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All Articles

“Gay Marriage”: Killing the Democracy of the Dead
President Obama’s position on gay marriage has won some converts, from (perhaps) the entirety of the Democratic Party to (especially) young people. As to the latter, one of them emailed me recently. A good-hearted, thoughtful young man, who this fall will be a freshman at a very liberal college in the Northeast, I’ll leave him […]

NFP Over Forty
It’s a common misconception that any form of natural family planning (NFP) doesn’t work very well for women over forty because, oddly like teenagers, the body doesn’t produce the hormones that affect ovulation consistently and, therefore, following the natural signs of fertility is unreliable. I’ve had people knit their brow at me plenty for being […]

Lives ‘Unworthy of Being Lived’ and POLST
Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) has taken another well-deserved hit. The Wisconsin Catholic bishops have issued a brilliant statement entitled “Upholding the Dignity of Human Life.” In this statement, the bishops make clear that the POLST form has serious problems, outlining them as follows: The POLST document raises concerns as to whether it accurately […]

Poem: “As Kingfishers Catch Fire”
As Kingfishers Catch Fire As king fishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; As tumbled over rim in roundy wells Stones ring; like each tucked string tells, each hung bell’s Bow swung finds tongue to fling out broad its name; Each mortal thing does one thing and the same: Deals out that being indoors each one […]

Politics and Theology — The Mormon Implications
As the 2012 presidential election nears, Romney’s Mormon religion has, by necessity, been taken off the table as an issue for most Christians. Thanks to the actions of the Obama administration — with our freedom so imperiled and our nation’s fiscal house so shaky — the troubling aspects of Romney’s religious affiliation, have faded into the […]

The Catholic Vote and Romney’s Fortunes
With less than 100 days until the election, Governor Mitt Romney is in the launch position for a vigorous fall campaign with the stars aligning for success in November. Okay, okay. The London trip did start out a little rough, but consider the following: Gallup tracking poll shows the Governor in a dead heat with President Obama, tied […]

Making Noise, Not Arguments
In my work as a social conservative, I have been puzzled by some of the rhetorical strategies of my opponents. Sometimes I feel my head spinning, as if I have been going around in circles, with no obvious conclusion in sight. I have been seeking the key to understanding them, a Rosetta Stone that will […]

American Islamist Groups Shape Arab Revolutions
Illustrating that the jihadist enterprise transcends all borders, American Islamist groups typically preoccupied with remaking the U.S. have been leaving their fingerprints on the campaign to exchange secular authoritarianism for religious authoritarianism in the Middle East. As these organizations labor stateside to nudge the governing class to embrace Arab Islamists at the expense of liberals […]

Mayors Chicken Out of True Family Values
A chicken, a big-city mayor and a duck walk into a bar. The bartender looks up and says, “What is this, a joke?” Ba-da-bum. Unfortunately, last week’s brouhaha over remarks made by Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy is not a joke, nor is the bullying his company is experiencing at the hands of Boston Mayor Thomas […]

Summertime and Lemonade
Finding the right balance for a refreshing summer vacation for your kids Summer with kids is like lemonade. It’s all about balance. Too much sugar? Not enough lemon? It’s ruined. But when properly balanced, it’s a lovely beverage of sweet and sour contrasts and it’s special. That’s how a kid’s summer should be, special. The […]

Diminishing the Disabled
The results of a recent survey of parents of children with disabilities ran cross-grain to the mentality that characterizes our society’s culture of death. Published in the medical journal Pediatrics, the survey included parents of 272 children suffering from the extreme genetic conditions Trisomy 13 and Trisomy 18—conditions where a child is born with an extra 13 […]

Book Review: Eco-Tyranny
In Eco-Tyranny, author Brian Sussman sounds a timely and important warning: The radical “greens” are not in retreat. With the defeat of cap-and-trade legislation in 2010 and the increasingly discredited alarmist theory of anthropogenic global warming, the greens may have lowered their public profile; however, with the full cooperation of the Obama administration, they are […]

The Government’s Argument is Atrocious!
On Friday, a federal judge in Colorado granted a preliminary injunction barring the HHS mandate from taking effect against a small, family-run business that holds strong beliefs that abortion-inducing drugs, contraceptives, and sterilization violate their religious faith. The Newland family owns and operates Hercules Industries, a private, for-profit HVAC equipment manufacturer. Their 265 full-time employees […]

Culture War & The Armor of God
My friend Gary Zimak recently wrote, “One of the biggest mistakes that we can make is to treat the Bible as an ordinary book. Although it may look like a book, it is so much more. When we open up the pages of Sacred Scripture, we can actually hear Jesus speaking directly to us.” It inspired […]

The Morality of Testing for Down Syndrome
A response to the many queries I’ve been receiving about this topic: The technological genie is out of the bottle. We live in the age of Molecular Biology, where diagnostics (including those for Down Syndrome) are becoming much more accurate, sensitive, and inexpensive. It’s a blessed thing to behold. That may come as a surprise […]

Maslow’s Hierarchy Revisited—Parenthood’s On Top!
Sometimes you just want to roll your eyes and say “Duh!” A team of researchers at Arizona State University, led by evolutionary psychologist Douglas Kenrick, has noticed that most people really like being parents. Despite the challenges of child-rearing, Kenrick reported that the warmth, the love, the creativity, the sense of purpose and belonging—all of these […]

Poem: “The Wind at My Back”
The Wind at My Back I look for a path in the new fallen snow For it is night and not wise to travel Where am I going? I want to know As the wind at my back does show me It howls in the night like a wolf at the moon As it rushes […]

The Prophecies of Humanae Vitae
You may be forgiven for not knowing that July 25, was the 44th anniversary of encyclical Humanae Vitae. Who, after all, is going to remind you? Not the secular media, which scoffs at the idea that men and women can practice self-control in matters of sex. No, they will not breathe a word about Pope […]

Using the Gifts God Has Given You, Part 4
Please read Using the Gifts God Has Given You, Part 1, Using the Gifts God Has Given You, Part 2 and Using the Gifts God Has Given You, Part 3. The spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him: a spirit of wisdom and of understanding, a spirit of counsel and of strength, a spirit […]

Nothing Vain About It
“So basically you are a ‘vanity press,’” was the question posed to me that really sounded more like a statement of fact—and an unattractive one at that. “Well, we offer a variety of publishing services and some of those services are that authors do, indeed, pay to have their books published with us,” were the […]

Do Abortion Comparisons Make Sense?
Is it right to compare abortion to the Colorado theater shooting,the Nazi Holocaust, and other tragic losses of life? To answer this question one must first answer the question: what is abortion? Abortion is simply a word used to describe the action of killing a human person in one of the early stages of that […]

The Loss of Heaven?
“…because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell…” I was in confession a few years ago when the priest, just before the part where you’re supposed to make your Act of Contrition, advised me to recite the version with the above line in it, rather than the one that says, “because […]

The Loneliness of Singlehood
“You can find Calcutta all over the world, if you have eyes to see” Mother Teresa profoundly remarks in this video (at about 2:20). She explains that, “Material poverty you can always satisfy with material. The unwanted, the unloved, the uncared, the forgotten, the lonely: this is much greater poverty” (at 4:15). There are many that […]

Poem: “A Dead Astronomer”
A Dead Astronomer (Father Perry, S.J.) Starry amorist, starward gone, Thou art–what thou didst gaze upon! Passed through thy golden garden’s bars, Thou seest the Gardener of the Stars. She, about whose moon-ed brows Seven stars make seven glows, Seven lights for seven woes; She, like thine own Galaxy, All lustres in one purity:- What […]