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All Articles

Mascara, Paul Ryan and Me
I only wear mascara for special occasions: Easter, Christmas, Sunday Mass, an evening out with hubby, lunch with friends. It isn’t a daily, automatic thing for me. So when I was getting ready to attend the Paul Ryan rally in our area this past week, I thought it odd that my instinct was to put […]

Genetic Modification: Bad for Cows and Corn, but Okay for Humans?
As a former California girl, I am aware that my state of origin is full of contradictions like women who are on the Pill eating nothing but organically grown produce. Back in 2004 Californians overwhelmingly voted with Prop 71 to publicly fund embryonic stem cell research with billions of dollars because they were told that […]

Teenage Girl Becomes Infertile after Gardasil Vaccination
Elizabeth Crnkovich also contributed to this article. Gardasil has been controversial from the beginning. While other vaccines protect against diseases spread by casual contact, Gardasil was developed to protect against a sexually transmitted disease called Human Papilloma Virus or HPV. Merck & Co., the manufacturer, has been very effective at lobbying governments around the world […]

Intelligence and National Security Priorities
A generation ago, in the 1970s, the U.S. intelligence community possessed the technology to discern whether or not a U.S. consulate was under attack by terrorists or by rioters run amok. Moreover, no one in the community ever wanted a superior, especially at the highest levels, to point to an article in the Washington Post […]

For Guttmacher, It’s Not Enough for Children to Be “Wanted” By Their Parents
A new study by researchers at Yale found that at least 50% of young couples expecting a child actually desired the pregnancy. From a sample of 296 couples in which the female was 14-21, 49% of female participants and 53% of males reported wanting the pregnancy. Furthermore, another 18% of females and 24% of males reported being […]

Sanctifying Chores without Going Bananas
If bananas thrived in Alabama, my family and I would be eating banana leaves using bare hands every single meal. Scratch that. For all meals, we’d have bananas all day long so I can dispense with cooking. Then we’d all have to wear disposable banana leaves uniforms as clothes every single day. Also, anyone under […]

40 Days for Life: “It’s My Baby, Too!”
In a recent talk during this 40 Days for Life campaign, I mentioned that the pro-life movement is made up of sinners. We are all sinners and the pro-life effort includes many who have had abortions, doctors who have done abortions and thousands who at one point sincerely defended abortion but are now pro-life. Many […]

The Silence of American Feminists is Deafening
Unless you’ve been living under the rock for the past month or so, you’ve probably noticed that the campaign season has kicked into overdrive. One of the critical voting blocks being targeted by Democrats are women. The airwaves are clogged and mailboxes stuffed with the message that the crusty old white men who comprise the […]

Death With Dignity: Coming to a State Near You
With the matter of legalized physician assisted suicide facing the Massachusetts voters this November (and a new law proposed in New Jersey), I thought it would be a good time to remind readers why the CBC opposes physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia. To be clear, we support people dying a natural death. Sometimes the zeal for assisted legalized […]

Poem: “Gold Dust Tonic”
Gold Dust Tonic I think I should feel happy, Because I finally got my way. I can worship my Golden Calf Every night and day. But when I go to milk her On a morning, oh so bright, She somehow turns her head my way, Knowing something’s just not right. For she’s fit for only […]

Book Review: A Catholic Mother’s Companion to Pregnancy
A Catholic Mother’s Companion to Pregnancy: Walking with Mary from Conception to Baptism is the book I wish I had owned and read when I was going through my own pregnancies. Sarah Reinhard, a self-described “non-baby” person – even though she has three lovely children of her own, takes an honest and faith-filled look at […]

Our Country’s Unfortunate Love Affair With Birth Control
In the months leading up to the presidential election, the American bishops’ conference clearly made a strong, tactical move. It is counterproductive in the present climate, they posited, to dwell on the questions concerning the liceity of contraceptive use, but far more productive to focus our energy on the crucial right to religious liberty for […]

