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All Articles

Poem: “The Kiss”
The Kiss I thought about your kiss today As I drove on down the road. I saw your smile in my mind’s eye, And your boyish heart of gold. I keep it like a treasure In a place that’s all my own; It brings me so much pleasure Whenever I’m alone. I thought about your […]

A Catholic Response to Joel Osteen Broadcast: 9/2/12, Suffering
The title of Joel Osteen’s broadcast message this week was “Deal With It!” Joel wanted his audience to understand that there were things in life that we were just going to have to deal with and that would entail suffering. I was very interested to see Joel mention suffering in his broadcast, because suffering is […]

Olympic Medalist Transformed Through Suffering
If things had gone according to his original plan, Mario Ancic would have been playing tennis at the Olympic Games in London this week. However, his life took a different course than he expected. The 6-foot-5-inch Croatian was riding high at the end of 2006. He was already an Olympic bronze medalist, a Wimbledon semifinalist […]

Movie Review: Cosmic Origins
Got atheists friends or family? The stellar new DVD Cosmic Origins might help. In this film, some of today’s top scientists (many award-winning) weigh in on the mysterious origins of our universe. Old and new cosmological theories are presented, leading up to the possibility of an “intelligent Designer.” But the film, being mostly a scientific […]

Does the State Have Your Child’s DNA?
I hate to be so sensational, but I think it is important for parents to understand that your child’s DNA maybe stored in a state government facility and you have no idea. Impossible, you say? You know that heel stick that your child got in the hospital right after birth? Some states keep and catalog […]

Christian Revolution Under Constantine: 1700th Anniversary Series, Part 3
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 It’s a bit disenchanting to suppose that the Christian revolution of the fourth century originated in just another contest between ambitious pagan rulers. But was that really the case? Today, many historians tend to think so. They follow Eusebius (Vita Constantini 1.27) the fourth century Roman citizen […]

Movie Review: The Memory Keeper’s Daughter
The Memory Keeper’s Daughter is a Lifetime Original Movie available on DVD. It is based on the best-selling novel by the same name by Kim Edwards. Starring Dermot Mulroney, Gretchen Mol, and Emily Watson, it offers a very positive portrayal of a girl with Down Syndrome. In a world in which the majority of children […]

The ‘Gay’-Activist Science Deniers
Woe to any scientist with an interest in objectively researching and reporting on “LGBT”-related issues. If your findings fail the left’s socio-political “butterflies-and-rainbows” litmus test, the “progressive” establishment will try to destroy you – guaranteed. Thus, on these matters, honest scientific inquiry will require courage. Kansas State University, July 2010: Family Studies professor Dr. Walter […]

Avoid Playing Trick and Trap with Your Web Site Visitors
I just despise it when marketers try to trick me … or they are just plain dumb and don’t test their stuff. In the mail, I received a Facebook promotional offer. I would get some free advertising if I just used their code. I went to the web site address they gave me. There was […]

I am a Weakling
My name is Cheryl. And I am a weakling. That’s the kind of group I want to be in: the kind of group where we each take the stand and own up to who we are—who we really are. Not the avatars we put out in the world through our blogs and our tweets; but […]

Rerum Novarum and Obama’s Economic Policy
On the first Monday of September, Americans say goodbye to summer with picnics and parades, fireworks and festivals. Traditionally, it’s the last day for women to wear white. It signals the start of the NFL and college football seasons. It’s Labor Day! The first official Labor Day was celebrated on September 5, 1882, with a parade organized by the […]

Defeating the Islamo-‘Progressive’ Axis
There’s evidently a fine line between a “hate crime” and a BLT. The Reuters headline screamed: “Bacon found at NY Muslim celebration probed as possible hate crime.” I was expecting the subtitle: “Cops bring lettuce & tomato, dispose of evidence,” but to no avail. (Pork, of course, is verboten in Islamic culture. Don’t knock it, […]

