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All Articles

Becoming a Holy Family
“As for me and my household, we shall serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15 “What does it mean to be a holy family?” I asked my second grade First Communion class. Most of the eager young hands in the room went up. “Be nice.” “Obey your parents.” “Do the 10 Commandments.” “Pray.” “Good answers,” I encouraged […]

Boy Gets Kicked Out of School for His Genes
I spent many, many, many hours in the lab testing people for mutations known to cause cystic fibrosis (CF). CF is a genetic disease caused by mutations in a gene called the CFTR gene. If a person has a deleterious mutation in both copies of his or her CFTR gene (one mutation inherited from dad, […]

Petraeus Scandal: Soap Opera or Serious Business?
Tune in for the latest episode of As the Military World Turns… In a scandalous story with more twists and turns than the road to Hana, we see a married CIA director who resigned after an affair with his Harvard-educated biographer, discovered because of her harassing emails targeting a doctor’s wife who was the CIA […]

WHO Prescribes Unsafe Abortion for Poor Women
A new manual by the World Health Organization (WHO) on how to do abortions is facing criticism for advocating substandard medical care and a ban on all limits to abortion. Aimed particularly at poor women in developing countries, the manual downplays medical oversight and recommends disposing of the “waste,” including babies’ remains, in sewers or latrines. A […]

How to Teach Your Children About the Facts of Life
There is something about teaching one’s children about the facts of life that inspires fear in the hearts of parents everywhere. When that day came for my boys and me, I nervously searched my local library for an appropriate book (many I found were clearly not appropriate from a moral standpoint), sat down on the […]

Poem: “Julie”
Julie (Written for my mother) Long ago and far away A child was born one crisp autumn day Not much is known of this child in those days, Seemingly happy, creative and gay. And then came that time, long before “Women’s Lib” That society said, “To your husband you’ll give.” She put down her cap […]

Youth Go To Bat For Life
Dodgers Stadium in Los Angeles, California has seen its share of memorable moments over its 51-year history, including 8 World Series, a Beatles concert and a Papal Mass. On November 18th, the ballpark at Chavez Ravine will add to that legacy, when it plays host to GotoBat4LIFE, an inter-faith, youth celebration aimed at “strengthening young […]

From Fashion Icon to Fashion Victim
Shopping for dresses for my seven-year-old daughter is as epically frustrating as trying to find cell phone service in an elevator. Everything is too short, too skimpy, too adult, too sexy, too much! The fashion industry apparently thinks seven-year-olds should start dressing like Victoria’s Secret catalogue model-wannabes. Like me at 20 years old! Yes, (*strike […]

An Inhuman Economic System
If someone is looking for material for a book with a title like Profiles of an Inhuman Economic System, consider what follows to be a contribution to the cause. It’s about a man I know whom I’ll call Joe. His wife told me his story. Joe is an honest, conscientious guy who, a couple of […]

Obama: The Second FDR Rather Than the Second Carter
I’ve thought a lot over the last few years about an axiom attributed to Mark Twain, “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes.” The question to me was whether the presidency of Barack Obama would “rhyme” with that of Jimmy Carter or Franklin Roosevelt. Given the 2012 election results, FDR might be the more apt […]

The Word Made Fresh: the Second and Third Epistles of Saint John the Apostle
“Anyone who is so ‘progressive’ as not to remain in the teaching of the Christ does not have God” (2 John 9). Saint John the Apostle wrote of progressivism in his second letter 1,900 years ago. He directed his argument to the “lady elect and her children,” that is, to the community of believers who […]

Forced Abortion “Off the Table” in Case of Pregnant Disabled Woman
Judge Egan Walker announced this week that abortion is no longer an option being considered in the case of a pregnant Reno woman with mental disabilities. Judge Walker had been holding hearings to determine whether to force 32-year-old Elisa Bauer to abort her baby against the wishes of her adoptive parents, Bill and Amy Bauer, […]

Six Ways to Make Time to Pray
Got prayer? We don’t always make time for it as we should, but as with all good habits, real change and real growth in the spiritual life comes with practice. Here are six simple practices that will increase your prayer time. Don’t attempt them all. Do the one or two that appeal to you, and […]

Why I’m Glad My Husband is Not My Best Friend
I need to get this off my chest: my husband is not my best friend. He’s never been my best friend and never will be. I experience some envy of the young brides and long-married wives who contentedly call their spouse “my best friend.” Facebook has a site called “My Husband Is My Best Friend” […]

Poem: “If You Wake”
If You Wake Phantasm, phantasma, phantom Where have you been hiding? Inside November rain Curtain of the autumn Cold and dense and straight That will not cease In the rain within the chest Where the grey heart beats I am the terror in the night Behind the rain that sleeps You were unaware That waiting […]

America’s Depressed Birthrate
Elizabeth Crnkovich also contributed to this article. Americans are having fewer children, and the Obama economy is to blame Want to know how bad the Obama economy really is, especially for young people and minorities? Take a look at our plummeting birthrate, which has been falling for the last four years. A recent report from […]

The Tragic Results of Planned Parenthood’s Political Victory
Within moments of the final presidential election results, Planned Parenthood was beating its drum, changing its logo, and squawking about how it came to pass that the Obama reelection was a “resounding victory for women.” Some have even suggested that Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards is now the official “Secretary of Abortion.” But if you peel […]

Does Love Mean Never Having to Say You’re Sorry?
Dear Anthony, I have gotten very serious recently with a man I met on Ave Maria Singles. My only reservation so far is that I have never heard him say he is sorry for anything. I seem to be the only one who has to be sorry for things. If I try to tell him […]

Re-imagining Shepherds
What comes to your mind when you hear the familiar Bible passage from Luke 2:8-10, where the angels appear to the shepherds to proclaim the birth of a savior and His peace? Do you picture cute, little, cherub-faced boys and girls? Do you imagine shepherds that look like those sappy Precious Moments figurines you see […]

UN Agency Declares Birth Control a ‘Human Right’
For the first time in its history, a United Nations agency, UNFPA, has declared access to contraception “a human right.” “Family planning is a human right. It must therefore be available to all who want it,” declares the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) annual report. “But clearly this right has not yet been extended to all.” […]

The Silence of the Shepherds: The Nation and the Church Gone Astray
In the days following last week’s U.S. presidential election, a staggering amount of analysis has focused on Republican messaging, demographics and core constituencies — so much so that the fundamental point has been missed entirely. If the Second Coming of Obama is evidence of anything, it is the godlessness of our nation, the majority of […]

Executive Privilege: The 2012 Election and the Power of Incumbency
Mitt Romney lost the presidential race by only two percentage points. If the election had been held just a week earlier, when he was up in the polls, things might have been different. Nonetheless, Mitt Romney lost, and now a bitter debate has ensued over the future of the Republican Party, with liberal Democrats happily […]

Transhumanism in The Amazing Spider-Man
The other day my family made me sit down and watch the new Spider-Man movie, The Amazing Spider-Man. I don’t know why they had to make yet another Spider-Man flick, but for the sake of family unity I cuddled up on the coach and watched. Recently, I hit a bunch of unsuspecting Catholic women at […]

The Cost of Discipleship
“Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, even life itself, cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not carry the cross and follow me cannot be my disciple…So therefore, none of you can become my disciple if you do not give up all your possessions.” […]