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Images of Christ in the Modern Age
Now is as good a time as any to remind myself that the last couple centuries have not been all doom and gloom; that the saints of the Church are as numerous in the last few hundred years as they were in ancient and medieval times. Why do I say this? Because I sometimes get […]

Supreme Court Will Hear DOMA, Proposition 8 cases
All nine justices of the U.S. Supreme Court announced on Friday that they will hear two cases dealing with same-sex “marriage” in 2013, examining whether the U.S. Congress or the voters in any state have the right to preserve the traditional definition of marriage. Both the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and California’s Proposition […]

How the West was Really Won
On December 9, 1531, a poor and humble man from a remote village, some fourteen miles outside of present-day Mexico City, had a miraculous encounter with a mysterious lady and the Americas would never be the same. That peasant was Juan Diego, and the mysterious lady that he encountered was none other than she whom […]

Lurking in the Shadows: Planned Parenthood ‘Rights’ Destroy Society
It should come as no surprise to anyone that there now arises a cry for contraception and other “sexual rights” to be recognized, provided, and enforced as basic human rights. Today’s orchestrated efforts by International Planned Parenthood Federation, the United Nations Population Fund, and their many allies to proclaim and enforce “sexual rights” as basic […]

Big Words for Big Things
It has been an entire year since the new changes in the English translation of the language used in the Sacred Liturgy which were introduced to the Church in America on the First Sunday of Advent in 2011. By most accounts it has been a success, but not without some criticism. One example was a […]

Just a Mom and Her Internet
Do you ever ask yourself whether it is alright to stay plugged-in to the internet? I have struggled with this question since I was first drawn, overwhelmingly so, to this new form of communication six years ago. I already loved email, then I discovered Facebook and discussion forums. I could engage with people from all […]

UN Agency for Refugees Firmly in Grasp of LGBT Advocates
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has issued new comprehensive guidelines on asylum claims brought by lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) persons, with the understanding that persons persecuted for their sexual orientation and gender identity must be granted asylum in refugee status determinations. Despite continuing disagreement within the United Nations over recognizing “sexual […]

With Right to Work, Hell Freezes Over in Michigan
This just in: Hell freezes over, pigs fly, Jimmy Hoffa rises from the dead, joins labor protests at state capital. I’m just kidding. We all know pigs can’t fly. The fact, however, that the Legislature of my home state of Michigan has just voted to become the nation’s 24th right-to-work state is nothing short of […]

Movie Review: Elf
Are you among the very, very few who have not seen one of the most recent Christmas classic movies, Elf (2003)? If not, and you have been nice and not naughty this year, then you need to go ahead and treat yourself! Even if you don’t like actor/comedian Will Ferrell who plays the Elf in […]

The Poisonous Candy: Emergency Contraception for Kids
A running controversy centers on the question of whether or not it is a good idea to provide pre-prescriptions of morning after pills to young people who have not yet reached the age of 17. This may not shock the vast majority of Americans who have come to assess sexual behavior in terms of safety […]

Advent Cake: A Rose Sunday Tradition
As I head out for a weekend in Georgia, to celebrate my parents’ 50th anniversary, I wanted to leave with you a recipe I usually make for a small group of friends the third weekend of each Advent, for Rose Sunday. For so many of us, Advent is merely a time to get ready for […]

Government Subsidies Not So Sweet for Health
It’s yet another example of the unintended consequences of government meddling in the economy, a new study shows that large amounts of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) found in national food supplies across the world may be one explanation for the rising global epidemic of type 2 diabetes and resulting higher health care costs. The […]

Welfareship: France’s Status Quo, America’s Future?
Welfare has become a characteristic of President Obama’s domestic policies. There has been a surge in American citizens on welfare over the last four years, including a 50-percent increase in people on food stamps (from 32 to 47 million). It is a form of “welfareship.” As a citizen of France, I know such a society […]

Who Do We Need to Make Room For in Our Inn?
Our pastor shared this story at Mass on Sunday: As many parishes do at Christmas time, a parish in New York was having a pageant acting out the Nativity story. A little boy named Tom was taking part. He was mentally disabled, but was very excited to be in the pageant. He was playing an […]

Second Week of Advent: B.I.B.L.E. – Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
In 1979 I received my First Communion and, as a communion gift, my first Bible, The Illustrated Children’s Bible. I cherished this present and the stories never left my memory, even after I lost the Bible, many years ago. The Word of God is eternal and omnipresent; it remains imprinted on our souls from our […]

The Duty of the Moment
“Doing the duty of the moment means focusing our whole person – heart, soul, body, emotions, intellect, memory, imagination – on the job at hand! The duty of the moment done for God is glamorous, exciting, wondrous…..” Catherine Doherty, Grace In Every Season, Madonna House Publications, Combermere, Ontario Many years ago, when I was a […]

Abortion, Casuistry, and Dancing on the Head of a Pin, Part II
In my previous article, I explored why the Catholic Church’s teaching on abortion should not be blamed for Savita Happlanavar’s death. These observations suggest to me three analogies to which this might be likened. In order, they are self-defense; life-support removal at the end of a person’s life; and the removal of an ectopic pregnancy, or, […]

Poem: “Debt of Honor”
Debt of Honor O Jeremiah, they threw you in a pit, The bull’s eye of derision, the target of their wit, Ridiculous foretellings, stupid fuss and feathers, Envy of prosperity and the power of his betters The era of good feeling will go on and on and on With credit from the bankers and the […]

The Five Best Christmas Movies: And the Gift of Grace and Renewal
Let’s have a happy debate: What are the five best Christmas movies of all time? Obviously, tastes differ and change over time. Here are my five favorites, the ones I am willing to watch every Christmas season, starting with number five and ending with my absolute favorite: Number five: The Bishop’s Wife — In this […]

Pray, Fast to Protect Life, Marriage, Religious Liberty: U.S. Bishops Launch New Campaign
Citing “unprecedented challenges” to life, marriage and religious liberty, the bishops of the United States have called on all the faithful to fast, pray a daily Rosary, have regular Holy Hours and Masses, and attend rallies, “for the sake of renewing a culture of life, marriage, and religious liberty in our country.” In explaining the […]

Learning How to Be a Mother-in-Law
Frankly, I was completely in shock. Not that we didn’t expect it – we’ve been expecting it for some time. And, it wasn’t that we weren’t happy about it, either, because we were and still are. No, I was in shock because this would make me the…you know…the… mother-in-law. I’ve heard about those creatures, the […]

Senate Rejects Controversial Disability Treaty
The United States Senate voted this week against ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The 61-38 vote failed to garner the two-thirds majority necessary for ratification due to serious concerns that it would undermine sovereignty and parental rights, and be interpreted to advance abortion.“For decades, the United […]

Poem: “All Winter Long”
All Winter Long The trees are white instead of green, And warm soft grass I have not seen All winter long The snows fall white, the winds blow cold, And children skate as I am told All winter long In by the fire old men sit, And by the fire women knit, All winter long […]

10,000 Pro-lifers Rally in Dublin Amidst Heated Abortion Debate
Over 10,000 gathered outside Ireland’s parliament this week to demand that Prime Minister Enda Kenny keep his campaign promise of 2011 not to bring legalized abortion into the Republic. The crowd included five Catholic bishops, and was organized by a united effort of all of Ireland’s pro-life organizations. The thousands, chanting “Keep your promise!”, packed […]