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Moroccan Warships Block Entrance of Dutch Abortion Ship
Moroccan authorities have taken action against the floating abortion mill commandeered by the Dutch abortion group Women on Waves. In a press release today, the abortion activist group notes that their ship was due to arrive in the harbor of Smir at 1pm local time but was blocked by warships. “Marina Smir has been completely […]

Little Red Wagon
Kids are not always realistic. They believe anything is possible—Santa Clause, the Tooth Fairy, and saving the world. Adults don’t believe in such things. So, it was a good thing for thousands of homeless children that Zach Bonner was just a gullible kid. In 2005, at only seven years of age, he became the youngest […]

Fruitfully Productive in a Different Way
I am a worker in the vineyard of the Lord in a bona fide way; I work at the Catholic Church. That certainly does not imply that only those who work in churches are in the vineyard, no, the world is the vineyard and there is lots to do in every corner of it. What […]

A Major Pro-Life Victory at Home in New York City
News this week that is as personal to me as anything that will ever happen in the pro-life movement: the largest abortuary in New York City shut down because of 22 years of pro-life witness at its doors by Msgr. Phillip Reilly and his associates of Helpers of God’s Precious Infants. Read the incredible story […]

Dying to Be Politically Correct
Steven Rattner, whose pedigree includes Wall Street financial expert and MSNBC’s economic analyst, is also a proponent of “death panels,” and he explains his use of the term in such a way that one is left wondering exactly what he would do with the ill and dying if he were in charge. He recently opined […]

Apples and Algebra: First Comes the Love…
A while back, we began a 4-part exploration of the four marks of God’s love (Free, Total, Faithful, Fruitful) as explained in Humanae Vitae, and, for me anyway, it has been a good experience. We’ve explored the true fulfillment of hippy love. We’ve brushed up on our Latin and, consequently, our swag. We’ve even taken […]

Respect Life Month Brings Rich, Inter-related Themes this Year
Happy October! And what a month it will be! There are various powerful observances and events this month whose themes reinforce one another and the overall mission of the Church on behalf of human life. It is, first of all, Respect Life Month. It’s a time to let the pulpits roar with the Church’s Biblical […]

It’s Up to Parents to Pull Plug on Internet
A week ago, after I gave a speech to a parent group, a mother with a difficult issue approached me. It was something she didn’t want to discuss in front of her school community during the question-and-answer session. “Basically,” she whispered, “my daughter is totally addicted to Facebook. She is on it all the time […]

Poem: “Passionate Love: In Memory of C.J.”
Passionate Love: In Memory of C.J. A woman of a thousand smiles and merriment and cheer. Yet infinite tears flow within her heart Unseen Occasionally soaking her pillow Rarely, rarely bathing a friend’s shoulder with the balm of sorrow and love. Heroic Mother, Bravely shouldering the evil of a Moment in Time. Sorrowful Mother drafted […]

The Contradiction of WHO
The World Health Organization (WHO) is devoting much staff time and resources to promoting the legalization of abortion around the world. in fact, it has just come out with a new “how-to” manual entitled Safe abortion: technical and policy guidance for health systems. The stated goal of the manual is to educate practitioners on “safe […]

In the Trenches: The Mother of Life Center
This article marks the beginning of the “In the Trenches” series, which examines the efforts of average Catholics to combat the culture of death. If you have a story to share, a victory to highlight, or a promising pro-life project, e-mail Philip Primeau at (Enable Javascript to see the email address). Although the fight to […]

Mommy Millstones
The Gospel reading this weekend has one verse in particular that always makes me consider very carefully my responsibility as a mother, and assess just how well I’m doing in my vocation. Jesus said, “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, It would be better for him if a […]

Viral Video: Mom of Seven Impacts the Nation
What can a homeschooling mother of seven children possibly do to touch our entire nation? Pray? Sure. Raise responsible, future citizens? Of course. Found a national organization and make a video with well over 2 million views that can impact the outcome of the 2012 Presidential Election? It’s what Adriana Gonzalez of Florida did. Yet, […]

Suffering and the Little Way of Spiritual Childhood
Yesterday the Catholic Church celebrated the feast of St. Thérèse, a lovable little saint whose example of humility and abandonment is a reminder of the strength that can be found when we embrace the limits of our human nature and place all our hope and trust in God who is “more tender than a Mother.” […]

The Importance of Community in Living Out Our Faith
For I am not ashamed of the gospel. It is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: for Jew first, and then Greek. (Romans 1:16) The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. Two […]

Poem: “Part One: Life VI”
Part One: Life VI IF I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching, Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin Unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain. Emily Dickinson

It’s the Devil, Stupid: Attacks on the Constitution
In order to grasp the spiritual significance of the birth of our nation, it must be understood that the Unites States Declaration of Independence and Constitution were the first documents of their kind in the history of mankind. Up until this time, men had always been governed by royal, papal, or tyrannical edict. The laws […]

Girls Just Want to Have Fun
A gorgeous jacket caught my eye as I was flipping through an issue of a fashion magazine, trying to find the “perfect” haircut—you know, just cute enough to say I am still “fashionable” yet not too cute as to say “I’m 54 years-old trying to look 30.” The jacket was what I would call “car […]

Fathers: The Responsibilities of Headship
I am going to go out on a limb here and talk a little about Ephesians Chapter 5. First let’s quote it, and then I’ll proceed to my thoughts on the topic: “Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, be subject to your husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is […]

New Study Reignites Abortion Drug Controversy
A new study critiquing a drug’s effectiveness in childbirth sparked a vicious backlash from the abortion lobby this week, deepening concerns over the politicization of international maternal health research. A study published in the prestigious journal of the Royal Society of Medicine investigated how well the drug misoprostol prevents life-threatening bleeding in women who have […]

On Publicly Criticizing Bishops
When I converted, I was overjoyed to be part of the One Body, but soon after discovering Catholic media, I was shocked by the criticisms — even condemnations — of some of the bishops. To a newcomer, that looks about as smart as poking your finger in your eye. Usually the justifications are that we […]

Eliminating Political Vitriol Online
As we prepare for the critical November elections, I find myself increasingly frustrated whenever I enter my social networking venues online. A trip to Facebook or Twitter these days often feels like a running of the gauntlet as I dodge nasty comments, unkind graphics, and attack oriented posts on both ends of the political spectrum. […]

We Serve a God of Miracles: Changing Hearts and Minds About Abortion
Abby Johnson has been very, very busy. Not only has the former Planned Parenthood clinic manager been flying all across the country giving pro-life talks and encouraging grassroots pro-life activism, but her new charity, “And Then There Were None,” has already helped 30 abortion workers leave the industry since it was launched earlier this year. […]

Look Out for Eroding of Parental Authority
It’s been an eventful week at the intersection of parenting and politics, that busy corner where decision-making often is affected by the onslaught of traffic from social engineers, liberal educators, public health experts, and civil rights activists who know better than parents what’s best for their kids. Several news stories seem to indicate that America’s […]