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Poem: “Times Go By Turns”
Times Go By Turns The lopped tree in time may grow again Most naked plants renew both fruit and flower The sorriest weight may find release of pain The driest soil suck in some moistening shower Times go by turns and chances change by course From foul to fair from better happ to worse The […]

10 Things to Consider When Sharing your Catholic Faith
“Conversion requires convincing of sin, it includes the interior judgment of conscience, and this, being proof of the action of the Spirit of Truth in man’s inmost being, becomes at the same time the start of a new grant of grace and love” — Blessed John Paul II, DeV 31; CCC 1848 “I can’t believe […]

Pre-Existing Prenatal Conditions and Health Care Coverage
Part of the recently upheld Affordable Care Act that many in the disability community applaud is the elimination of policy exclusions for pre-existing conditions. I agree that our culture should not discriminate against and withhold heath care from an individual based on a physical or mental disability. Early Intervention services, exceptional educators, and medical advances […]

Liberation Theology: Two Prefects, Two Views
If you’re not familiar with “liberation theology,” chances are you’ll be hearing more about it in the weeks and months ahead as Archbishop Gerhard Mueller, the newly appointed Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), is said to be a student, friend and supporter of Fr. Gustavo Gutiérrez, the “father” of […]

Feeling Superior: The Lake, That Is
“Lake Superior is the biggest, deepest, cleanest, coldest and roughest of all the Great Lakes,” said the captain of the tour boat as we cruised out of Munising, Michigan, average snowfall 250 inches, to view the Pictured Rocks National Shoreline. Pictured Rocks is a spectacular display of multicolored sandstone cliffs and geologic formations, soaring to […]

The Power of a Mother’s Prayer
Her son was a wild one. She had tried to impart solid virtues and a lively faith—but her atheist husband quashed that with his brusque way and bad example. So when her eldest son reached his teens, he broke away—rejecting Christianity for an occult religion, and preferring an easy life of casual relationships and carefree […]

The Vatican’s Real Communication Problem
“Smart move.” That’s how many loyal Catholics reacted to the announcement that the Vatican had hired a veteran American newsman as a consultant to grapple with its communication problems. In many respects, the reaction was correct. As an experienced professional with Fox News and Time, and a serious Catholic, Greg Burke is an excellent choice […]

Gates Summit Raises Billions for Abortion Groups
“What are women’s attitude toward children,” I asked a representative from a Sierra Leone family planning organization. “Before the war, they were negative. Now they are positive.” “Do they want children?” I clarified. “Yes, they want children. They need to learn their rights. When they learn their rights, they won’t want children.” He was among the select invited to London […]

The Awakened Giant Likes Tea
It’s often said, “Be careful what you wish for – you just might get it.” Democrats got it all right. U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts – once counted among the constitutional originalists on the high court – has granted President Obama’s supreme wish. By inexplicably siding with the court’s left wing and upholding […]

The Good Book(s)
THE FACT IS … After college I landed a job as a reporter. “Meatball journalism”—four or five stories daily—was the quota. The editor, Joe D., took me under his wing. He said, “Kid, remember two things about newspapering. First, we are obliged to report the facts.” “What’s the second thing, Joe?” “Never let the facts […]

Can “Brave-ry” be Over the Top?
The “wee bairn” Merida, is a Scottish medieval princess who is irresistible as a tyke, romping with her parents, yet sadly morphs into a Disney-esque stubborn, roughneck runaway teen who wants to remake her queenly and gracious mother Elinor. Rejecting the ridiculous suitors, that according to clan tradition, she must choose from, Merida flees into […]

The Gift of Spiritual Motherhood
I’ve been stumbling over a habit I have of referring to “my kids.” I’m sure that’s confusing to those of you who don’t know me. “Wait, didn’t I see something about consecrated virginity? But she has kids? Hang on, now….”So rather than footnote it every time, I thought I’d write you a good long explanation. […]

Poem: “And Even Shame”
And Even Shame They were drinking vodka And I heard one say: Stas, remember The prisoner we held began to plead: Let me die But we refused You will not perish when you wish But when we choose? He spoke and laughed. I saw him yesterday In that new world Where serpent death uncurls Downward […]

Thorns for Life
The readings for the Sunday Liturgy recently included passages from Ezekiel, St. Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians, and the Gospel of St. Mark. Ezekiel is sent by God to proclaim to the “impudent and stubborn” Israelites that he is their faithful God, and to repent and return to Him. Say to them God tells […]

San Diego Baseball Camp Has Christ at Its Center
Mike Sweeney’s Catholic Baseball Camp, to be held July 24-26 at Cathedral Catholic High School in San Diego, is not your average baseball camp. In addition to the customary fielding, hitting and base-running, this camp will include daily Mass, confession and praying the Rosary. Participants will learn not only how to become great baseball players, […]

Multi-Tools: What’s in Your Pocket?
I cannot remember why I came across EDC or Everyday Carry, but it kept me busy for a little while just trying to see what other men carry. As you can see, these guys carry a mixture of things from the useful and small to compact and rare. Common pocket dwellers include: keys, pen, wallet, pocket knife, […]

The Mark of Cain: Healing in the Fire, Part 4
Click for: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 In the initial few months after my father’s death I was in a haze of grief. The remainder of winter and early Spring were spent dazed, going through the motions of daily life on automatic pilot. It was the Catholic priest, Father Lynch, who consoled me. My father’s Protestant Church […]

The Marriage Debate is More Than Just a Word Game
President Obama’s announcement this May that he supports same-sex marriage underlines the urgent need for the Church to launch a massive new program to educate Catholics on the nature of sacramental marriage and on the vast difference between a marriage like that and civil marriage. The Church should also continue to participate in the debate […]

Poem: “Carolina”
Carolina Carolina Blue exists, just not today Today a dusty blue blankets Carolina Carolina wrens still twitter in the woods Woods that welcome those seeking shelter Shelter from the heat or TV TV shows that fail to refresh the senses Senses dulled by overstimulation and heat Heat steaming off porches sprayed with water Water tepid […]

Egypt’s Real Ruler: Mohamed Tantawi
What does it mean that Mohamed Morsi is president of Egypt? Speaking for the American consensus, Bret Stephens recently argued in the Wall Street Journal against the consolation that the Muslim Brotherhood’s victory “is merely symbolic, since the army still has the guns.” He concluded that “Egypt is lost.” We shall argue to the contrary: […]

A Divided Nation: Is America “Coming Apart?”
Best-selling author and controversial social scientist Charles Murray is back in the news. This time it’s because of his new book, Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010. In Coming Apart, Murray deftly wields both statistical data and anecdotal evidence to document the wholesale abandonment of the ideals that for two centuries defined the […]

The Gangs in Chicago Reflect Wrong Values
For a man known in political and media circles for his prodigious application of the “f-word” (as a noun, an adjective, a verb, an adverb — most likely all eight parts of speech), Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel sounds like the veritable schoolmarm when recently scolding that city’s murderous gangs. In an interview with CBS anchor […]

Saints Are Sinners, Too
VESSELS OF GRACE In the 1970s Billy Joel wrote a hit song, “Only the Good Die Young.” The lyrics go like this (but I won’t sing them): “I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints;/ the sinners are much more fun.” Sinners can be saints, and saints are sinners. A […]

What is the Thorn in Your Flesh?
That I, Paul, might not become too elated, because of the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, an angel of Satan, to beat me, to keep me from being too elated. Three times I begged the Lord about this, that it might leave me, but he said to […]