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All Articles

A Different Brand of Liberated Woman
Thanks to President Barack Obama’s contraceptive mandate and Catholic concerns about its impact on religious liberty, Catholic women have emerged as this year’s most coveted and scrutinized swing voters. At last week’s Democratic National Convention, they heard copious testimonials about Obama’s pro-woman credentials. Particularly pointed were the appeals from Caroline Kennedy, who invoked her Catholic […]

Poem: “The Gatekeeper Awaits!”
The Gatekeeper Awaits! Open the door of Faith Plunge your praying hands through his wounded chest! O Centurion’s sword! Thank you for a straightened path into his Sacred Heart! Now, pierce his heart with your laser Faith! Beloved One, penetrate his chambers. His heartbeat drowns reason’s fears, transfusing your mind with Truth. Faith illuminates the […]

Counseled to Abort in a Catholic Hospital
“What’s going on?” asked the therapist. “I told my doctor that I am having issues with anxiety. I’ve had three babies in the last four years and just found I’m pregnant again, and no matter how hard I try, I keep having panic attacks. I feel out of control. I’m ready to admit I need […]

Clergy Sexual Abuse: Questions Remain
In 2002, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops commissioned a 1.8 million dollar study, popularly known as the “John Jay study,” to uncover the patterns and causes of the sex abuse crisis since 1950. The National Review Board—the entity designated to implement the study—gave the first John Jay report in 2004. In this report, […]

Of Mice and Men: New Study Touts a Male Contraceptive
Elizabeth Crnkovich also contributed to this article. Radical feminists have long dreamed of “fixing” men, so that women could be relieved of the burden of birth control. Now comes a new study on mice purporting to show that men can be chemically neutered, supposedly without side effects. Male birth control has been the object of much research […]

A Coward No More: Friendship and Politics
I have a very dear friend I have known since high school. We were both baptized Catholic as babies, raised in Catholic homes, and received all of our sacraments. I was in her Catholic wedding and she was in mine. We are Godparents of each other’s children. Where we stray is in our political convictions. […]

Islam’s Black Flag Flies over Egypt
The United States embassy of Egypt is under siege. According to Fox News, “Mainly ultraconservative Islamist protesters climbed the walls of the U.S. Embassy in Egypt’s capital Tuesday and brought down the flag, replacing it with a black flag with an Islamic inscription to protest a video attacking Islam’s prophet, Muhammad. Hundreds of protesters marched to […]

Countering the “Catholic Doctor” Deception
My husband and I had hit rock bottom. Our marriage was strained to the breaking point. We were expecting our seventh child, conceived unexpectedly while I was working to finish my bachelor’s degree after a fourteen-year hiatus from college. We had been too busy, we thought, to work through difficult communication problems. For several years […]

Sorry, Cryo-Kids, This is The New Normal. “Get Over It.”
In Must Not See TV news, last night NBC debuted its latest attempt at humor: The New Normal, a 30 minute sitcom about a young, single mother who agrees to become a gay couple’s surrogate mother. In the trailer for The New Normal, there is a scene in which the gay couple is speaking to someone […]

A Book That Changed Reality
Nineteen eighty-two was not a happy year for freedom. A severe and protracted recession gripped America. Many were beginning to wonder if Ronald Reagan was going to be a one-termer. Unemployment in Britain hit a postwar high. Across the Channel, François Mitterrand was busy nationalizing banks and raising taxes. Daniel Ortega’s Sandinistas were firmly in control in […]

St. Louis Rams’ Quarterback Is ‘Catholic by Blood’
Kellen Clemens has been playing football as far back as he can remember. After learning the game from his father on their cattle ranch, he went on to set high-school records for the state of Oregon in passing yards and touchdowns. At the University of Oregon, he set single-season passing records and ended his collegiate […]

