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The Dangerous Article for Boys
It is now well-recognized that boys are not reading. What is the problem? Most commentators want to say that boys have an aversion to books. But the problem is quite the opposite: books—modern books, that is—have an aversion to boys. A recent edition of The New York Times Sunday Book Review featured a Robert Lipsyte article that […]

Teaching NFP has Enriched Our Marriage in Many Ways
We have been teaching NFP for nearly 28 years. We have volunteered much of our time preparing and teaching classes of many couples over the years, as well as lecturing to marriage preparation courses and youth group meetings, but let me share with you what we have gotten out of it. Admittedly, when we first […]

Poem: “Te Deum”
Te Deum Imperium recedes, Two thousand years ago God began to bleed – Benedic, anima mea, Domino The tree receives the ax, Demons strike a blow, Furious they hack – Benedic, anima mea, Domino Furious they strike, Merciful it flows, Who can bleed the like? Benedic, anima mea, Domino Wounded is the tree, Wounded it […]

Book Review: The Mass: The Glory, the Mystery, the Tradition
The Mass: The Glory, the Mystery, the Tradition by Cardinal Wuerl, the Archbishop of Washington D.C. and Mike Aquilina is a well-written and concise book about the Holy Mass. Though it was written to coincide with the implementation of the new translation of the Roman Missal last year, I think it can also be a great tool for […]

Singer and Savulescu: 1-2 Punch of Death
Everyone knows about Peter Singer, the utilitarian ethicist that argues for everything from euthanasia to infanticide and who recently wrote an op-ed suggesting that just being human doesn’t give you a right to live. Many people do not know about his protégé Julian Savulescu. It is time to start paying attention. Who is Julian Savulescu? […]

Selfish Akin Bringing GOP Down With Him
If “all politics is local politics,” it must be said: This is a bad week to be a Missourian. No, I don’t live in Missouri. But I’m a conservative and a pro-life advocate, so thanks to Rep. W. Todd Akin, I must necessarily worry about the U.S. Senate race in Missouri, a contest that should […]

The Road to Rome, Part II: Why Not Lutheranism?
This is the second of six articles relating the writer’s journey into the bosom of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. Having succumbed to spiritual desolation following the rejection of his Adventist heritage, the young seeker investigates various Christian traditions, hoping to discover the Truth. Part I may be found here. “If I was […]

One of “Those” Questions
I remember one night, not too long ago, when our 8-year-old’s homework assignment was to read a chapter from his religion book. As Quinn and I finished the section about patron saints, we chatted about the patron of ‘this and that’ and he mentioned St. Benedict—his favorite since learning about him in first grade. Quinn: What’s […]

Al Kresta Celebrates Miraculous Recovery and 15 Years at Ave Maria Radio
Today, Catholic radio operates in over 200 markets in the U.S. in addition to the Internet and Sirius Radio. But fifteen years ago, the Catholic airwaves were much quieter until a revolution of sorts began in Ann Arbor, MI. The city, home to the University of Michigan, is identified as a seedbed of learning. When […]

Traditional Values Resolution Hijacked at Human Rights Council in Geneva
Likely the Russians are furious. Last year the Russian government initiated a process at the Human Rights Council in Geneva that was supposed to lead to a resolution touting traditional values. They rediscovered what they likely already knew, that such debates at the UN are fraught with danger, particularly for those who want to support […]

He DID Build This!
A very controversial slogan during this heated election season is “We did build this.” This phrase centers around the debate of who is responsible for the building of small businesses — government or small business owners. Many are deeply divided on this issue, and it has become a core theme for choosing the direction of […]

Calling Mary “Our Life, Our Sweetness, and Our Hope”
When it comes to the Mother of God, the Catholic Church honors Mary with many titles, prayers and devotions. During the liturgical season of Ordinary Time, priests, deacons, seminarians, consecrated men and women and the laity conclude the final hour of the Liturgy of the Hours, Compline (Night Prayer), with a hymn to Mary—the Salve […]

One Waiting for Us
My husband Mark and I used to make a trip to the maternity ward every couple of years. Given our track record, it was a good idea to have an extra home pregnancy kit tucked away on a bathroom shelf. One month, I did not really think I was pregnant but since I was late, […]

The President Without a Country: A Review of 2016 — Obama’s America
Breathes there the man, with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said, This is my own, my native land! Barack Obama is not an American. No, 2016 — Obama’s America, does not deny that Obama was born in Hawaii; there is not a whiff of the “birther” controversy in this surprisingly engaging documentary. But the film […]

‘Just Being Human Doesn’t Give You a Right to Live’: Singer Sums Up Pro-Abortion Philosophy
“Membership of the species Homo sapiens is not enough to confer a right to life.” To the ears of us ordinary people, it sounds like the ravings of some fringe group of European neo-fascists or Communists, but the man who made that statement in a Scottish newspaper today is perhaps the most acclaimed and respected […]

Fanning the Flames of Left-wing Violence
To borrow from President Obama’s Black Nationalist mentor, Jeremiah Wright, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s hate-baiting chickens “have come home to roost.” The hard-left group has become everything it presumes to expose. Last Wednesday, homosexual activist Floyd Corkins entered the Washington-based Family Research Council (FRC) armed with a gun and a backpack full of ammunition. He […]

Preaching and Receiving the Living Word
“Receive the Word of God not as the word of men, but as it truly is: the Word of God” (1 Thessalonians 2:13). Here it comes: a Bible-thumping sermon from a Spirit-filled preacher. On my most recent vacation, I drove through the Midwest—Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, and Indiana. I love radio, and as I traveled through the […]

Interview with Peggy Bowes on Health and Wellness
As someone who has suffered from a chronic health condition most of her adult life, it was with great interest that I began researching health and fitness many years ago. I wanted to understand what I was going through but also wanted to see it all in the light of my faith. The mainstream medical […]

Poem: “Holy Face”
Holy Face Your hideous face compels me to stare, no gawk, at you As I peruse stalls in Caru-a-ru market. Every week I search out your emotionless countenance Wandering through the crowds. What are you doing here? Can your lopsided eyes see the wares hawked in my direction? Or does your left eye double as […]

Smashing the Box
When writing web copy — or any other marketing piece — try to avoid words and phrases that have been overused. Like … You’ll be glad you did … Improve your bottom line … Done right … Outside the box … We pride ourselves … There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of the above […]

IN ANNO MCMLXVII (Ephesians 5:15-20)
The year was 1967. The Summer of Love. Across America young people adopted a new way of living: “turning on, tuning in, and dropping out.” Love, or something like it, was in the air. But the counter-cultural movement of the Sixties caused much pain and confusion in the Roman Catholic Church. Today we suffer from the hangover: sex and drugs […]

Would You Date You?
Would the type of person you are praying to meet and fall in love with find you attractive? When and if it should happen that you meet someone special, fall in love, and get married, the process starts with you. This is the premise of my first book, Would You Date You? I appeared on […]

A Catholic Leader with Big Ideas: Paul Ryan Answers the Call
But America is more than just a place…it’s an idea. It’s the only country founded on an idea. Our rights come from nature and God, not government. We promise equal opportunity, not equal outcomes. — Congressman Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) at Norfolk,VA on Saturday With the USS Wisconsin as a backdrop, Mitt Romney presented Janesville Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI) as […]

Values, Virtues, and Your Daughter’s Date
I’ve been a parent for a long time now, and I have heard many, many parents — in real life, in print, and on television — talk about their ultimate hopes for their children: “I just want my child to be happy.” “I want my child to be successful.” “I want my child to have […]