Poem: “First Kiss”
First Kiss Shivering, water awaits morning’s first kiss. Mounding, swells reflect dawn’s hopeful glow. Returning, trawlers absorb beams’ warming rays. Longing, shore-bound sojourners anticipate sunrise’s mysterious power. Ah! The first kiss, Love! Lovers glow radiating, radiating… Transfigured: Warmer than a glow More penetrating than a […]

Movie Review: Restless Heart
Every Christian has heard about the stunning conversion of St Augustine, the most famous doctor of the Church. His wisdom permeates Western culture and Catholics are familiar with his saying, “You have made us for Thyself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee”. We have heard about St Augustine’s long […]

Does Paul Ryan Want to Take Medicare Away From Seniors?
A year ago, opponents attacked Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), claiming that his plan to reform Medicare would kill grandma by taking away her benefits. Mitt Romney, who, of course, has chosen Ryan as his running mate, is proposing similar changes to Medicare. Does Ryan want to gut Medicare? To the contrary, Ryan’s intention is to […]

My Personal Story: Understanding Fr. Benedict Groeschel’s Comments
Before sharing my story, I must state emphatically that Fr. Benedict’s comments are unconscionable. Child sex-abuse victims are victims. Period. To excuse the culpability of an adult, much less a priest — indeed, to suggest the power, and thus blame, is in the hands of a child — is a catastrophic failure of perspective and judgment, exacerbated […]

Cardinal Dolan: Bewildering No More
In light of the now well-publicized Al Smith Dinner, a number of Catholic commentators, me included, were moved to question Cardinal Dolan’s resolve relative to his handling of politicians who are hostile to the Church. I now feel duty bound in conscience to repent of my presumptuousness. You see, to suggest that His Eminence lacks […]

Demographics as the Grim Reaper
We live in an age unique in human history. Per capita incomes have never been higher, lifespans have never been longer, and people are better fed and educated than ever before. At the same time, birth rates have fallen to historically low levels. In fact, they have fallen to levels so low that they will […]

Do Women Still Need Men?
There seems to be a growing idea in our world today that we don’t actually need men for much more than their “contribution” to the furthering of the human race. This idea has become so prevalent that an opinion piece about it has made its way to the New York Times. Greg Hampikian, the author […]

Syria’s WMDs the More Immediate Threat
On July 23, 2012, Syria—one of seven nations not to sign the Chemical Weapons Convention—admitted owning a stockpile of chemical and biological weapons. A foreign ministry spokesman warned that Damascus would use these weapons against any force intervening in its civil war. NATO estimates that Syria produces several hundred tons of chemical/biological (chem/bio) agents annually. […]

How the Contraceptive Mindset Helped Pave the Way to Same-Sex “Marriage”
After looking at the comments left on my last post, Was Jesus Really Silent on Same-Sex “Marriage”?, I recognized the need to be more explicit on a point. Even though the gospels record only a few statements from Jesus regarding marriage, it is enough to undercut any claim by Christians that marriage should be redefined […]

The American Bible Challenge – #TABC Is Television Worth Watching
For awhile my teens were fans of Who Wants to be a Millionaire? They loved the fact that the contestant was earning money for charity, the increasing difficulty of the questions, and the drama of the contest. But I didn’t like the questions which had little educational content. So aside from Jeopardy, which they find […]

Democrats are the True Abortion Extremists
With fewer than three-dozen reckless words uttered in a local television interview, U.S. Rep. Todd Akin managed to do what President Barack Obama, erstwhile Obama cheerleader Sen. Claire McCaskill and the entire Democratic Party have struggled unsuccessfully to do for months now: Knock the Republican Party off message and distract voters from their own failed […]

Poem: “Remember”
Remember Remember me when I am gone away, Gone far away into the silent land; When you can no more hold me by the hand, Nor I half turn to go, yet turning stay. Remember me when no more day by day You tell me of our future that you plann’d: Only remember me; you […]