by MP3s, and streaming services are now delivering movies to your home instantly. Will the same hold true for the book publishing industry? Will ebooks become the new medium of choice? According to the Center for Applied Research in […]

Facebook Friends vs. True Friends
During the early years of Facebook mania, I posted pics of my kids, events, travels, anecdotes and chanted with the universal FB voice: “Look how great I am; how amazing my life is; how many people like me!” While I really wanted to post about how great God is, a social network broadcasting my religious […]