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All Articles

Trust, Fertility, and Advent
One of my favorite shows is “Mayday,” a documentary which recounts stories of plane crashes and near crashes. My favorite episodes are the ones where everyone (or most) survives. Survival usually depends on the skill and precision of the pilots and flight engineers. I find it fascinating just what can bring a plane down and […]

Silence Amid Chaos
I attended a half-day Advent conference entitled The Silence of Mary. The morning was a much needed retreat from the maddening rush and noise of a city caught up in pre-Christmas frenzy. It was also the day after the horrific school shooting in Connecticut and the stabbing of 22 school children and one elderly woman […]

Book Review: Sons of Cain, Modern Knights in a Catholic Thriller
A couple of weeks ago a friend recommended to me the book Sons of Cain by Val Bianco. After being told the general storyline, I was interested in reading it and was able to do so. I was delighted as I very quickly became wrapped-up in a page-turning book that left my emotions flying and […]

China’s One-Child Policy Itself Leads to Forced Abortions
From the beginning of the one-child policy, the Chinese Party-state has tried to blame the myriad cruelties of this barbaric policy on “out-of-control local officials.” This is nonsense, of course, since local officials are only following orders on pain of punishment. So it was that when Chinese academic Yan Li tried out this excuse in […]

Reconciliation: The Wisdom Of 7-Year Olds
On the last Saturday before Christmas break, I introduced the belief of a forgiving God to my First Communion class. The lesson was based on a re-telling of The Prodigal Son. As usual, the class, the full complement of twenty-one this particular Saturday, participated eagerly in the discussion. The students had many questions: what if […]

Why Fear is Not the Answer
I wasn’t going to write about Friday’s sad events, instead simply choosing to pray. My heart has been heavy, and I knew others would write about it with more eloquence. My words and thoughts weren’t necessarily needed. But then, I was drawn into the conversation and realized that there was indeed something I needed to […]

Benedict, Twitter, Our Lady of Guadalupe
On Wednesday, on the twelfth day of the twelfth month, in the year 2012, my parish and I celebrated the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. As I write, there appears to be no significance to that factoid of the series of the twelves, though it was interesting enough to deserve a mention from the […]

America’s Growing Government Class
The latest unemployment figures are again depressing, but not for the usual reasons. They provide further confirmation of Barack Obama’s fundamental transformation of America, specifically through his creation of a growing government class. The numbers show a massive increase in government jobs created over the last five months—621,000, to be exact, dwarfing private-sector job growth. […]

Poem: “In the Flesh”
In the Flesh Tonight is the night of mystery, Mystery of mysteries; In the silence and dark, Light Leaps down to earth; In virgin womb, the Seed is sown. Woman has become a temple, Glory dwells within; A creature carries the Creator, Enfolding the Eternal; Even angels pause and tremble. The kernel of the Christ, […]

How Not to Throw Stones in an Argument, Part II
Please read the first part of this article here: How Not to Throw Stones in an Argument, Part One Christ does not end the conflict simply by “cooling down” in these various ways. He also chooses to show mercy to the woman caught in adultery. It is significant that Christ doesn’t simply forgive any such […]

Mourning Sandy Hook and a Novena for Healing
Each one lovely, unique, and irreproducible; wildflowers and people alike. Today the unthinkable happened, and as I sat only half-listening to the news as I worked, I couldn’t imagine the connection between a shooting somewhere in Connecticut and Sandy Hook across the bay from me in New Jersey. Then the sickening reality hit me that […]

American Politics as a Confidence Game
Reading post-2012-election news reports can be hazardous to one’s mental health, particularly for the sanity-challenged among us. But perhaps the singularly most prescient comments come from long ago—from the pen of America’s most profound novelist, Herman Melville, whose words in his powerful novel of deception and intrigue, “The Confidence Man: His Masquerade,” echo across the […]

Stop This Insanity
The United States Department of Education (DOE) is investigating a junior ROTC instructor who is reported to have said that the Bible condemns homosexuality. An excerpt from the report states: “On Nov. 21 the DOE sent a letter to James Robinson, director of GLBT Advocacy and Youth Services, which says the department will be investigating […]

Weekly Wits 12/14/12

Host Country Distances Itself from UN Youth Conference
As the twentieth anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) approaches, abortion activists are marking out their priorities for governments to adopt for the next 20 years. To that end, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), along with various non-governmental organizations hosted, ICPD Global Youth Forum in Bali last week, touted by sponsors […]

How Not to Throw Stones in an Argument, Part I
For Christians, Advent is a penitential season. As a penitential season, it is a specially designated time to reflect on our sins and try to break free from those sins as we await the coming of the light of the world, Jesus Christ. I would, therefore, like to meditate on perhaps one of the most […]

Tough Religion and Evangelization
Much has been said lately about how to do evangelization. I’ve contributed a bit to that myself. Now I begin to think that, instead of always stressing niceness, it might be good to give tough religion a try. That idea was inspired by a reading of Eric Metaxas’s biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the Lutheran theologian […]

The Red Palm of Motherhood
A few weeks ago, on All Soul’s Day, Father Kean – a exuberant young priest at our parish – preached from the daily reading from Revelation 7: After this I had a vision of a great multitude, which no one could count, from every nation, race, people, and tongue. They stood before the throne and […]

Philippines Lower House Passes Anti-Life RH Bill After 14 Years
After repeatedly reintroducing the legislation for 14 years, the Philippines lower House has voted 113 to 104 to pass the controversial Reproductive Health (RH) bill at second reading – the most difficult stage. “This is a very dark day for the Philippines and for the fight for life and family around the world,” said Human […]

Finding Peace on Earth
“Peace on earth and good will to men.” This is the season where we reflect on Christ’s offer and promise of His peace. But why do so few seem to have it? Why is it that some people rant over such things bad drivers and delayed appointments while others walk peacefully through life’s storms? I […]

Jennifer Fulwiler’s ‘Minor Revisions’ Begins Tonight
While Jen found it a little bit awkward to tell you about this new mini-series of hers, I’m tickled pink to tell you why I think you’ll love the series. She gave me a little sneak preview since we both engage with atheists and we both are converts. We have other things in common: We both […]

Why is Government (and Society) Discouraging Childbearing?
A recent Family in America conference in D.C. lays out the problem, and speaker Jennifer Roback-Morse provides a solution. Past generations of American pioneers, known for their openness to life, would not have believed it. They would be astonished to learn that, in the second decade of the twenty-first century, a woman’s fertility is not […]

How is a Relationship Like a Garage Sale?
…from a distance it looks like it could be interesting, but up close, it’s just a ton of crap you don’t need. These are the words from something I found on Pinterest, minus the profanity (though you have to admit, it’s the right choice of word). I laughed, of course, at first because I can […]

Poem: “‘Heaven’ has Different Signs—to Me”
“Heaven” has Different Signs—to Me “Heaven” has different Signs—to me— Sometimes, I think that Noon Is but a symbol of the Place— And when again, at Dawn, A mighty look runs round the World And settles in the Hills— An Awe if it should be like that Upon the Ignorance steals— The Orchard, when the […]