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All Articles

The Obamacare Ruling: What it Means for America
No matter how it is interpreted, the Supreme Court’s ruling on Obamacare was a landmark decision. On June 28th the Court narrowly voted 5-4 that the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act (ACA) or “Obamacare” is a constitutional law properly legislated by congress. Surprising many was Chief Justice John Roberts siding with the usual suspects from […]

How to Kill a Billion People — Part 1: The Food-Nitrogen-CO2 Nexus
In his 1986 book The Machinery of Nature, population control advocate Paul Ehrlich cited John Holdren, President Obama’s “science czar,” as stating that global warming from CO2 could cause the deaths through starvation of as many as a billion people by 2020. Since climate models haven’t yet successfully predicted local climate-change dynamics vital to crop assessment even in […]

New Technology an Easy Way to Bring Face of Unborn to Unsure Pregnant Women
Stunning 4-D ultrasound imagery of children smiling, yawning, and kicking in the womb may be coming to a mobile phone near you – in the hands of those who need it most. The Cleveland Right to Life Education Fund announced June 28 that it is launching a new campaign to get the scientific evidence of […]

Be Not Afraid, Fellow Catholics
Like you, I don’t like the Supreme Court’s ruling saying that Obamacare is Constitutional. But don’t lose heart. God works in mysterious ways. In the words of Pope John Paul II, “Be not afraid”. First, the question at hand was not the religious liberty issue embedded in the Kathleen Sebelius’ HHS Mandate requiring Catholics and […]

Book Review: After Miscarriage
Baby loss through miscarriage is one of the last taboo subjects in our society. Because in most cases, it is largely a hidden loss, the grief associated with it is all too often dismissed easily by people who just don’t understand. Karen Edmisten and those who contributed to After Miscarriage: A Catholic Woman’s Companion to […]

When the Womb is a Battlefield
In our struggle to remind our fellow citizens that pregnancy involves two people, we often confront the challenge of saying things in new or better ways in order to catch the fleeting attention of others. It has been said that, over the past 10 years or so due to the advent of social media, the […]

Just Have Faith
Imagine this. A religious leader—his name is Jairus—has just received the worst news that any parent could hear: “Your daughter has died.” These words strike terror in his heart, are too real to deny. He turns to Jesus, who says, “Do not be afraid; just have faith” (Mk 5:36). Jesus knows what he’s all about. […]

Created for Immortality
“God did not make death, Neither does He have pleasure over the destruction of the living. For He created all things that they might exist, And the generations of the world so they might be preserved For there was no poison of death in them, Nor was the reign of Hades on the earth. For […]

The Secret Life of Sacred Scripture: An Interview with Stephen J. Binz
Stephen J. Binz’s passion is teaching Catholics to engage in an intimate and powerful dialogue with God through Sacred Scripture. With graduate degrees from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome and Hebrew University in Jerusalem, he is a much sought-after author and speaker. Ten years ago, he completed additional graduate studies in social work and […]

Popsicles, Patience, and Prayer
This is the first summer I’ve had in my Mom Life where it’s not just another season, regulated with hotter temperatures and a reading program at the library. My oldest, you see, has just finished first grade. She’s home for the summer. Which is great. It has also made me really consider how much more she needs me […]

Gates’ Contraception Summit To Enrich Abortion and Population Control Groups
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation wants to gather commitments of billions of dollars from heads of state and other leaders for contraceptive programs aimed at poor women. The Gates Foundation also wants governments to help overcome what they consider to be “barriers” to contraceptive use such as parental involvement. These efforts will take place […]

What Writing Can Do For the Restless Soul
“I’ve written a song,” he says. And he sings it all day long… and the next. It fills the rooms and his siblings throw pillows at him and I stop them and tell him that his work is good. “But Mommy, what if I forget my song? I’m starting to forget. It seems to change […]

Poem: “Raging Crimson Waterfall”
Raging Crimson Waterfall Oh this twisting red river that saturates me Catapults me down in a mire of grime To sordid places I do not aspire to go Yet set out to so willingly Each time I want to do good My corrupted blood denies me[i] How wretched I am Who will rescue me?[ii] […]

Elections 2012: Legitimate “Overthrow” of Governments
The time has come. From now to November 6, a top priority of the Church and the pro-life movement has to be informing and registering voters and then getting them to the voting booths to take part in this year’s elections! Once again, the entire House of Representatives, one-third of the US Senate, and the […]

Using the Gifts God Has Given You, Part 2
Please read part one of this article here: Using the Gifts God Has Given You. If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask him. (Matthew 7:11) I remind you to stir [fan] into […]

Can the Supreme Court Decision be a Win-win for Republicans?
Chief Justice Roberts sided with the Democrat-appointed four Justices ( generally considered “left-leaning”) and upheld the law) basically, looked at cynically, by playing word games (“mandate” vs. “tax”). The four dissenters wanted to strike down the law in its entirety. It was a 5-4 Obama “victory.” I have said all along that either way, opponents of the law […]

The Context of Our Present Crisis: Sons of Cain
As I write this, the country awaits a decision by the Supreme Court regarding the scope of government power and intrusion into all of our lives for the foreseeable future. This is a crisis. It is not a crisis that will be resolved by the Supreme Court’s decision, regardless of the decision. Within our generation, […]

Supreme Court Upholds Obama Health Care Law
Kathleen Gilbert contributed to this breaking story. The Supreme Court has ruled the insurance requirement embedded in President Obama’s federal health care law is constitutional in a 5-4 decision Thursday morning. The High Court’s swing vote came from Chief Justice John Roberts, who was appointed by President George W. Bush. He joined the court’s liberal […]

Low Confidence in Public Schools is Warranted
Perhaps it was the rash of sexual-abuse cases on the part of public school teachers discovered during the 2011-2012 school year. Or maybe it was the poor impression of educators left by Wisconsin teachers union members in the wake of protests against Gov. Scott Walker. Or maybe parents finally took the time to go through […]

How Not to Prevent AIDS
In July the U.S.will host the International AIDS Conference and there is promising news. The experts are now convinced that treatment is prevention. If those who are infected are identified quickly, treated so that their viral load is lowered, not only do they have a good chance of remaining relatively healthy longer, the risk that […]

Poem: “By the Fireside”
By the Fireside I long to sit and write poems Warmed by a crackling fire I long to share With fellow poets, writers, and artists Drinking wine Listening to their readings- I have no fireside, And poets live far away The chores pile up I cook, wash, and sweep Though using a pen when I […]

Owning Genes
While the country breathlessly waits for the Supreme Court to decide on Obamacare, there is another court battle to keep an eye on. This battle may not be as critical as the one on our health care system, but it is still important for the health of anyone with DNA. For decades the U.S. Patent […]

As Heard in a Kindergarten Classroom
Talking to one of the 3rd graders one day, I asked him how his year was going. He said to me, “Oh, it’s going okay. I’ll be really glad when we’re done with fractions, though.” I shook my head understandingly, “Tough, huh?” Without missing a beat he said, “Well, not exactly, but they make my […]