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All Articles

Poem: “Upon a Gloomy Night”
Upon a Gloomy Night Dark Night of the Soul I Upon a gloomy night, All cares thrown to love (Oh delightful adventure!) With nobody in sight I went about when all my house was hushed In safety, unseen, I crept up the secret stair (Oh happy undertaking!) Hidden from all other eyes When in my […]

What Kind of Religious Freedom Do We Want?
We are living at a time when the Church in the United States must vigorously defend herself against attacks on religious freedom. In particular, the government is trying to force believers to violate their consciences when it comes to what kind of services their companies’ health insurance policies will cover. Priests for Life is proud […]

August 15th, A Day for Miracles in Detroit
On Wednesday, August 15th Catholics from all over Northeastern United States and Canada will converge on one of the hidden jewels of Detroit; a 131 year old replica of the miraculous Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in France. In 1858, a peasant girl by the name of Bernadette of Soubirous claimed to see a […]

Right Here, Right Now
I recently read an article written by a Protestant about modern worship. The author explored all the new ways, through technology and media, to keep the members interested in the worship service. The article was about how to keep the attendees feeling like they had a good God experience, new songs, new music, new films, […]

Poem: “Consider the Lilies of the Field”
Consider the Lilies of the Field Flowers preach to us if we will hear:– The rose saith in the dewy morn: I am most fair; Yet all my loveliness is born Upon a thorn. The poppy saith amid the corn: Let but my scarlet head appear And I am held in scorn; Yet juice of […]

Romance Fiction – Jewel
Jewel – a romance [an excerpt from the book] Chapter One “This is all?” Carter Paxton, technology entrepreneur, frowned at the thin stack of printouts. “Yes, sir.” Kevin Johnston, able-bodied assistant, straightened his shoulders and waited. He knew from experience not to bother explaining until his boss asked. The two men were alike in […]

The Abortioneers Want a “Tripadvisor” for Abortion Clinics
Under the “You CAN’T make this stuff up” category, I’d like to talk about a post this week found on the webpage of “The Abortioneers.” It’s a gathering place for abortion practitioners to compare notes, in this case pondering the importance of “first impressions” and what happens if the word gets round that your clinic […]

Oak Tables and the After Life
I am no theologian. I know there are probably theological treatises on what happens in the afterlife when we die. I just know there is an afterlife. How do I know? My grandma’s oak table. My grandmother, Iris, was Italian. Her family immigrated to San Francisco from Genoa. She and my grandfather, also descended from […]

Amnesty International Uses Maternal Deaths to Push for Unrestricted Abortion
Amnesty International, a human rights organization that used to be abortion neutral, is now using the problem of maternal mortality to advocate for abortion. In a new report, ostensibly on medical care for maternal health, Amnesty calls on governments to repeal abortion laws and conscience protection for medical workers who may object. They also call […]

Putting Together a Last-Minute Curriculum
It’s August, and while most of us have our school or homeschooling plans all neatly lined up and ready to go, I know there are a few parents out there scrambling to get a homeschool up and running at the last minute. If you’re in the pinch right now, I’d like to offer four thoughts […]

Mission Territory
Will the present whiff of secularist persecution be a help toward healing what ails American Catholics as a Church? Leaving aside predictions, I’ll only say: it may. Cardinal Timothy Dolan has a flair for getting people’s attention. The Archbishop of New York did that recently by declaring the Big Apple “mission territory.” Many other bishops […]

How to Be a Cowgirl Without Even Trying
When our church had its annual fiesta, we stopped by and wandered over to the live entertainment. It was a cowboy with a long mustache and in full get-up doing rope tricks. At one point he asked for a volunteer and chose a boy. My seven-year-old daughter said to me, “I want to go up there.” […]

Morality in Medicine: Advice From Dr. Fox
Dr. Paul Fox has been a family physician for over three decades in the sticks of rural Virginia, Florida and western Pennsylvania where he earned the respect and trust of his peers and patients. He and his wife have four children and six grandchildren. Dr. Fox is a convert to Catholicism and worships in the Byzantine […]

Trying and Trusting and Being “So Good”
She came home in tears, my little ballerina. She wanted the part of Clara in the dance theater production of The Nutcracker. So did about 37 other girls. Only one got the part of course, and that year it was not my daughter. I don’t normally throw celebrity quotes at my children. Because, well, normally I […]

Cathy, Dolan, and Discipleship in Action
Dan Cathy, CEO of Chick-fil-A, made a simple statement that wound up creating an uproar among those who detest people of faith. Yet it inspired thousands to do as the cows in the Chick-fil-A commercials request—to eat more chicken! August 1 was a glorious day for hungry folks, people of faith, and commitment to work […]

What’s In a Recovery?
Thomson Reuters’ latest survey of Wall Street analysts’ expectations about next quarter’s corporate earnings has prompted some to wonder whether the canary in the coal mine is beginning to feel lightheaded. According to the Wall Street Journal, those in the know are expecting decreased earnings in the third quarter, the first quarterly decline since the […]

It Was A Beautiful Service, But…
JI attended a Protestant church a while ago for a worship service. A friend and colleague had died, and I was there to pray for him and his family. The church was beautiful. High ceilings, with stained glass windows on the back wall of the sanctuary. A pulpit made of beautiful wood, raised high in […]

Iran’s Islamicists Orchestrate a Baby Bust: Who Would Have Imagined?
Elizabeth Crnkovich also contributed to this article. Iran’s fertility rate has crashed over the past few decades of Islamicist rule. So much so that the mullahs who run the country are now calling for more babies to be born. How did things come to such a pass? After all, the Koran, like the Torah and […]

Why I Hate Mr. Darcy
No, that isn’t one of my misleading provocative titles. I’m not going to be all clever and then reveal that I, like every woman my age, think Darcy is just the most wonderful thing ever. He’s not. He’s kind of awful. If you haven’t read Pride and Prejudice–or at least seen the BBC movie–you might […]

Poem: “The Star”
The Star She picked up the zucchini and belted out a ditty About living on a farm and singing a country tune. The girl with the microphone knew about foot long zucchinis and birds that say, “Bawk! Bawk!” as life’s refrain. “Bawk-Bawk! Bawk-Bawk! Bawk-Bawk!” She follows the clucking birds into the woods That invite her […]

In Defense of Cardinal Dolan
Chances are you’ve already caught wind of the firestorm that is brewing around the annual Al Smith Dinner. For those unfamiliar, the entire controversy is based largely on unverified, secondhand, claims that Cardinal Timothy Dolan has extended an invitation to attend the prestigious event as a co-keynote speaker to President Barack Obama – the most […]

Vain Repetition or Babble?
The early teen years are a time when charming misinformation is passed on from kid to kid with the solemn, easy assurance of time-tested wisdom. “Schnauzer” is a dirty word in German. The F-word is an acronym meaning “For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge” (in fact, that became a Van Halen album title towards the end of […]

Healing in the Fire: Conclusion (Part 7)
Please click for: Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4, Part5, Part 6 In 1991, the MS forced me into medical retirement from the Canadian Civil Service. I sank into a clinical depression. Being put out to pasture at 38 years of age is not a pleasant prospect. Now, more than 28 years since my diagnosis with MS, my physical health is gone, but […]

An Irrational and Sinister Campaign
Why have an article on marriage law appear in a journal dedicated to economics? Surely the “purely” private domestic arrangements of a cohabiting couple are of no consequence to economic policy, or wider economic principles? While these questions may well represent a typical response to an article of this kind, we distributists, of course, know […]