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All Articles

Is There “Rationing” in ObamaCare?
“A rose by any other name,” Shakespeare wrote, “would smell just as sweet.” Unfortunately, the same is true when the fragrance is less pleasant. When the role of ObamaCare’s Independent Payment Advisory Board in rationing life-saving medical treatments is alleged, the law’s apologists indignantly point out that the law specifically precludes the board from “rationing.” […]

Book Review: Along the Way
Do you know a rebellious teen? How about an agnostic or a workaholic? Those sorts are frustrating people aren’t they? Instead of accepting the truth and peace of Jesus Christ, they run and reject. Oh, and do you happen to know Randy Hain? He is the co-editor of the Integrated Catholic Life (along with Deacon Mike Bickerstaff) […]

Healing Through a New Language
I would like to discuss briefly something that is so necessary to our spiritual, emotional, and psychological health, but which has been virtually obliterated in the current culture in which we live. I call it Healing through a New Language. We need to reclaim this essential part of our lives, because God made us to […]

Conscience Rights in 15 Seconds
How would you explain the right to follow one’s conscience? It’s become a huge issue in the U.S. with the Obama administration requiring employers to pay for insurance that covers abortion and contraception. Even more directly, the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights, Navi Pillay, has told governments that “laws and policies that impede access […]

Love in a Fallen World
Defenders of homosexuality and proponents of so-called gay marriage often accuse Christians of hypocrisy by juxtaposing our commitment to “traditional morality,” as it is called today, with the dominical command to love one’s neighbor. Such an accusation, aired in a very public forum, was recently cause for considerable discussion at my place of work. I was surprised, […]

Federal Courts Force Indiana, Arizona to Keep Funding Planned Parenthood
Federal judges this week have blocked two states, Indiana and Arizona, from enforcing laws barring Medicaid payments to abortion providers. As a result, taxpayers in both states will be forced to continue funding Planned Parenthood and other institutions that provide abortions, provided the payments are earmarked for “family planning” and not elective abortions. Both states […]

Book Review: Wrapped Up: God’s Ten Gifts for Women
The title of Teresa Tomeo and Cheryl Dickow’s new book, Wrapped Up: God’s Ten Gifts for Women refers to our being “wrapped up” in God’s love. That can be a hard concept for us women to accept. After all, the world spends a lot of time telling us all the reasons why we are not […]

Perfect: A Father’s Story of Accepting His Daughter With Down Syndrome
All parents want their newborn child to be “perfect”—free from any physical or mental impairment. Mainstream culture teaches us to reject disabilities, and to reject the children themselves if prenatal tests reveal the presence of conditions like Down syndrome. When we fail to respect inherent human dignity, any number of excuses can be made as […]

My Fellow Christian Americans…I am Confused
All of us are immersed in this politically charged atmosphere. Like lightning hitting dry brush, words can easily set off a firestorm. There are some who love this climate, mostly politicians I imagine, or perhaps those who have something to gain financially or otherwise in the process or outcome. The rest of us begrudgingly tolerate […]

Poem: “The Washing Machine”
The Washing Machine I complain about the laundry more than my dirty clothes deserve. It’s a matter of functionality to wash clothes. I mean, it’s not like I’m beating anything against a rock in the blazing sun. I just use some detergent that I bought because it was on sale, or I paid a lot […]

Holy See Updates Website; Increases Prominence of Social Doctrine
Every so often the Holy See will update its web site to reflect new documents or to make available old documents to the public. Sometimes, the updates are so subtle and not made to fanfare that the public can mistake an update as seemingly small and insignificant. Today is not one of those days. The […]

Health Minister to Sneak Abortion into Ireland through Regulations
Pro-life groups in Ireland fear that recommendations from a panel of experts appointed by Irish Health Minister James Reilly would be the first steps to introduce legal abortion in Ireland. The minister is expected to issue new regulations following the recommendations of an expert panel set up in January as a response to the European […]

The Captive Vote
The result of the Presidential Election was hardly a foregone conclusion, for while the “progressive” candidate won again, it was by a reduced margin. And there were moments when even his own most earnest supporters thought he might lose, given the bad shape of the economy. His opponent, a former state governor with a reputation […]

Passing the Mother Test
I first became a mother at the age of 38 when my husband and I became foster parents to three children under the age of five. Three frightened, angry, fragile kids who spent every waking minute – which, between them, constituted pretty much 24/7 that first year – thinking of creative ways to destroy the […]

Embryo Adoption: Is it Okay?
The short answer to the very complex question posed in the title of this article is this: We actually don’t know, yet. That is to say that the official teaching body of the Catholic Church, the Magisterium, has not yet issued a final stance on this specific topic. The debate among Church theologians began in earnest […]

LSU Grabs Tiger by Tail in Altering ‘Posse’ Picture
You would think that, with Louisiana State University’s 7-1 overall record and 3-1 Southeastern Conference record, fans of the No. 6-ranked college football team would focus all their attention on the upcoming game against No. 1-ranked Alabama. Face it, this will be a big game. But seriously, folks. An interesting issue has risen out of […]

Norplant is Back–Under a Different Name
Elizabeth Crnkovich also contributed to this article. The population controllers have long dreamed of chemically sterilizing women for extended periods of time. That was the idea behind Norplant I, which consisted of six silicon capsules loaded with levonorgestrel that, implanted permanently in a woman’s body, was intended to shut down her reproductive system for up […]

Book Review: Healed Through Cancer
Healed through Cancer by James Littleton is a treasure trove of faith, scripture quotes, and brotherly advice, as well as a personal account of one man’s journey through cancer and the fruits of that journey. With depth and understanding, Littleton takes his readers through the physical, spiritual, and emotional “valley of death” as he learns of […]

Poem: “If I Should Die”
If I Should Die If I should die, And you should live, And time should gurgle on, And morn should beam, And noon should burn, As it has usual done; If birds should build as early, And bees as bustling go,– One might depart at option From enterprise below! ‘Tis sweet to know that stocks […]

Blessed JP II and the Culture of Life
Today is the feast of Blessed John Paul II. He is often referred to as John Paul the Great, but I will always know him simply as JPII. No doubt he was a mighty world/religious leader, but to many of us who grew up under his pontificate, he was also a gentle and humble shepherd […]

When Life is Hard: Thoughts on Failure
Some days in life are just so stinkin’ hard. The most difficult part of hard days is the part I play in them. The failures that are mine, all mine. If I have twenty balls up in the air and manage to keep ten of them up, hoorah for me! But still I drop the […]

Book Review: Indivisible, by James Robison and Jay W. Richards
In these final few days of election season, wouldn’t it be a relief to read something informative, constructive, and positive? The political scene this year is filled with negativity and misinformation; yet, we are presented with two very clear choices, at least when it comes to the presidential race. The book Indivisible provides a positive […]

Marriage According to God or Man?
Editors note: This was given as a homily on Sunday, October 14th, 2012 at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in New Brighton, MN. The gospel was for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B, Mark 10:17-30. Recently I spoke with a senior at a Catholic high school and he was telling me that […]

Book Review: Seven from Heaven
How can your family find healing, strength, and protection in the sacraments? They can learn how in the book, Seven from Heaven (The Crossroad Publishing Company) by Elizabeth Ficocelli. As a matter of fact, that question is the exact subtitle of her book. “God’s powerful presence in the seven sacraments is the reason they hold […]