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Digital Vigilance for Parents
Tom and Barbara came to my office seeking help for their teenage son, who was caught viewing online pornography. Though they continuously monitored the home computer, they were shocked to discover that he had been viewing pornography downloaded onto his Kindle. He and his friends had also been viewing porn on their Playstation system. Tom […]

Question: What Can we Expect From a Second Obama Administration on the Life Issues?
Answer: More of the Same President Barack Obama has compiled quite a record of abortion advocacy and funding since taking office in January 2009. Let’s review it, issue by issue. Supported Sex-Selection Abortion: In May, 2012, the White House announced President Obama’s opposition to a bill that would ban the use of abortion to kill […]

America’s Fundamental Transformation
Timing is everything in politics. For four years, I angered conservatives by insisting Barack Obama would get reelected. I figured that an electorate willing to elect a man with ideas and a record that far to the left in 2008 would do so again. I began changing my view, however, after the first presidential debate. […]

Cardinal Dolan Congratulates President Obama On Re-Election
Promises bishops will continue to work to defend life, marriage, religious freedom Urges President to work for most vulnerable, including unborn, poor, immigrants Asks for restoration of civility to the public order Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, congratulated President Barack Obama, November 7, the day after […]

Family Circle: Honor Thy Mother and Father
Could failure to follow God’s commands be robbing your family of grace? God not only became one of us, but he was born into a family with parents: Our Blessed Mother Mary, and a father, St. Joseph. There’s no escaping the message that families are intended to be holy places for children to grow […]

The Freedom to Marry: a Liberal Value That Conservatives Should Shun
First published October 12, 2012 at A few months ago, a new group launched called “Young Conservatives for the Freedom to Marry.” This is a group sponsored by a larger organization called “Freedom to Marry.” The objective of these groups is to promote gay marriage. These young conservatives have been beguiled by leftist language, […]

Poem: “An Early Harvest”
An Early Harvest I hope you and your little winter garden stay safe in this freak fall storm. Have you secured your dented watering cans in the graying wooden shed? The little shed with a patched tin roof. I’ll bet you squeezed the wheelbarrow, Still filled with mulch, Between the push mower and solid, yet […]

Time to Temper the Political Discourse
Someone should take a poll asking Americans how they feel about polling. I’m pretty sure our shared distaste for it is one thing about which nearly all of us would agree. Of all the polling data released in the week leading up to Tuesday’s election, the one that struck me as most revealing came from […]

Planned Parenthood Spending $13 Million to Reelect Obama While Savaging Komen for Peanuts
File this one under rank hypocrisy. By Baptist Press, Wed, October 24, 2012 WASHINGTON (BP) — Planned Parenthood, the nation’s leading abortion provider, has spent $12 million on this year’s presidential election through its political action committees. That is more than it has ever spent in an election, and about half of it has gone for […]

A Most Momentous Election
My parish in northern Virginia has [been engaged in] 55 hours of continuous Eucharistic Adoration and Prayer-including Benediction — “in anticipation of the General Election,” [starting] Sunday, November 4, ending today, Election Day, about the time the polls will close. Catholics never, never endorse any candidate from the pulpit as happens in some Protestant churches. Yet, […]

Avoid the Election Day Traps! – Part Two
When Election Day arrives, so do the traps that come with it. In my previous column I examined four of them, and here I present five more. Be sure you avoid these pitfalls, and help others avoid them, too! 5. I’ll show them! — using the election to vent our anger. Sometimes individuals or groups […]

Arguing LGBT “Rights”
Homosexual advocates never want to make the debate about homosexual rights overseas strictly about violence against homosexuals. Oh, they say they do. They insist that they do. But do they really? They flat out deny that their advocacy for homosexual rights overseas has anything to do with marriage, adoption, or any thing other than violence […]

Tree of Souls: A Way to Remember and Pray
The highest-grossing movie of all time, Avatar,features a giant willow-like tree that represents the center of culture and religion for the Na’vi inhabitants of the planet Pandora. The tree has extreme spiritual significance because it allows the Na’vi to communicate directly with their Mother Goddess, Eywa. It also allows them to connect at the same […]

Obama’s HHS ‘Grooming’ Children for Sex
(Warning: The following contains disturbing information of a sexual nature.) My strength is as the strength of ten, because my heart is pure. ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson My dear friend and colleague Dr. Judith Reisman, a visiting law professor at Liberty University School of Law, recently guest lectured during “Sexual Behavior and the Law,” a […]

Massachusetts Question 2: Dignity or Deception?
On the 6th of November, citizens of Massachusetts will face a critical vote. The choice people make on Question 2 is a choice that literally involves a life or death decision. The so-called “Death with Dignity Act” brings with it a dark deception. The citizens of Massachusetts are being asked to vote for or against the […]

A Saint in the Making
This week I’ve been reading about the “back stories” of the saints. It can be easy, sometimes, to think of holy people in two-dimensional, sanitized terms. Earthbound angels who floated through life, never contradicting, never offending . . . warm and appealing and endlessly agreeable. Yet “niceness” is not a theological virtue, and those who […]

Movie Review: Love’s Christmas Journey
Author Janette Oke’s characters come to life again, in Love’s Christmas Journey. I remember that when I found out that my local library had The Love Comes Softly Series, I quickly began reading all of them. They are wonderful books that provide not only enjoyment, but also present people responding to the ups and downs […]

The Sistine Chapel: A Liturgical Classroom
On October 31, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI observed the 500th anniversary of the Sistine Chapel by offering a prayer—celebrating Vespers beneath Michelangelo’s famed frescoes of biblical stories including, most famously, the Creation of Adam. The Holy Father called the chapel a “liturgical classroom,” explaining that “It is as if during the liturgical action, the entire […]

The Greater Evil: The Third Party Candidate
Never before in the history of our country have we faced such a monumental and critical decision as in the 2012 Presidential election. The transformation we face is something that may very well permanently alter the very structure and freedoms our nation has enjoyed for over 200 years to the point where we may never […]

What Are We Complaining About?
Tired of all the political advertisements? I can profess some sympathy, yet I think we had better stand up, look around, and thank God for them. I mean, what are the alternatives? Would we rather live in a country where they don’t bother with elections? That seems to me to be the only realistic alternative. […]

Poem: “Quiet Wonder”
Quiet Wonder The rocking chair’s gentle embrace Held you and me in its slow pace Suspended, in both time and place. As I, in quiet wonder, said a prayer. We laughed. We played. We sometimes clashed, But always loved — Eternal rhythm of our lives. So I, in quiet wonder, said my prayer. How time […]

A Pro-Life Nurse Asks “Why?”
40 Days for Life ends on November 4, 2012. Since the first 40 Days for Life 4 years ago in my city, my family and I have participated in the prayer vigil. We haven’t been as dedicated as the daily prayer warriors but we have committed to praying at the vigil site once or twice […]

2 Mothers, 1 Father, 1 Embryo: 1 Mess
News last week from AP that a research team at Oregon Health and Sciences University has replicated work done a few years ago in Britain, constructing a human embryo by using the eggs of two mothers and a father’s sperm. Read it at FoxNews The goal here is to prevent diseases that arise from genetic […]

The Chef and the Boy Band
Judge me if you will, but I’m completely unimpressed by celebrity culture. While I’m sure that these are all perfectly lovely people in real life, I just can’t fathom why I should care about who is in/out of rehab (again), or what the Kardashians are wearing. If you wanted to torture me, you’d force me […]