As Secularism Advances, Political Messianism Draws More Believers
John F. Kennedy’s 1960 campaign speech about his Catholicism made news again this year when former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum said reading the speech made him want to “throw up.” Santorum took umbrage with Kennedy’s remarks because they, in his estimation, claimed a complete separation of personal faith from governance. While the “throw up” […]

How the Sacraments Can Transform Your Family
Elizabeth Ficocelli, an adult convert to the Catholic faith, is a woman in love with the sacraments. That love shines forth in her latest book, Seven from Heaven: How the Sacraments Can Heal, Nurture, and Protect Your Family Today. She believes that teaching about the sacraments is “the perfect catechetical tool . . . to […]

Abortion Drugs Linked to Maternal Deaths in Developing World
Several new studies have found abortion drugs – touted as a solution to illegal, unsafe abortions – are linked to increased maternal deaths and suffering. One study from Sri Lanka found “in developing countries, [medical abortions] widespread misuse has led to partial or septic abortion thereby increasing maternal mortality and morbidity.” A large study from […]

The Name that Changes Water into Wine
We recently celebrated the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary. The seed of this feast day was planted in sixteenth-century Spain, and was extended to the universal church in 1683 by Pope Innocent XI, in honor of Sobieski’s victory over the Turks in the siege of Vienna. The Church teaches that, ”This motherhood of Mary […]

Donna D’Errico: Interview of a Catholic and Explorer
Before I jump into the interview with Donna D’Errico, I would like to thank her for answering a few questions regarding her life as both a Catholic and explorer. See if you can name what Catholic sacramental she is wearing on her expedition. JQ Tomanek: Can you give us a little background on yourself? Were you raised Catholic? Where did […]

Mocked For Your Faith? Get Used to It!
Centuries ago, the Syrian Christian Tatian asked, “Why, men of Greece, do you want to cause society to come to blows with us? If I refuse to take part in some people’s normal activities, why should I be hated as if I were utterly loathsome? The emperor orders me to pay taxes; I am ready […]

Vile Anti-Catholic Movie Wins Film Award
The Venice Film Festival awarded a special jury prize Saturday to Paradise: Faith. The film is part of a trilogy; Strand Releasing has acquired the U.S. rights and plans to release it early next year. Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments as follows: One of the hallmarks of cultural charlatans is the propensity to insult […]

Please, Profile Me!
Okay, just for the record here is the profile. I am white, a US citizen, in my mid 50’s, a grandmother, and a practicing Catholic. Rosaries, prayer books, medals, scapulars and other such paraphernalia are from time to time located on my person. I know a few other women who fit that profile and while […]

Prescription for Death
The headlines in Massachusetts are telling a grim story that is repeated all too often in America. When voters in that state go to the polls in November, they will decide whether or not to approve a measure known simply as “Death with Dignity.” The proposed law “would allow individuals who have been diagnosed with […]

How to Eat Like a Hobbit
If there is one area of life most people can change in order to return to the Shire, in a metaphorical if not literal sense, it’s their eating habits. You can live in a 20-storey high-rise in Manhattan or Paris and still adopt a Hobbit lifestyle when it comes to eating. That’s because Hobbits are different from […]

NFP and the Key to Happiness
My switch from selfish feminist “have-it-all” career woman to “open-to-life” Catholic homemaker undoubtedly represents an extreme conversion of heart. Like many young women today, I grew up in a culture that told me I was in control of the number of children I would have, and that marriage was whatever I wanted it to be […]

Poem: “An Evil Dream”
An Evil Dream Based on the Russian folk song: Oy, To Ne Vecher I had a dream, an evil dream For as the night was falling I Rode out upon the steppe, it seemed As if the world itself would die My horse, my crow-black horse began To shiver underneath my grip, And then in […]

Democrats Show True Colors
But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven. (Matthew 10:33) Are you a believer? I’m not asking if you’re a Democrat, a Republican or an independent. I’m asking if you believe in God. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God of the living, not the dead. The […]