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Reply Filed in HHS Mandate Case
The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) filed a 22-page Reply to the Government’s opposition of its motion for a Preliminary Injunction to stop implementation of the HHS mandate. The Law Center’s motion was filed on behalf of Legatus, a nonprofit organization of Catholic business leaders and Michigan-based Weingartz Supply Company, and its owner Daniel Weingartz. […]

An Interview with Eduardo Verastegui from For Greater Glory
Editor’s note: For Greater Glory comes out on DVD on Tuesday, September 11th. In light of this, Leticia Velasquez interviewed Eduardo Verastegui, one of the film’s actors. Velasquez: Eduardo, when I interviewed you in 2009 in Connecticut, you mentioned wanting to do a film about the Cristeros. Tell me how you got involved in For […]

Exclusion in an Era of Politically Correct Inclusion
The main newspaper in the city near where I live is the Edmonton Journal. The September 3rd 2012 edition carried a short entry under the title PRIDE PARADE PREMIER. It was accompanied by a photograph of Alberta’s Premier Allison Redford wearing the rainbow sash. The entry said: “Premier Allison Redford attends the Calgary Pride Parade on […]

The Moral Status of Market Competition
One of the main criticisms of the market economy leveled by people of faith is that the market thrives on competition, incentivizing the voracious and oppositional features of human existence. Walter Rauschenbusch captured this concern in his classic exposition of what he called “the law of tooth and nail” in Christianizing the Social Order (1912). “The moral […]

Pigs Before Pearls?
There is a saying about the Liturgy: “Say the black and do the red,” as written in the missal. Recently the Adoremus Society, which publishes the Adoremus Bulletin, sent out a survey asking for responses about the way the Liturgy is celebrated in parishes around the country, especially after the changes made in 2011. The […]

How to Start a Women’s Bible Study
A woman asked me how to start a Bible study for her friends in her parish. After that a young college girl inquired about starting a Bible study in her sorority. That was followed by a mother wanting to begin one, in her home, with her friends. It got me thinking…How many women would like […]

Egypt: Kill a Christian, Collect a Reward
Recently an Egyptian Muslim posted a YouTube videotape of himself cursing Islam, its holy book, the Koran, tearing the latter to pieces and throwing it in the garbage. Excerpts of what he said follow: There it is, Allah’s book, this is the basic catastrophe. I don’t know what day it is of this disgusting month […]

A Sunday Story
It was a glorious day. Autumn was in the air. An armada of white, puffy clouds floated on a horizon painted deep, crystal blue. For our family of eight, it was one of those very rare, short breaths between frenetic summer and school activity. The only thing planned was church. Stepping outside the first time […]

The Homosexualist Movement: Another Threat to Religious Liberty
Please forgive me for waxing apocalyptic, but lately I’ve been thinking an awful lot about the end times prophecy that speaks of how those who refuse to worship evil will be impeded in the free exercise of commerce simply because of their beliefs. Why, you may ask? In case you haven’t noticed, that persecution is […]

What Do You Mean By Abortion?
The election season is in high gear, and it is my personal priority between now and November 6 to educate and mobilize as many voters as possible to make a difference in the voting booth for the protection of our unborn brothers and sisters. Our family of ministries at Priests for Life is busy publicizing […]

Should You Date Non-Catholics?
For the average practicing Catholic, dating can be really fun. After all, you’re young, ready to discern marriage, and maybe even ready to start a family of your own. But when it comes to the questions of dating non-Catholics, a lot of questions begin to surface. What are their opinions about the teachings of the […]

Poem: “I am a Tabernacle for Jesus”
I am a Tabernacle for Jesus Blessed Imelda taught me this. I hold Him in my heart, And sweet Jesus gives me a kiss. I hold Him for everyone, Even though none can see. I prove and show I hold Him By being as holy as I can be. Jesus my Love, Jesus my God, […]

God, Democrats, and the Europeanization of America
The battle at the Democratic convention to exclude God from the party’s platform is no minor moment. Do not underestimate what transpired there. And while it speaks to so many things, at many levels, it reminds me of the recent battle within the European Union to exclude God from the EU constitution. That comparison is […]

The Silent Repeat of Eugenic History
This week I read a very disturbing article titled “New prenatal test is bringing eugenics back to Germany” , and I could not help but think of the famous quote from American philosopher George Santayana: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” This month a new prenatal blood test for Down […]

A Happy Relationship Needs Sadness
Dear Anthony, The way you speak about marriage, I think I can say I have never seen it in anyone’s marriage, least of all my parents. All my family’s marriages were bad, unhappy. So, how can I expect to be happy? And please do not mention God! Sadness is the key to being truly happy. […]

Marian Tech Resources to Help Know, Love & Share the Blessed Mother
As we celebrate September, a month dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows, we observe three feasts this month that call us into a more devoted relationship with the Blessed Virgin Mary. This month, we celebrate: September 8 – The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary September 12 – The Most Holy Name of Mary September […]

Pro-Life with Exceptions
Representative Tom Akin of Missouri made the national news recently because of his comments about abortion in an interview with a local radio station. He stated, among other things, that he believed abortion is wrong even in cases of rape. He has since been criticized in the media by his opponents, the president, and women’s […]

Kansas City Bishop on Trial
Thanks to media, American Catholics will soon be treated to another sad chapter in the story of clergy sex abuse. In fact, that may already have happened. Without little advance notice, the trial of Bishop Robert W. Finn of Kansas City, Mo., for supposedly not moving fast enough to tell authorities about a troubled priest […]

How to Truly Listen to Your Children
When your child speaks, do you listen? You may give an ear, but do you give attention, your time? Do you try to hear what really is being said? If not, you’re like many of us fathers. We hear but sometimes fail to listen. After all, there are so many messages coming at us, and […]

A Miracle Pearl
Ruth and Eric Brown didn’t expect anything to be wrong. At 20 weeks pregnant, Ruth had no indications her baby was anything but perfect. So they were completely unprepared for what they learned at a routine obstetrical ultrasound: Their third child, daughter Pearl Joy, was profoundly underdeveloped. Pearl was diagnosed in utero with alobar holoprosencephaly […]

New Life for October Baby
The movie, October Baby became a successful symbol in the prolife movement. Like so many small voices refusing to be defeated against the mammoth abortion industry, neither could October Baby be defeated. This faith-based film went where Hollywood rarely ventures—into pro-life waters. It traveled another route where small films rarely go—opening #8 at the box […]

The Road to Rome, Part IV: Why Not the Reformed Tradition?
This is the fourth of six articles relating the writer’s journey into the bosom of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. Having succumbed to spiritual desolation following the rejection of his Adventist heritage, the young seeker investigates various Christian traditions, hoping to discover the Truth. Part I may be found here; Part II here; Part III […]

The “Rugby Equality Bill” (AKA the “Redefinition of Rugby” Act)
Rugby is a game played by most boys in New Zealand in their childhood, though some don’t want to play it at all. A significant section of the community have always preferred to play a different sport, like soccer. But Rugby gets all the status in New Zealand, commanding all the respect. So much so […]

New Study: What Catholic Women Think About Contraception
Mary Rice Hasson, J.D., a Fellow in the Catholic Studies Program at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington D.C., and director of the Women, Faith, and Culture project together with Michele M. Hill who has been active in apostolates within the Archdiocese of Baltimore, have issued a preliminary report, What Catholic Women Think About Faith, Conscience, and Contraception, in which 824 church-going Catholic women ages 18-54 […]