Ontario Gov’t Minister: New Law Prohibits Pro-Life Teaching in Catholic Schools
Last Wednesday’s startling remarks from the Ontario Liberal Government’s Minister of Education Laurel Broten prohibiting teaching against abortion in Catholic schools have caused an outpouring of calls for the Minister’s resignation and for the scrapping of the recently-passed “anti-bullying” law which she cited as necessitating the prohibition. Broten has been rebuked the Cardinal Archbishop of Toronto, and […]

Theresa Preston: Mom, Screenwriter, Novelist
One of my favorite films in recent months was the wonderful movie October Baby. Today, I’m happy to share my recent interview with Theresa Preston in celebration of the release of October Baby: A Novel. Enjoy! Q: Theresa, thank you so much for your time. Would you kindly begin by introducing yourself and your family to […]

Perverting Marriage Imperils Kids
Soon citizens in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington State will vote on whether to redefine marriage. Perhaps the following article will help deter some voters from playing an accessory role in waging war against “the laws of nature and of nature’s God.” In proportion as people plunge into practices which are, as the Catechism indicates, […]

Will UN Disability Treaty Burden Abortion Clinics?
They didn’t see that coming. Planned Parenthood’s support of the UN Disability treaty has put the abortion group in an awkward position. In the abortion group’s zeal to support the treaty because it endorses the right of persons with disabilities to access “reproductive health care,” it neglects to notice that the same treaty would require […]

Clarification on Pro-Life Objections to iPSC Technology
Last week I wrote about some pro-life objections to induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology. Yes there are some objections surrounding iPSCs, but I hold that iPSCs themselves are not inherently immoral. Cell lines of illicit origin have been used in developing this technology (and unfortunately are used ubiquitously in many areas of research), and […]

Celebrating Vatican II in Proper Fashion
In response to the Holy Father’s wishes for this Year of Faith, plans are being made in parishes and dioceses all over the world to “celebrate” Vatican II in light of the 50th anniversary of the Council’s opening. But how many Catholics have an appropriate understanding of what it means in this case to celebrate? […]

Pink Picket Fences
As we endure another “Breast Cancer Awareness Month,” it would be good to review how many people are touched by this life-threatening disease. The statistics offered by the American Cancer Society show that there are approximately 230,000 new breast cancer cases annually, and 95% of those incidents are in women above the age of 40. […]

Taking Little Children to Church and Living to Tell About It
On those very rare occasions when all 10 of us attend the same Mass – Christmas, Easter – we have been told that we look like the perfect family: well-behaved, clean, kneeling and standing at the right times……perfect big Catholic family. We’re not perfect of course, but it’s kind of nice of them to say. […]

Sorry, Mr. Vice President, That Is Not a “Fact”
For me, the most jaw-dropping moment of the vice presidential debate came when Vice President Joe Biden asserted that Obamacare’s contraception mandate simply did not exist. Said the VP: “With regard to the assault on the Catholic Church, let me make it absolutely clear. No religious institution — Catholic or otherwise, including Catholic social services, […]

Economic Issues, Not Abortion, Worry Women Most
If it weren’t so obvious, it might be ironic. On Monday, a USA Today/Gallup poll among likely voters in the top 12 battleground states revealed a startling demographic shift: Women are moving toward Republican Mitt Romney, thanks in large measure to the candidates’ respective performances in the first presidential debate earlier this month in Denver. […]

Joe Biden Makes History
Joe Biden’s antics against Paul Ryan have taken a few days to sink in, and should take longer still. For starters, try to imagine being Paul Ryan last Thursday [Oct. 11th]: a young politician in the hot seat, the eyes of the world pressing upon him, as he tries to make succinct statements in a […]

Is God a Cardinals Fan?
Screaming erupted in our family room this past Friday as the St. Louis Cardinals came up with four runs in the ninth inning to derail the estimable Washington Nationals in the early morning hours not long after midnight. They managed to resurrect themselves from a 6-0 deficit from the early innings, thereby duplicating their performance […]